Wikijunior:Stories/The Stonecutter

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Wikijunior Stories
The Stonecutter
Some stones turning to sand
Stones in Dahao, China.

The story

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There was once a stonecutter who was dissatisfied with his life. One day he passed by a wealthy merchant. He envied the merchant and what he had in his life. "I wish that I could be a merchant!", he thought.

Then he suddenly became a merchant! he was being envied by other people, who wanted to be like him. Soon a high official passed by, who was carried on a sedan chair and was escorted by many guards and respected by people. Everyone had to bow to him, including the merchant. He thought the high official is more powerful. "I wish that I could be a high official!", he thought.

Then he suddenly became the high official! He was carried on a chair, and people were bowing for him. It was a hot summer day, so he was so uncomfortable in that chair. He realized the sun is more powerful than him. "I wish that I could be the sun!", he thought.

Then he suddenly became the sun! He was shining on everyone. But after some time, a dark cloud came and covered him. He thought that cloud is more powerful than him. "I wish that I could be a cloud!", he thought.

Then he suddenly became a cloud! He was flooding the fields. But soon he realized he is being carried by wind. He thought the wind is more powerful than him. "I wish that I could be wind!", he thought.

Then he suddenly became wind! He was storming everywhere, moving clouds in air, uprooting trees in the fields, and destroying houses in villages. But after blowing on a huge rock, he realized he cannot move that, as the rock was more powerful. "I wish that I could be a big rock!", he thought.

Then he suddenly became a big rock! He thought he is more powerful than anything else. He then heard the sound of a hammer pounding over himself. Looking down, he noticed it is a stonecutter that is cutting him.

What can we learn?

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Humans often compare themselves to others, and sometimes envy others who they think they are better than themselves. But that's just in their head! If you are not content with who you are and wish to be someone else, you will just suffer. Whatever you have and whoever you are, be happy!

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