Moving objects in retarded gravitational potentials of an expanding spherical shell

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This Wikibook decribes the acceleration of a moving object because of retarded gravitational forces within a huge expanding shell with a large mass. For this purpose, the principles of gravitational potentials and retarded potentials are presented and applied by way of example. The effect of retarded gravitational potentials could contribute to the explanation of the accelerated expansion of the universe, which often is related to a term called "dark energy".

Brief historical review[edit | edit source]

The finiteness of the propagation speed of gravity and its influence to gravitational forces was originally stated by Paul Gerber (1854–1909) in 1898.[1]

In 1953 the German astrophysicist Erwin Finlay-Freundlich (1885–1964) derived a blackbody temperature for intergalactic space of 2.3 Kelvin according to his theory of tired light.[2] The German-British mathematician and physicist Max Born (1882–1970) immediately recommended taking the problem seriously and pursuing it further.[3]

Map of cosmic background radiation with artificial colours that show tiny temperature variations.

In 1965 the cosmic microwave background (CMB) was discovered by US-American radio astronomers Arno Allan Penzias (1933–2024) and Robert Woodrow Wilson (born 1936).[4] It has a thermal black body spectrum at a very low temperature of about 2.7 Kelvin. Since the cosmic microwave background was mainly created in the visible area of the electromagnetic spectrum, it must have undergone a strong wavelength extension on its way to the observers. This can happen because of two main reasons:

  • The origin of the radiation moves away from us very quickly, which will cause an increase of the wavelength according to the relativistic Doppler effect described by Christian Doppler (1803–1853) in 1842.[5]
  • There is a huge mass behind the origin of the radiation, which will cause an increase of the wavelength according to the gravitation and the relativity principle of Albert Einstein (1879–1955) of 1907.[6]

The redshift factor is defined as a relation between an emitted wavelength and an observed wavelength of electromagnetic radiation:

The redshift of the cosmic microwave background was found to be in 2003, which is an extremely high value.[7] The age of the universe at the time this background radiation was created by hydrogen atoms has been estimated at around 400,000 years.[8] In January 2024 the very young and very far galaxis JADES-GS-z14-0 was found with the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This galaxy was observed in a state 290 million years after the big bang. Its redshift measured with the well-known Lyman alpha break at a wavelength about 1.8 micometres has a very high value of a good 14, which is much lower than that of the cosmic microwave background.[9]

Observations of distant type Ia supernovae published by both the Supernova Cosmology Project as well as the High-Z Supernova Search Team in 1998 show that the relative expansion of the universe is accelerating. For the analysis the astronomers Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam Riess were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011.[10]

In 2013 the Indian researcher Chandrakant Raju proposed to apply the retarded gravitation theory (RGT) to explain the flyby anomaly of spacecrafts in the graviational field of the earth as well as the acceleration of masses in the retarded gravitational fields of spriral galaxies.[11]

In 2016, researchers from the gravitational-wave observatory LIGO reported the first direct measurement of gravitational waves generated by the collision of two black holes (gravitational wave event GW150914).[12] Already in 2017 the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the first direct observation of gravitational waves.[13]

On 17th August 2017 a merging binary neutron star was observed independently and simultanuously by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors (gravitational wave event GW170817) and the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor as well as the Anticoincidence Shield for the Spectrometer for the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (gamma ray burst event GRB 170817A).[14] These observations prove that the propagation velocity of gravitational waves must be extremly close to that of electrodynamic waves.

Classic approach[edit | edit source]

This Wikibook assumes a huge amount of dark matter that is in a huge shell behind the visible part of the universe. This matter is rather cold, and it can be assumed that it is in a in thermal equilibrium. Therefore, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by it can be represented by the Planck radiation law. The emission of such a cold source of electromagnetic radiation is not visible and additionally it will have experienced redshift due to the relative velocity of the emitting shell and its mass.

The gravitational force between two masses and in a distance of is given by Newton's law of universal gravitation with the gravitational constant :

In a thought experiment it is possible to investigate the behaviour of a mass that is located within a spherical shell with the mass . The approach described in 1687 by Isaak Newton (1643–1727 in Gregorian dates) is called Newton's shell theorem.[15] According to this theorem a mass within a homogeneous and spherically symmetric shell with a mass experiences no net gravitational force. Additionally, this is regardless of the location of the mass within the shell as well as of its velocity.

This behaviour can be easily explained with the following consideration: let a mass be within a homogeneous and spherically symmetric shell with the radius and the areal density . Then the area and the mass of the shell can be expressed as:

About the equivalence of the gravitational force to a mass in a homogeneous and spherically symmetric shell with the two area elements and .

If we take an axis symmetrical double cone where the tips of the two cones are located at the position of the mass within a homogeneous and spherically symmetric shell, we get the situation shown in the adjacent figure.

For the two infinitesimally small area elements and in the distances and of a mass with the same infinitesimally small angle elements :

For the appropriate masses and of the two area elements:

With Newton's law of universal gravitation, we can express the two infinitesimally small gravitational forces and due to the masses of the two area elements:

It is obvious that both forces have the same value, and since they must be directed in opposite directions, they add to zero. In other words: a mass within a spherical shell does not experience a net gravitational force.

Retarded gravitational potentials[edit | edit source]

Already the German physicist and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild (1873–1916) described retarded potentials for elecrodynamic fields (he still used the term "electrokinetic potential") in 1903.[16] Retarded potentials are a mathematical description of potentials in a field theory in which a field quantity propagates at a finite speed (speed of light) and not instantaneously. They occur in the investigation of time-dependent problems, such as the radiation of electromagnetic waves, but also in the propagation of gravitational waves.

Objects that are moving towards the outer rim of the universe will experience retarded gravitational potentials by the expanding dark matter that can be assumed at the out rim of the universe. Therefore, the appropriate gravitational forces will have delayed effects, and due to the large distances and the finite velocity of gravitational wave propagation they also will be weaker in the direction of the former location of the objects. As a result, the net gravitational force is directed in the direction of movement of these objects, and therefore, all objects that move outwards will be accelerated in the direction of their own movement, which would become observable as an accelerated expansion of the visible universe.

The gravitational potential due to a mass in the distance is given by:

The gravitational force to another mass results as follows:

The time-depending potential is the solution of the inhomogeneous wave equation, where is the inhomogeneity, and is the speed of the propagation of the waves. For gravitational forces we can consider it as equal to the vacuum speed of electromagnetic waves:


where is the Laplace operator, is the D’Alembert operator.

The solution of the inhomogeneous wave equation is called retarded potential, and in three dimensions it can be given as:

The retardation is to be interpreted in such a way that a source element at the point and at the time only influences the potential at the distant point of impact at at a later time :[17]

is called the retarded time. At the location and at the time the retarded potential only depends on the inhomogeneity in the retarding back cone of the location. This inhomogeneity has a retarded effect to the solution, and it is delayed with the wave velocity .

In a shell[edit | edit source]

Moving mass with the velocity in a spherical shell with the mass , the radius and its centre in a Euclidean plane.

In the simplified example in the adjacent figure the source term is the linear mass density that is not time-dependant and only exists in the circle of the outer rim with the constant radius and its centre at :

In all other locations within the plane the linear mass density is zero:

All mass elements outside the regarded plane have an symmetrical effect to the mass, and therefore, in these locations the contribution of the mass elements to the potential can be neglected for the determination of inhomogeneity:

Furthermore, the mass element on the homogenous circumference of a circle with the radius is given by:

The cosine formula gives us the relation between the location of the mass point in the horizontal distance of the origin of the circle with the radius , when the mass element on the circle is in the direction of the angle and the distance :

In the normalised standard form of the quadratic equation, we get:

The solution for the distance is:

It is obvious that the following simplifications are valid:

Moving mass with the velocity in a spherical shell with the mass and the radius in a Euclidean plane. The origin of the coordinate system is shifted to the mass .

The origin of the coordinate system can be also shifted to the mass :

The retarded time and the retarded potential are given as follows:

Illustration[edit | edit source]

In a simplified example we only consider the infinitesimally small angles in the origin of a spherical shell with the radius and the areal density .

Symmetrical geometry[edit | edit source]

If the mass is in the centre of a spherical shell with the radius we have the following situation:

  • Both angle elements are equal.
  • Both distances are equal to .
  • Both areal elements are equal.
  • Both mass elements are equal.
  • The retarded times of the gravitational potentials of both mass elements are equal.

In this situation the mass does not experience any acceleration in the classical approach (see above) or if its velocity is zero.

Moving masses[edit | edit source]

The situation is changed, if the masses are moving starting at within a time span of . The mass moves with the velocity to the right and the two mass elements and with the radial velocity :

At the time the mass has moved with the velocity the distance to the right:

The spherical shell has expanded with the velocity and gained an increased radius:


This means that the distance of mass element to the mass is always greater than the distance of mass element to the mass .

For the two retarded times for these distances to the location of we get:

With and therefore :


This means that the retarded time of mass element is always later than the retarded time of mass element .

Common case[edit | edit source]

A moving mass m with the velocity with the position at the time . Two further moving mass elements with the velocities and with the positions and at the retarded times and . The propagation velocity of the interacting waves is . The effective distances between the two mass elements and the mass m are and .

In the adjacent diagram there are three mass points that move in space. Their speed is given as follows:

  • Outer mass element top (green):
  • Mass point in between (blue):
  • Outer mass element botton (green):

Their time-depending location is given by these three functions for their x-coordinates:

The time-depending effective distances and between the outer mass elements and the mass point in between them is the difference of the corresponding x-coordinates and linked to the propagation velocity of the interacting waves as follows:

As a result, the corresponding retarded times and for the two outer mass elemens are:

And therefore:


These are the time-depending effective distances for the gravitational potentials of the outer mass elements at their retarded times that have a simultaneous effect to the mass in between them at the time .

For and and according to the diagram we can make the following assumption for the comparison of the effective distances:

quod erat demonstrandum

This means that the retarded time of the upper mass element is always later than the retarded time of the lower mass element.

As well as:

quod erat demonstrandum

Since is always greater than , the assumption is proven.

This means that the effective distance of the moving mass in between them to the lower mass element is always greater than to the moving upper mass element. Finally, it can be stated that the absolute value of the retarded gravitational potential at the location of the moving mass in between them is always greater for the upper mass element than for the lower mass element, if both mass elements have the same value :

The moving mass experiences the corresponding retarded forces:

The net force to the mass is the sum of both:

For the acceleration of the mass we find:

Since the net force as well as the acceleration are positive, and the mass experiences an acceleration to positive x-values, i.e. in the direction of its movement.

Special case[edit | edit source]

Diagram for two retarded gravitational potentials of two moving masses with the positions (grey) and (red) that have an effect to another moving mass at the position (dark blue). The positions of the two outer masses at the retarded times and are indicated in light blue () and orange (). The path of the gravitational waves is indicated by the diagonal dashed green lines.

Let us have a look at the following special case:

Their time-depending location is given by these three functions for their x-coordinates:

The time-depending effective distances and between the outer mass elements and the mass point in between them is the difference of the corresponding x-coordinates:

As a result, the corresponding retarded times and for the two outer mass elemens are:


Thought experiment[edit | edit source]

In a thought experiment we look at the following situation, where is the propagation speed of the gravitational waves. The time line starts at , and the effect of the retarded potentials is synchronised with the occurence of the moving mass. The left moving mass element is regarded at and , the right moving mass element is regarded at and , whilst the moving mass is regarded at and , when the retarded gravitational potentials have their effect to the mass.

In the following diagram the velocity of the waves is normalised and used without unit:

And therefore, only for simplification and without any units, too:

The effective distances for the gravitational potential at are both equal:

At the time the mass experiences the retarded potentials on the left-hand side (distance to mass element is ) and at the right-hand side (distance to mass element is ):

All inhomogeneities contribute to the retarded potential at the location of the mass with the value they had at the retarded times , and :

, this corresponds to the effective time of the two area elements .
, this corresponds to the effective time of the area element on the left.
, this corresponds to the effective time of the area element on the right.

For a mass moving from the centre of a shell to the right the angle element to the left becomes smaller than the original angle element , and the angle element to the right becomes greater than the original angle element :

The following applies to the appropriate mass elements:

For the net force to the mass :

For the acceleration of the mass we find:

Since the net force is positive, and the mass experiences an acceleration to the right, i.e. in the direction of its movement.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy to state that the acceleration is proportional to the areal density of the expanding shell:

Nevertheless it should be noted that the areal density is decreasing with the expansion and the increasing radius of the outer shell.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The considerations described above show that retarded gravitational potentials can contribute to the explanation of the accelerated expansion of the visible part of the universe, if the outer spherical shell of the universe would consist of expanding dark matter with a huge mass. However, this would also hold in a steady state universe and even if the outer dark shell of the universe would not move at all. But in the latter case any moving mass in that shell would reach the shell in a finite time.

It can also be considered that the effect of the retarded gravitational potentials will accelerate moving objects the more, the faster they move, and therefore, the closer they are to the spherical shell of dark matter. Furthermore, also objects within smaller spherical shells that not only are surrounded by expanding dark matter, but also by expanding visible objects will experience the retarded gravitational potentials of these visible objects, and therefore, will experience an additional acceleration which is directed outwards.

Due to Newton's third law (actio = reactio) the shell experiences the same retarded gravitational forces as the moving masses within the shell. These forces will cause a deceleration of the shell which is the stronger the closer the masses within the shell are to it.

The high velocity of visible objects near the outer dark rim of the universe as well as the huge mass of the expanding dark matter in front of them seem to be the reason for the extreme redshift of their light that can be observed. The observation that this redshift is greater than expected for distant objects led to the assumption that the further away these objects are, the more they are accelerated. One reason for this could be found in the effects of the retarded gravitational potentials of a massive dark outer shell.

However, the computation of the accelerations of moving objects due to retarded forces become extremely expensive, if the outer shell is neither homogeneous, nor spherical or symmetrical. Furthermore, relativistic effects could cause time dilatation and mass increase that would have to be considered, too.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Gerber, Paul. Mehmke, R.; Cantor, M. (eds.). "Die räumliche und zeitliche Ausbreitung der Gravitation" [The spatial and temporal expansion of gravity]. Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik (in German). Leipzig. 43: 93–104 – via Verlag B. G. Teubner.
  2. Finlay-Freundlich, Erwin (1953). "Über die Rotverschiebung der Spektrallinien" [On the redshift of spectral lines]. Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (7): 94–101.
  3. Born, Max (1953). "Theoretische Bemerkungen zu Freundlichs Formel für die stellare Rotverschiebung" [Theoretical remarks to Freundlich's formula for the stellar redshift]. Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (7): 102–108.
  4. Penzias, Arno Allan; Wilson, Robert Woodrow (1965). "A Measurement of Excess Antenna Temperature at 4080 Mc/s". The Astrophysical Journal. 142 (1): 419–421. doi:10.1086/148307.
  5. Doppler, Christian (1842). "Ueber das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einiger anderer Gestirne des Himmels" [On the Coloured Light of the Double Stars and some other Celestial Bodies]. Abhandlungen der Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (5/2): 465–485.
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  9. Stefano Carniani, Kevin Hainline (2024-05-30). "NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Finds Most Distant Known Galaxy".
  10. "The Nobel Prize in Physics 2011". Retrieved 2024-03-16.
  11. Raju, Chandrakant (2013-11-27). "Retarded gravitation theory" (PDF). Penang, Malaysia: School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. arXiv:1102.2945. Retrieved 2024-03-22.
  12. LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K. (2016-02-11). "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger". Physical Review Letters. 116 (6): 061102. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102.
  13. "The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017". Retrieved 2024-03-16.
  14. LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; Monitor, Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst; INTEGRAL (2017-10-20). "Gravitational Waves and Gamma-rays from a Binary Neutron Star Merger: GW170817 and GRB 170817A". The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 848 (2): L13. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aa920c. ISSN 2041-8205.
  15. Newton, Isaac (1687). Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica [The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy]. London. p. 193.
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Summary of the project[edit | edit source]

  • Target audience: Astronomers, astrophysicists, physicists, mathematicians
  • Learning objectives: Application of retarded gravitational potentials on large scales.
  • Contact person: User:Bautsch
  • Are co-authors currently desired? Yes. Corrections of obvious errors directly in the text; content please after discussion.
  • Guidelines for co-authors: Wikimedia-like.