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United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/GROUP PO – Franks generated by meters operated by Post Office window clerks

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GROUP PO: Franks generated by meters and franking systems operated by Post Office window clerks

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  • In 1934, 1935, and 1936 postage meters were placed in post offices on an experimental basis. The machines were meant for use primarily on high postage mail but were soon used on routine mail as well. The experiment was to see if meters would speed operations by allowing clerks to generate a single meter stamp instead of rooting around for the correct combination of sheet stamps for registered, insured, and multi-ounce mail. The experiment was considered a success, and by 1940 meter use in post offices had spread across the country.
  • The Post Office Department experimented with both regular commercial-use meters modified for Post Office needs and meters that were custom designed for use in Post Offices. Sub-group PO-A describes modified commercial meters, and Sub-group PO-B describes stamps from machines custom designed for use in Post Offices.
  • The earliest known use of meter in a Post Office is December 26, 1934. The earliest use of a custom designed Post Office meter is February 6, 1935.
  • Also included will be postage meters used internally in postal facilities that normally do not have window or counter service. Such facilities are indicated in the town mark.

Sub-group PO-A: Stamps generated by commercial postage meters modified for use in post offices

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  • The earliest uses of meters in post offices was experimental. Six Pitney Bowes "J" model series machines and five NCR meters (PO-A1, PO-A2) were trialed in high volume post offices for several months from late 1934 to 1936. The success of these tests led to an expansion. In 1936 a few thousand Pitney Bowes "JD" model series machines and several hundred National Postal Meter machines (PO-A3/-A4/-A5) were placed in post offices. The use of meters in post offices became widespread starting in 1940 with the purchase of tens of thousands of Pitney Bowes' new model "R" series machines (PO-A6). Nearly all post offices in the nation, save the smaller rural venues, received one.
  • Most Post Office meter stamps are printed in red, but blue, green, orange, purple, and black stamps are occasionally found.

Type PO-FB6 in 2001 edition

PO-A1.1. Pitney Bowes "J", December 26, 1934.

As Type FB2.2 but the meter number has P.O. prefix (except for variety a).
Four machines were placed in five high volume post offices for trials:
A. P.O.90059 CITY HALL ANNEX / NEW YORK, N.Y. (horizontal) [S]
B. P.O.90060 NEW YORK, N.Y. (curved) [RRRR]
C. P.O.90060 MAD. SQ. STA. / NEW YORK, N.Y. (horizontal) [S]
D. P.O.90061 BROOKLYN, N.Y. (curved) [R]
E. P.O.90062 WASHINGTON / D.C. (curved) [S]
V/F: .00 : (range: .00½ to 9.99½)
a. Without "P.O." prefix: 90016 MAD. SQ. STA. / NEW YORK, N.Y. (horizontal) [RRRR]


  • Meter P.O.90060 was the first meter used in a U.S. post office. When it first appeared it had a curved "NEW YORK / N.Y." town mark (B) and was used this way from December 20 to December 31, 1934.♦♦ Starting early in the new year (January 2 is earliest date seen) the stamp is found with straight-line town mark "MAD. SQ. STA. / NEW YORK, N.Y." (C).
  • First day of use for meter P.O.90061 (D) was January 3, 1935.
  • First day of use for meter P.O.90062 (E) was March 8, 1935.
  • These stamps are known with slogan commemorating the silver jubilee of parcel post in 1938.
  • Most examples found are loose tapes. Examples on cover are quite rare.

Meter, 90016 (without “P.O” prefix, variety a) is found with the same MAD. SQ. STA. town mark as C. The dates known for this stamp are 4-15 January 1935. It is possible the meter was used by a private business near Madison Square Station rather than by the post office itself. More information is needed.
♦♦ The December 20 date is known on three zero cent proof tapes. The earliest date known on a postally used tape is December 26, 1934. Most likely the machine was installed earlier in the month or perhaps even in November to see if a meter would speed the franking of Christmas parcels.

Type PO-FB8 in 2001 edition

PO-A1.2. Pitney Bowes "J".

As Type FB2.4 but the meter number has P.O. prefix (except for variety a).
Meter P.O.90061 (PO-A1.1) and two other machines were used in post offices after the meter dies were re-engraved with larger inscriptions in the upper corners:
A. P.O.90061 BROOKLYN / N.Y. (curved) [R]
B. P.O.90649 CITY HALL ANNEX / NEW YORK, N.Y. (curved or horizontal???) [RRRR]
C. P.O.90796 BROOKLYN / N.Y. (horizontal) [RRRR]
D. P.O.90796 CHURCH ST. ANNEX / NEW YORK, N.Y. (horizontal) [R]
V/F: .00 : (range: .00½ to 9.99½)
a. Without "P.O." prefix: 90630 MAD. SQ. STA. / NEW YORK, N.Y. (horizontal) [R] (See above. Meter 90630 also may be a private-use meter.)

NOTE: Most examples found are loose tapes. Examples on cover are quite rare.

Type PO-EC1 in 2001 edition

PO-A2. National Cash Register Company March 7, 1936. [R/RR]

As Type EC1.1 but the meter number has P.O. prefix.
The machines were installed on February 24, 1936 and first placed into use on March 7, 1936.
Five machines were used in six locations:
B. P.O. 102 City Hall Annex, NEW YORK, N.Y.
C. P.O. 102 Church St. Annex, NEW YORK, N.Y.
F. P.O. 105 BROOKLYN, N.Y.
V/F: .00 (range: .00½ to 9.99½)

A proof from a sixth machine, P.O. 106 "DAYTON, OHIO", exists. It is possible the machine was placed in the Dayton Ohio post office for an early local trial (NCR's headquarters are in Dayton), but used stamps are not known to exist. See below. NOTES:

  • Nearly all examples known are loose tapes. Few covers exist.
  • A proof exists of meter P.O. 102 without a station name. It is dated March 7, 1936 and is the only known stamp from the first day of use. See below.

Type PO-GA1 in 2001 edition

PO-A3.1. Pitney Bowes "JD/JDC", 1936. [R/RR]

As Type GA1 but the town mark contains P. and O. at the sides.
Four machines were fielded:
A. 92745 CHICAGO / ILL.
B. 95715 WASHINGTON / D.C.
D. 96721 NEW YORK / N.Y.
V/F: 0 00 (range: 0 01 to 99 99)

Type PO-GA2 in 2001 edition

PO-A3.2. Pitney Bowes "JD/JDC".

As Type GA2 but the town mark contains P. and O. at the sides.
Several thousand of these machines were fielded, and many varieties of town mark exist.
Meter numbers: 91000-93999, 95000-97999 series
V/F: . 00 (range: . 00½ to 9.99½)
A. Town at top, state at bottom
B. Station name at top, town and state at bottom: 93223, 93845, 93968, 95668, 96721, 96774, 96778
C. Town and state at top, station name at bottom
D. Town and state at top, "STATION" and number at bottom: 96798
E. Town and state at top, station name and "P.P." (for Parcel Post) at bottom: 96793, 96798
F. Town and state at top, zone number at bottom: 93643, 96690, 96796 [R]
G. Town and state at top, "POST OFFICE" at bottom: 96797 PHILADELPHIA PA.[R]
H. Town and state at top, "PARCEL POST" at bottom:
- 96766 SYRACUSE
- 96767 OAKLAND
- 96778 NEW YORK
- 96782 MEMPHIS
- 96788 TAMPA, FLA.
- 96790 HOUSTON
- 96794 DAYTON, OHIO
- 96797
- 96799 MEMPHIS
I. Town and state at top, "PARCEL POST NO." and number at bottom: [R]
J. Town and state at top, blank at bottom: [RR]
- 93643 DETROIT, MICH.

These are the numbers seen or reported. Other numbers for all these sub-types probably exist.

Type PO-HA4-1 in 2001 edition

PO-A4.1. National Postal Meter model "14". [R]

As Type HA2.1 but the meter number has P.O.––No prefix.
One meter only: 6055 LOS ANGELES CALIF.
a. After the meter was withdrawn from service in the post office it was assigned to a private firm in error with the meter number prefix unchanged, town mark "VULTEE FIELD / CALIF."

Type PO-HA4-2 in 2001 edition

PO-A4.2 National Postal Meter model "14", 1939.

As Type HA2.1 but the meter number has P.O.– prefix and –NPM suffix.

A. Town at top, state at bottom: 6153, 6927 [S]
B. Town and state at top, station name at bottom: 6178, 6372, 6926, 6927, 6930, 6934 [C]
Ba. With "SEC. 562 P.L.&R." directional slug reading up at right (probably an error): (RR)
C. Town and state at top, station name and "P.P." at bottom: 6162, 6894, 6937, 6942, 6943 (all CHICAGO ILL. / OLD P.O. ANNEX P.P.)(S)
D. Town and state at top, "PARCEL POST" at bottom: 6153, 6176, 6177, 6928, 6929, 6930, 6931, 6933, 6935, 6936, 6938, 6939, 6940, 6941, 6944
Da. With "SEC. 562 P.L.&R." directional slug reading up at right (probably an error): (RR)
Db. With a slogan commemorating National Letter Writing Week, October 6-12, 1940.
E. Town and state at top, "PARCEL POST NO." and number at bottom: 6932 NEWARK N.J. / PARCEL POST NO. 1 (in use from July 30, 1940 to April 1, 1942)(RRR)

These are the numbers seen or reported. Other numbers for all these sub-types probably exist.

Type PO-HA4-3 in 2001 edition

PO-A4.3. National Postal Meter model "14", 1942. (R/RR)

The frank is unchanged from the commercial use meter design (Type HA2.1 with N.P.M.–––No meter number prefix). Post Office use is indicated in the town mark.
A. "PARCEL POST" at bottom of town mark:
- 6138 NEWARK, N.J.
B. Station name and "P.P." at bottom of town mark: 6894 CHICAGO ILL. / OLD P.O. ANNEX P.P.
C. Town and state at top, "PARCEL POST NO." and number at bottom: 6138 NEWARK N.J. / PARCEL POST NO. 1 (REF: MSA List 6)(RRR)

NOTE: Meter 6415 with town mark "NEW YORK / N.Y." was used in a post office, New York's Madison Square Station, without any indication of post office use in the design.

Type PO-HA5-1 in 2001 edition

PO-A4.4 National Postal Meter model "14", 1942. [S/RRR]

As Type PO-A4.2 but with broken-inner-circle town mark.
Seven meters are known:
B. 6927 NEW YORK / N.Y.
C. 6930 NEW YORK / N.Y.
D. 6939 DALLAS / TEX.
G. 6970 reported but unseen by us

Type PO-HA5-2 in 2001 edition

PO-A4.5. National Postal Meter model "14", 1946. [R]

As Type PO-A4.2 but with single circle town mark.
One meter only: P.O.–6943–NPM CHICAGO ILL. / OLD P.O. ANNEX P.P.

Type PO-HB2 in 2001 edition

PO-A5. National Postal Meter model "14", 1940.

As Type HB2 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
Four sub-types found:
A. "PARCEL POST" at bottom
B. "P.P." alone at bottom [RRR]
C. Station name at bottom (two known): [R]
D. Station name and "P.P." at bottom (one known): 9391 CHICAGO ILL. / OLD P.O. ANNEX P.P. [RR]
Meter numbers in 7000 to 9000 series.
V/F: (range: .00½ to 9.99½)
a. With advertising slogan from private firm: 7889 [RRR]

Type PO-IA3 in 2001 edition

PO-A6.1. Pitney Bowes "R", 1940.

As Type IA3 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "POST OFFICE" at bottom of town mark [S]
B. "P." and "O." at sides of town mark [RRR]
V/F: .00

Type PO-IA4A in 2001 edition

PO-A6.2. Pitney Bowes "R" series, 1942.

As Type IA4.1 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
V/F: 00 :
A. "POST OFFICE" at bottom of town mark, Medium colon
B. "P." and "O." at sides of town mark
BA. Medium colon ( see IA4.2 for illustration)
c. town and state at top of town mark, ZIP code at bottom: 182653[R]
d. town and state at top of town mark, station name at bottom: [S]
- 107053
BB. Narrow colon ( see IA4.2 for illustration)
a. with advertising slogan from private firm (error): [R]
- 117779 SAN JUAN, P.R.
- 125908
- 306178
- 337631
- 367660
b. town at top of town mark, state and zone number at bottom: 195559[R]
d. town and state at top of town mark, station name at bottom: [S]
- 176795
- 312468
e. town and state at top of town mark, bottom blank: [R]
- 121060
- 392052
C. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, narrow colon [RR]
a. "PS" at left, "US" at right (error): 183180[RRR]
E. Without indication of post office use in the town mark Narrow colon ( see IA4.2 for illustration)
a. Without indication of post office use in the town mark but with slogan indicating use at a postal substation. The slogan contains "MAILED FROM" or "MAILED AT", the name of the store or location, and "STATION" or "SUB-STATION" with number. [S]
b. Without indication of post office use in the town mark, but used on PO receipt as payment of PO fees. [RR]
F. With town and state at top of town mark, station name at bottom. Without "POST OFFICE", "P. O.", OR "US PS": Narrow colon ( see IA4.2 for illustration)
a. With town and state at top of town mark, station name at bottom. Without "POST OFFICE", "P. O.", OR "US PS":
g. with "CONTRACT STA." and number at bottom: [S]
h. with "CONTRACT STA. No." and number at bottom:
- 179940 YAKIMA, WASH. / CONTRACT STA. No.5[R]
G. With "NORTH SUBURBAN FACILITY" / "IL" Narrow colon
- 395274

NOTE: Stamps of Type PO-A6.2 were used in a number of post offices to surcharge postal cards and possibly other postal stationery on hand after changes in rates. These were not officially authorized by the Post Office Department but were tolerated, i.e. allowed through the mail. Other Post Office stamp types may also have been used in this fashion.

Type PO-IA4B in 2001 edition

PO-A6.3. Pitney Bowes "RF/RT". [R]

As Type IA4.2 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "P." and "O." at sides of town mark
B. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark
V/F: 00 :
a. As A, with "PRESORTED / FIRST CLASS" slug (error): 696425

Type PO-IA10A in 2001 edition

PO-A6.4. Pitney Bowes "RT-3".

As Type IA4.5 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
V/F: 00 : (colon dots widely spaced)
A. "POST OFFICE" at bottom of town mark [R]
B. "P." and "O." at sides of town mark
a. As B, with town and state at top of town mark, blank at bottom [RR]
b. As B, with slogan or slug indicating private use (error) [R]
C. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark [R]
d. As C, but "PS" at left and "US" at right (error) [RRR]
D. With "CONTRACT STA." and number at bottom: ???  ???. / CONTRACT STA. ???

Type PO-IA10B in 2001 edition

PO-A6.5. Pitney Bowes "RT-3".

As Type IA4.6 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "POST OFFICE" at bottom of town mark [R]
B. "P." and "O." at sides of town mark
C. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark [R]
V/F: 00 : (colon dots widely spaced)
a. As A, with "PRESORTED / FIRST CLASS" slug (error):
- 679790
- 696425
- 752691

Type PO-IA12A in 2001 edition

PO-A6.6. Pitney Bowes "RT-4". [R]

As Type IA4.8 but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark.
All examples seen were assigned in error to private firms. Most have a slug or slogan at left.
V/F: 00

Type PO-IA12B in 2001 edition

PO-A6.7. Pitney Bowes "RT-4".

As Type IA4.9 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
All examples seen were assigned in error to private firms. Most have a slug or slogan at left.
A. "P." and "O." at sides of town mark: [R]
- 748966
- 789609
- 794087
- 797087
B. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark: 781747 [RRRR]
V/F: 00

Type PO-IC1 in 2001 edition

PO-A7.1. Pitney Bowes "5300". [RR]

As Type IC1 but with "P" and "O" at sides of town mark.
Two meters reported:
- 534852 BOULDER / COLO.
- 542773
V/F: .00 : (range: .00¼ to 1.09¾)

Type PO-IC2 in 2001 edition

PO-A7.2. Pitney Bowes "5302". [RRRR]

As Type IC2 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
One meter reported: 530119 STAMFORD / CONN.
V/F: .00 : (range: .00½ to 9.99½)

a. Without indication of post office use in the town mark but with slogan indicating use at a postal substation: 527536 LANCASTER / PA.

Type PO-IC3A in 2001 edition

PO-A7.3. Pitney Bowes "5303". 1963?

As Type IC3.1 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines
B. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines [R]
C. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines
D. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines [R]
Meter numbers in the 500000, 950000, 960000, and 980000 series
V/F: 0.00 (range: 0.01 to 99.99)

a. Town mark reads "LOS ANGELES OLYMPICS / 1984. Two meters were used at different times at the Water Polo, Tennis, and Gymnastivcs venues at the 1984 Summer Olympics: 954251 and 959772 [RRR]

Type PO-IC3B in 2001 edition

PO-A7.4. Pitney Bowes 5336/5382".

As Type IC3.2 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
Meter numbers in the 950000, 960000, and 3300000 series
V/F: 0 .00

A. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines [R]
B. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines [R]
C. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines
-1. As C but "PS" at left and "US" at right (error) [RRR]
D. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines
-1. Town mark reads "LOS ANGELES OLYMPICS / 1984. Thirty (30) meters were used at different times at various venues at the 1984 Summer Olympics. [RR]
-2. As D, town and state at top of town mark, ZIP code at bottom:
- 3344772
- 3345246
- 3359388
-3. As D, with error in town mark
- With redundant state abbreviation in the town mark: "ADDIS LA / LA" (3352778) [RRR]
- "CLEVELAND / HO" (3345166)
-4. As D, without "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, but usage indicates Post Office use, such as on a Post Office receipt
- 3300742
-5. As D, missing decimal point
E. "SO SUBURBAN FACILITY / IL " in town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines (3347965)

Type PO-IC4A in 2001 edition

PO-A7.5. Pitney Bowes "5308/5318".

As Type IC4.1 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark
B. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark
C. As B, but "PS" at left and "US" at right (error): 934933[R]
Meter numbers in 500000, 800000, and 900000 series.
V/F: . 00
a. As A, town and state at top of town mark, blank at bottom:
- 595517
- 818958
b. As A, town and state at top of town mark, station name at bottom: 575646
c. With slogan from private firm (error)
d. Used at "Hemisfair" exhibition temporary post office: 873416 HEMISFAIR 68 / TEX.[R]
e. As A, with four long dashes at left ("Parcelmatic lines") (error).

Type PO-IC4B in 2001 edition

PO-A7.6. Pitney Bowes 5335/5380".

As Type IC4.2 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark [R]
- 582763
- 931824
- 3013425
B. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark [RR]
- 3028765
- 3300854
- 3325067
- 3325941
V/F: . 00

Type PO-IC8A in 2001 edition

PO-A7.7. Pitney Bowes 5322". [RR]

As Type IC8.1 but with "P" and "O" in the town mark.
One meter reported: 879933 SAINT MARY'S COLLEGE / CALIF.
V/F: .00

Type PO-IC8B in 2001 edition

PO-A7.8. Pitney Bowes 5337/5383".

As Type IC8.2 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines [RR]
- 333207
- 2750212
- 3311271
B. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines: 6842135 [RR]
C. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines: 3332866 [RR]
D. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines: [R]
- 2763736
- 3351140
- 3343299
V/F: .00

Type PO-IE1 in 2001 edition

PO-A8. Pitney Bowes "6500", 1981.

As Type IE1 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines: 6005282 [RR]
B. "P" and "O" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines: 6842135 [RR]
C. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has widely spaced lines:
- 6007263
- 6104882
- 6105086
D. "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark, wavy line triad at left of value figures has narrowly spaced lines [C]
V/F: 0 .00
a. As C, with "US" and "PS" partially removed
b. With slogan from private firm (error)
c. With four long dashes at left ("Parcelmatic lines")
d. With directional slug (error)

Type PO-IG1 in 2001 edition

PO-A9.1. Pitney Bowes "A900", 1981. [RR]

As Type IG1 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
A. "P" and "O" at sides: 8075810
B. "US" and "PS" at sides: 8078462
V/F: 0 .00

Type PO-IG2 in 2001 edition

PO-A9.2. Pitney Bowes "B900". [RRR]

As Type IG2 but with "US" and "PS" at the sides of the town mark.
One meter reported: 8326125 SAN ANTONIO / TX.
V/F: 0 .00

Type PO-JA1 in 2001 edition

PO-A10.1. Postalia "KF-1501".

As Type JA1.1 but with post office use indicated in the town mark.
One meter known: "US" and "PS" at sides: 614761 FOREST PARK / IL (used April 1985 to August 1987) [RR]
V/F: .00

Type PO-JA5 in 2001 edition

PO-A10.2. Postalia "KF-1501", 1979. [RRR]

As Type JA2.1 but with "USPO" at bottom of town mark.
Three meters seen: 607126, 607634 and 608254, all "LITTLETON, COLO. ORCHARD PLAZA BR."
V/F: .00

Type PO-JA14 in 2001 edition

PO-A10.3. Postalia "T-1000". [S]

As Type JA3.2 but with "USPS" at top of town mark.
V/F: 00.00

NOTE. Many Postalia "T1000" model meters were used in smaller post offices throughout the country. In most cases the stamps did not show any indication of post office use in the town mark.

Type PO-JB1 in 2001 edition

PO-A11.1. Postalia "7000" (Electronic). [R-RRR]

As Type JB1.1 but with "US" and "PS" at sides of town mark.
One known: 720868 RUTLAND / VT
V/F: .00

Type PO-JB1 in 2001 edition

PO-A11.2. Postalia "7000" (Electronic). [R-RRR]

As Type JB1.1 but with "USPS" at bottom of town mark.
One known: 701441 DAVIS CA EL MACERO CPO
V/F: .00

Type PO-KB1 in 2001 edition

PO-A12.1. Friden "9222".

As Type KB1.1 but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark.
Meter number with serif "F" prefix.
Meter numbers in 030000 and 200000 series.
V/F: .00
a. In 030000 series without "P" and "O" in the town mark
b. Town at top of town mark, state and ZIP code at bottom [R]
c. With slogan from private firm (error): 205053 [R]
d. Line missing under "U.S.POSTAGE": 223037
e. As d but with line also missing above the meter number: 222272

Type PO-KB3 in 2001 edition

PO-A12.2. Friden "9222".

As Type KB2.1 but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark.
A. Meter number with serif "F" prefix
B. Meter number with sanserif "F" prefix
C. Meter number with sanserif "S" prefix [R]
D. Meter number with small sanserif "F" prefix (top of "F" is lower than top of meter number) [S]
Meter numbers in 030000 and 200000 series.
V/F: .00
a. As A, in 030000 series without "P" and "O" in the town mark
b. As B, in 030000 series without "P" and "O" in the town mark
c. As A, with slogan from private firm (error)
d. As A, town mark contains "P" and "O" only without town and state: 223077 [RR]
e. As A, the "P" and "O" in the town mark are aligned so that their bottoms rather than their sides touch the circle: [R]
- 030963 BECKLEY / W.VA.
- 030965 DUNBAR / W.VA.
f. As B, value figures without wavy line triad at right: 223887
g. Line missing above meter number
h. As g but with line also missing below "U.S.POSTAGE"
i. Town mark with town and state at top, ZIP code at bottom: F030695 CALHAN CO / 80808

Type PO-KB4 in 2001 edition

PO-A12.3. Friden "9227". [R]

As Type KB2.2 but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark.
Meter number with serif "F" prefix.
Meter numbers in the 310000 series.
V/F: .00
a. Line missing below "U.S.POSTAGE"

Type PO-KB5 in 2001 edition

PO-A12.4. Friden "9228". [R]

As Type KB2.3 but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark.
Meter number with serif "F" prefix.
Meter numbers in the 041000 and 320000 series.
V/F: .00

Type PO-KB6 in 2001 edition

PO-A12.5. Friden "9222". [RRRR]

As Type KB3.1 but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark. The two letters are aligned so that their bottoms rather than their sides touch the circle.
Meter number with small serif "F" prefix.
One meter only: 238522 BECKLEY / W.VA.
V/F: .00

NOTE: In use during an unknown period in May and possibly June 1993. Only two examples are known.

Type PO-KE1 in 2001 edition

PO-A13.1. Friden "9232". [RR]

As Type KE1.1 but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark.
Meter number with sanserif "F" prefix.
Four meters known:
- 5003677
- 5005429
- 5005798
- 5113283
V/F: .00
a. With "P" and "O" partially removed (meters 5005798 and 5113283 seen this way)

Type PO-KE3 in 2001 edition

PO-A13.2. Friden "9238" [RR]

As Type KE1.3B but with "P" and "O" at the sides of the town mark.
Meter number with sanserif "F" prefix.
Four meters known:
- 8000860 KNOXVILLE / TENN.(used at the World's Fair Station in 1983)
- 8010316 KNOXVILLE / TENN.(used at the World's Fair Station in 1983)
- 8211723 SHREVEPORT / LA.
- 8201089 CHICAGO / ILL.
V/F: 0.00
a. With four sets of small vertical dashes left of the town mark:

8010316, 8201089

b. With two horizontal rows of vertical dashes left of TM: 8211723

Type PO-KF1 in 2001 edition

PO-A14. Friden Alcatel "9232". [R]

As Type KF1.1 but with "USPS" at bottom of town mark.
Two known:
V/F: 0.00

Type PO-LA1 in 2001 edition

PO-A15. Hasler "Mailmaster". [RRRR]

As Type LA1.1 but with "US" and "PS" at the sides of the town mark.
One meter only: H2141920 HOUSTON / T.
One example only known, dated January 25, 1982.
V/F: 00.00

Type PO-LB1 in 2001 edition

PO-A16.1. Hasler "Mailmaster". [R]

As Type LB1.1 but with "C.S." (for Contract Station) after the town name.
One known: 2584335 FARMINGTON C.S. / N.M.
V/F: 00.00

Type PO-LB1 in 2001 edition

PO-A16.2. Hasler "Mailmaster". [R]

As Type LB1.1 but with "USPS" in the town mark.
Two known: 583407 and 593468, both WINDCREST CPU SAN ANTONIO TX USPS
V/F: 00.00

Type PO-LB4 in 2001 edition

PO-A16.3. Hasler "Mailmaster". (RRRR)

As Type LB2.1-B2 but with "USPS" and station name in the town mark.
Two known: 707866 and 714282, both BOWLING GREEN OH 43402 USPS STATION 1
V/F: 00.00 : (Range: 00.001 to 99.999)

NOTE: The one example we have seen has "PRESORTED FIRST CLASS" directional slug at left.

Unlisted in 2001 edition

PO-A16.4. Hasler "Mailmaster".(RRRR)

As Type LB2.1-B2 but with "PALATINE P DC / IL" in the town mark for the Palatine Postal Distribution Center.
One known: 536881
V/F: 00.00 : (Range: 00.001 to 99.999)

NOTE: The one example we have seen has "PRESORTED FIRST CLASS" directional slug at left.

Unlisted in 2001 edition

PO-A17.1. Neopost-Hasler "IJ-25”.

As Type QA1.1 but with "USPS" vertical replacing the torch-in-hand at left of "US POSTAGE".
Inscribed N neopost
Meter number with 042J prefix.
V/F: $0.00

Unlisted in 2001 edition

PO-A17.2. Neopost-Hasler "IJ-25”.

As Type PO-A17.1 but inscribed neopostN.
Meter number with 042J prefix.
V/F: $0.00

Unlisted in 2001 edition

PO-A17.3. Neopost-Hasler "IJ-25”.

As Type QA1.4 but with "USPS" vertical replacing the torch-in-hand at left of "US POSTAGE"..
Meter number with 045J prefix.
V/F: $0.00o (range: $0.001 to $9.999)

Type PO-SB1-1 in 2001 edition

PO-A18.1. Neopost-Hasler "PostLink”. [R]

As Type QA2 but meter number has "01US" prefix.
Used in contract post offices.
Seen on label with "Secure Funds / by HASLER" at upper right.
V/F: $0.00

Type PO-SB1-2 in 2001 edition

PO-A18.2. Neopost-Hasler "PostLink”.

As Type QA2 but with "USPS" reading up at lower right.
Used in contract post offices.
Meter number with "011T" prefix.
V/F: $0.00
A. With "Secure Funds / by HASLER" at upper right [R]
B. Blank at upper right [RR]

Note: There are indications that "CPU" (Contract Postal Units) are using meters of various QB types, if they are used with direct indication of Post Office use, they could be listed here

Unlisted in 2001 edition

PO-A19. Francotyp-Postalia.

As Type QC1.2 but with "USPS" over "CPU" and small "FP" logo replacing the large "FP logo.
Meter number with 031A prefix.
V/F: $00.00

Sub-group PO-B: Special Post Office machine stamps with no counterpart among general use meter stamps

[edit | edit source]
  • The earliest stamps included here come from machines designed for franking parcel post, i.e. they could weigh parcels and produced stamps on adhesive tape. Later machines also included a weight scale and produced stamps on tape but they were designed to frank all mail, not just parcel post.


PO-B1. International Business Machine (MV), February 6, 1935 to May 23, 1938.

IBM built six or possibly seven machines designed primarily for franking parcel post but which were used for other classes of mail as well. The machine included a weight scale as an integral part.
The stamps are similar to Group E stamps in that they are printed on tapes of the same size and have groups of wavy lines in the corners.
"U.S. POSTAGE" at top, meter number and town name at bottom
Meter number with "METER" prefix and "P.O." suffix
Across the center are a serial number, the weight and zone, and the value figures at right.
Five machines were trialed:
A. 00001 NEW YORK, N.Y. [RR]
D. 00004 NEW YORK, N.Y. [RRR]
V/F: $ .00 $ 0.00
a. With "FEE" replacing weight and zone number in center of stamp, intended to indicate payment for extra services such as special delivery, insurance, etc.


  • Meter 00007 was reportedly used for a short time by retailer Montgomery Ward in Chicago, Illinois, not in a post office. Examples have never been seen or reported by collectors.
  • Meter 00006 presumably was built but no information about the machine has been found.
  • Nearly all the stamps known are loose tapes. A small number are known affixed to small cut-outs, but only a single PO-B1 stamp is known on large, cover-size piece, shown at right.


PO-B2. National Cash Register (MV), 1959. [Extremely rare, value unknown]

Used in Alexandria, Virginia post office for five months in 1959.
Although about 50,000 stamps were sold, only a single cover with two 2-cent stamps affixed is known to survive.
"U.S. POSTAGE PAID" at top above "N.C.R. METER No. 1234" and "Alexandria, Va. P. O.".
The date is in the center, and the value figures are at the bottom.
Columns of arcs are located at both sides. Possibly these are end-of-roll markings and not part of the stamp design.
V/F: $ 0.00


PO-B3.1. Electronic Communications, Inc. (National Cash Register) (MV), 1974. [R]

Used at various post offices in Flushing, New York from 1974 to about the mid-1980s.
Horizontal design with outer frame line at top and sides with rounded corners.
Profile of eagle at left looking right.
Text at right is "US POSTAGE/ FLUSHING/ NY 113".
Added in a separate step across the bottom are the meter number, date and postage value.
M# with "NCR"" prefix. Numbers seen: 022 through 302 ( not all numbers used).
V/F: .00 0.00
a. With "REGISTERED NO" and number added across the bottom [RRR]
b. Without meter number, blank below "NCR" and eagle. This was an error produced by machine NCR271 for a short time.[RRRR]


PO-B3.2. Electronic Communications, Inc. (National Cash Register) (MV), 1978. [S]

Very similar to Type PO-B3.1 but the design is somewhat smaller, and the outer frame has square corners.
V/F: .00 0.00
a. With "REGISTERED NO" and number added across the bottom (shown) [RRR]


PO-B4. Friden (Frama) (MV), August 1984 to February 1985. [RR]

Rectangular design with single outer frame line indented deeply at left for the date.
Above the date is the town name and below is the state abbreviation.
At right two shafts of wheat flank an inner box containing the value figures.
Above the value figures is "U.S. POSTAGE" and below is "PAID" above the meter number.
Meter numbers 7000001 through 7000039 used in five cities:
A. BOSTON MA: 7000001, -2, -3, -6, -7
B. PHILADELPHIA PA: 7000026, -27, -28, -29
C. ST. LOUIS MO: 7000011, -12, -13, -15
D. CHARLOTTE NC: 7000020, -22, -23
E. SAN JOSE CA.: 7000033, -37, 39: V/F: 00.00

NOTE: The meter numbers listed are verified. Other numbers may have been in use. The 7000020 is known with date and value 00.00.


PO-B5.1. Intermec (digital), July 31, 1985. [RR]

The Intermec series (PO-B5.1/5.3) is the second trial in U.S.P.S.'s "Postage Validation Imprinters" series.
Printed thermally on heat-sensitive, self-adhesive labels with fluorescent stripe at right. The design is applied by a computer-controlled variable dot matrix element and not by a fixed die or print head.
The design is of an eagle with wings spread over boxes containing town and date at left and "U.S. POSTAGE" above value figures at right.
Four machines were used. All were inscribed "Vienna / VA" and had the same identification number "U.S.P.S. 123456".
In use six months from July 31, 1985 to January 1986.

NOTE: Nearly all known PO-B5.2 stamps available are mint tapes sold to collectors. Extremely few covers franked by this stamp are known [RRRR].


PO-B5.2. Intermec (digital), January to March 1986.

As Type PO-B5.1 but with meter numbers 000009 through 000012 and with 3-bank value figures.
Four meters were used, all with town line "VIENNA / VA U.S.P.S.":
A. 000009[RRRR]
B. 000010[RRRR]
C. 000011[RRR]
D. 000012[RRRR]

NOTE: Nearly all known PO-B5.2 stamps available are mint tapes sold to collectors. Extremely few covers franked by this stamp are known [RRRR].


PO-B5.3. Intermec (digital), 1986.

As Type PO-B5.2 but meter numbers I8600101 through I8600275 (possibly not all numbers used, and possibly higher numbers were used).
Used in eight cities with several town mark variations:
A. Used in Vienna, Virginia with town mark:
- Vienna / VA  : I8600101
- VIENNA / VA : I8600155, -156, -157, -158
B. Used in Tampa, Florida:
- Tampa / FL 33630 : I8600130
- TAMPA / FL PO 33630 : I8600115, -120, -123, -130, -135, -163, -176, -180, -275
- Tampa / FL PO 33630 : I8600107, -149
- TAMPA / FL PO 33629 : I8600122, -127, -148, -177, -178
- TAMPA / FL PO 33615 : I8600110, -114, -121, -128, -179
- Tampa / Fl 33615 : I8600128
C. Used in Saint Petersburg, Florida:
- SAINT PETE / FL PO 33730 : 18600140, 150, -152, -165, -175
- Saint Pete / FL PO 33730 : I8600186
- SAINT PETE / FL 33730 : I8600277
- ST PETE / FL 33730 : I8600136, -152, -165
- St. Peteburg / Fl 33730 : I8600123
D. Used in Largo, Florida: LARGO / FL PO 33540 : I8600104, -125, -126, -128, -161
E. Used in Clearwater, Florida:
- CLEARWATER / FL PO 33575 : I8600106, -129, -141, -276
- CLEARWATER / FL. 33575 : I8600160
- CLEARWATER / FL : I8600147
- Clearwater / FL PO 34625 : I8600162
- Clearwater / Fl 34618 : I8600124, -141, -147, -160
F. Used in Denver, Colorado: DENVER CO 80202 : I8600220, -232, -236, -247, -267
G. Used in Arvada, Colorado:
- ARVADA / 80001 (no state) : I8600269 [RRRR]
- ARVADA / CO 80001 : I8600227 [RRRR]
H. Used in Northglenn, Colorado: NORTHGLENN / CO 80233 : I8600259 [RRRR]
I. Used in Washington DC: WASHINGTON / DC 20016 : I8600192, -203, 204, -206, -212 [R]
a. Date with 3-letter abbreviation for the month [RRR]


  • Shown at right is a receipt for the stamps.
  • This stamp came into use in late March or early April 1986. Most Intermec machines were removed from service by the end of 1989 although a few in Tampa remained in use as late as the summer of 1993.
  • The early labels used in Vienna, Virginia did not have anti-peel slits. Starting in late 1986 or early 1987 labels with anti-peel slits cut into the edges came into use. All stamps from the other locations were printed only on labels with anti-peel slits. The Vienna stamps without the anti-peel slits are relatively scarce.
  • Most Intermec stamps available are mint tapes sold to collectors. Non-philatelic covers franked by this stamp are rare [RR].

Machine I8600165 is known with two different town marks, "SAINT PETE / FL PO 33730" and "ST PETE / FL PO 33730". Other machines may also have been used with more than one town mark.


PO-B6.1. MOS Corporation/UNISYS (digital), April 16, 1992.

This was the third trial in the "PVI" series and the one that was approved for general use. The system consisted of an "Integrated Retail Terminal" designed by MOS and a "Postage Validation Imprinter" designed by UNISYS.
Large round-cornered self-adhesive labels with red, orange or pink stripe along the top.
At left is a right-facing standing eagle with wings raised.
At center right, "U.S. POSTAGE/ PAID"/ town line/ ZIP code/ date/ "AMOUNT"/ value figures/ identification number.
The identification number consists of an 8-digit machine number and a 2-digit operator number (00000000 – 00).
V/F: $0.00 $00.00
a. Without bar code, used for any class of mail.
b. First day cover [RR]
c. With town line "UNIT CITY STATE" and either the actual ZIP code or "00000".

NOTES (These apply to other PO-B6 types as well):

  • Town name abbreviations and mispellings are not especially rare. Doubled state abbreviations are relatively common.
  • The ink tends to fade on these stamps except on the very earliest stamps. The printing method must have been changed at some point, to reduce costs perhaps, and the change resulted in a fugitive imprint.
  • For mail brought to the post office clerk with postage applied, the machine would print non-postage labels showing a barcode of the destination ZIP code. The machine could also produce labels with a tracking number barcode, both labels shown at right.

The system debuted on April 16, 1992 at four post offices in and near San Diego, California: Escondido, Solana Beach, San Marcos, and the Tierrasanta Postal Store in San Diego. A fifth location, Golden Triangle Postal Store in San Diego was supposed to start using the system on the same day but because of difficulties did not begin using the system until April 18th. The MOS/UNISYS system was considered such a success that in May 1992 the Postal Service began fielding them to most post office throughout the country.


PO-B6.2. MOS Corporation/UNISYS (digital), April 16, 1992.

Similar to Type PO-B6.1 but with 3 mm tall "Postnet" barcode across bottom of stamp. "AMOUNT" and value figures are moved to the center of the stamp. Used for large flat items.
V/F: $0.00 $00.00
a. First day cover [RRRR]
b. With town line "UNIT CITY STATE" and either the actual ZIP code or "00000".


PO-B6.3. MOS Corporation/UNISYS (digital), April 16, 1992.

Similar to Types PO-B6.1/6.2 but with large 18 mm barcode in center of stamp. Used for parcels.
V/F: $0.00 $00.00
a. First day cover [RRRR]
b. Tape inverted with fluorescent stripe across the bottom [R]
c. With town line "UNIT CITY STATE" and either the actual ZIP code or "00000".
d. Postage Due stamp. Town line includes "PD BR"(Postage Due Branch). One reported: TAMPA PD BR FL [RRRR]

NOTE: These stamps were occasionally used to collect Postage Due but unlike sub-type d the stamps did not indicate Postage Due use in the town line.


PO-B6.4. MOS Corporation/UNISYS (digital), 1995.

As Type PO-B6.1 (no bar code) but the USPS logo is changed to a streamlined eagle's head in a black slanted rectangle.
V/F: $0.00 $00.00
a. With town line "UNIT CITY STATE" and either the actual ZIP code or "00000".
b. Without "U.S. POSTAGE"
c. With company name instead of town name: COPY CITY USA, GA / 30240[RRRR]
d. Town line "POSTMARK USA, MN / 55425" (error)
e. Town line "ANYTOWN.US / 28126" (error)


PO-B6.5. MOS Corporation/UNISYS (digital), 1995.

As Type PO-B6.2 (3 mm tall bar code across the bottom) but the USPS logo is changed to a streamlined eagle's head in a black slanted rectangle.
V/F: $0.00 $00.00
a. With town line "UNIT CITY STATE" and either the actual ZIP code or "00000".


PO-B6.6. MOS Corporation/UNISYS (digital), 1995.

As Type PO-B6.3 (large 18 mm bar code in center) but the USPS logo is changed to a streamlined eagle's head in a black slanted rectangle.
V/F: $0.00 $00.00
a. With town line "UNIT CITY STATE" and either the actual ZIP code or "00000".
b. Tape inverted with fluorescent stripe across the bottom [R]


PO-B6.7. MOS Corporation/UNISYS (digital), August to September 1995. [RRRR]

Experimental stamp, similar to Type PO-B6.5 but the labels are from experimental self-stick linerless coil rolls.
The labels are larger and have square corners.
Used only on one machine at Merrifield, Virginia.
V/F: $0.00 $00.00

NOTE: Stamps similar to Types PO-B6.4 and PO-B6.6 may exist on the experimental label stock.

PO-B7. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2008.

At left, large “CPU” above ID# and mail class indicator.
At center, “U.S. POSTAGE” above value figures, date and Zip code.
At right, large 2D "Datamatrix" barcode.
Printed on self-adhesive labels with fluorescent pink stripe at far right.
Used by contract post offices (contract postal units).
All examples seen so far have identification number with “PB 1P 000” prefix.
V/F: $ 0.00o
a. Without pink stripe at far right

PO-B8.1. Toshiba (digital), 2014.

Wide self-adhesive label, 35mm tall, with square corners and with fluorescent strip at right invisible in daylight, visible only under UV light.
USPS logo at left, tall bar code above destination ZIP code in center, point-of-sale data at right, all printed in black.
"U.S. POSTAGE" above "PAID" at top, followed by the town line, ZIP code, date, AMOUNT, and value figures.
Identification number below value figures, with "00" prefix.
"For similar types with alphanumeric codes below PO emblem, see PD-B14.1 and PO-B14.2"
V/F: $(00)0.00
a. Without bar code and destination ZIP code

NOTE: This stamp is from a system that replaced the MOS/Unisys system (PO7/-8/-9) that has been used in post offices since 1995.

PO-B8.2. Toshiba "B-EV4D-GS24-QM-CUS-R" (digital), 2015.

Very similar to Type PO-B8.1 but with smaller USPS logo and much wider value figures.
The label, at 39mm, is taller than PO11.
Identification number with "R23" prefix.
Several other smaller differences exist.
"For similar types with alphanumeric codes below PO emblem, see PD-B14.1 and PO-B14.2"
V/F: $(00)0.00
a. Without bar code and destination ZIP code" similar to PO-B8.1a.

NOTE: Type PO-B8.2 became obsolete in August 2018 when it was replaced by PO-B8.3 in a USPS wide software update.

PO-B8.3. Toshiba "B-EV4D-GS24-QM-CUS-R" (digital), August 2018.

Very similar to Type PO-B8.2 but with "PAID moved to the right of "U.S. POSTAGE" at top with the mail class now on the second line.
"For similar types with alphanumeric codes below PO emblem, see PD-B14.1 and PO-B14.2"
V/F: $(00)0.00
Identification number with "R23" prefix.
A. With bar code and destination ZIP code. Only the value figures are indented.
a. As A, with thin vertical lines at the sides of the USPS logo (first appearing in early 2019)
B. Without bar code and destination ZIP code (Became obsolete in January 2019)
b. As B, Four lines indented: ZIP Code, “AMOUNT”, value figures, and identification number (August 2018)
c. As B, Five lines indented: Mail class, ZIP Code, “AMOUNT”, value figures, and identification number (September – November 2018 only)
d. As B, similar to subtype b, Four lines indented: ZIP Code, “AMOUNT”, value figures, and identification number, but no rate class (used 2023)
C. Without bar code ONLY (Became obsolete in January 2019) The USPS logo moved to the left to make room for the addition of the destination ZIP code.
Only the value figures are indented. (November 2018 - January 2019 only)

Type Note: In the following listings, the descriptions will often include specific details regarding the mailing label, they will referenced as follows

Panel or Box A: USPS insignia ( sometimes not present)
Panel or Box B: oftentimes subdivided
Box B1 "F, P." etc,
Box B2 includes, barcode, date, identification number
Panel or Box C: Mail Class
Panel or Box D: Address
Panel or Box E: Tracking number/Bar code
Panel or Box F: often times blank ( sometimes not present)

Click here for Mail Class type description

PO-B9.1A. Toshiba (digital), 2014.

Framed design with top panel [Box A] containing USPS logo and "Retail".
Panel [Box C] contains the mail class.
Large central area [Box B] contains a cut-out at upper left [Box B1] holding a letter indicating the class of mail.
At center [Box B2] is "US POSTAGE PAID" above the value figures.
In small print below the mail class letter are the origin ZIP code, weight, date, and a machine number [10 digits followed by 2 digit clerk identification number].
Date format MO/DY/YR 00/00/00
The stamp is found at the top of a large label containing a tracking number at the bottom (shown above right). This stamp is apparently used only on mail with tracking. It is generated by the same system that produces types PO-B11 and PO-B12.
The label is 135 mm tall, and the tracking barcode is 83 mm wide.
Box D is 26mm tall.
Note that the "X" shown on the document is a cross-out (not an "X") indicating I don't know what, possibly bulk rate mail. The illustration for PO13a at lower right shows the actual "X".)
V/F: $(00)0.00
Click here for Mail Class type description
Label Type Box B1 Type Box C Type machine no's Date Zip City Notes
FS5 F I 4111570518-17 02/20/15 15317
FS5 X XXV 3628640609-10 11/10/14 27256
FS5 P XXII 0550380350-22 03/09/15 95350 $1.25

PO-B9.1B. Toshiba (digital)

As PO-B9.1A.
Except in Box B in small print below the mail class letter are the origin ZIP code, destination ZIP code. weight, date, and a machine number [10 digits followed by 2 digit clerk identification number].
Date format MON DY, YR
Box D is 26mm tall.
Click here for Mail Class type description
Label Type Box B1 Type Box C Type machine no's Date Zip City Notes
FS5 P XXII 3425830015-08 Jan 05, 16 87015

PO-B9.1C. Toshiba (digital)

Top panel [Box A] containing USPS logo and "Retail".
Large central area [Box B] contains a cut-out at upper left [Box B1] holding a letter indicating the class of mail.
Except in Box B in small print below the mail class letter are the origin ZIP code, destination ZIP code. weight, date, and a machine number [10 digits followed by 2 digit clerk identification number].
Date format MON DY, YR
At center [Box B2] is "US POSTAGE PAID" above the value figures.
Panel [Box C] contains the mail class.
Box D is 16mm tall.
V/F: $(00)0.00
Click here for Mail Class type description
Label Type Box B1 Type Box C Type machine no's Date Zip Destination Zip Notes
FS5 P XXI 1150270432-13 Oct 20, 17 33460 53703 Box D: Expected Delivery Day
FS5 P XX 2562950166-03 Apr 07, 17 48166 53703 Box D: Expected Delivery Day
FS5 P XXI 2561800214-04 Jul 01, 18 48640 75094 Box D: Expected Delivery Day
FS5 P XXI 2624400890-14 Nov 13, 18 56501 53703 Box D: EXPECTED DELIVERY DAY
FS5 P XXI 2907020911-55 Aug 16, 18 59911 53703 Box D: EXPECTED DELIVERY DAY
FS5 X XXXII 1613260018-09 Nov 01, 18 62918 75094
FS5 F I 3927170412-12 May 31, 17 73034 53703
FS5 P XXI 0363810069-15 Dec 05, 17 85026 53703 Box D: Expected Delivery Day
FS5 P XXI 0363810069-19 Mar 05, 18 85026 53703 Box D: Expected Delivery Day
FS5 X XVIII 0569960684-10 Oct 09, 18 95407 53703

PO-B9.2A. Toshiba (digital), 2018.

Framed design with top panel [Box A] containing USPS logo and "Retail".
Large central area [Box B] subdivided, [Box B1] holding a letter indicating the class of mail.
At center [Box B2] is "US POSTAGE PAID" above the value figures.
In Box B1 the mail class symbols seen are "F" for First Class, "P" for Priority mail, and "X" for "Retail Ground" and probably other classes of mail.
Box B2 in small print the origin, date, and transaction number are at far right.
Box C contains the mail class.
Box D contains the weight, destination and two other codes
Box E at bottom contains the tracking number
This stamp is apparently used only on mail with tracking. It is generated by the same system that produces types PO-B11 and PO-B12.
The label is 135 mm tall, and the tracking barcode is 83 mm wide.
V/F: $(00)0.00
Click here for Mail Class type description
Label Type Box B1 Type Box C Type machine no's Date Zip City Notes
FS5 P XXVI 2267350967-1 08/17/21 04967
FS5 P XXI 5142120190-08 11/16/18 20170
FS5 F XVIII 2688405974-03 12/31/19 55974
FS5 P XXVI 2837980861-6 03/08/21 65673
FS5 F XVIII 73034

PO-B9.2B. Toshiba (digital), 2019.


Framed design similar to "PO-B9.2A" with additional panel/box "Box F" at base.
Top panel [Box A] containing USPS logo and "Retail".
Large central area [Box B] subdivided, [Box B1] holding a letter indicating the class of mail.
At center [Box B2] is "US POSTAGE PAID" above the value figures.
In Box B1 the mail class symbols seen are "F" for First Class, "P" for Priority mail, and "X" for "Retail Ground" and probably other classes of mail.
Box B2 in small print the origin, date, and transaction number are at far right.
Box C contains the mail class
Box D contains the weight, destination and two other codes and a "Datamax" barcode at bottom left to the left of the destination
Box E at bottom contains the tracking number.
Box F with a "Datamax" barcode at far right.
This stamp is apparently used only on mail with tracking. It is generated by the same system that produces types PO-B11 and PO-B12.
The label is 135 mm tall, and the tracking barcode is 83 mm wide.
V/F: $(00)0.00
Click here for Mail Class type description
Label Type Box B1 Type Box C Type machine no's Clerk # Date Zip City Notes
FS5 G VI 0805790605 03 11/22/23 08605 $5.05
FS5 F XXIII 3308250911 5 06/30/22 08605 $4.70
FS5 F XXVII 08837
FS5 X XXXII 41011520601 07 01/29/19 16601 $0.00
FS5 X XIX 4163840701 12 05/08/23 19301 $15.05
FS5 F XXIII 5101230109-99 99 09/28/22 22302 $4.70
FS5 X XIX 5135820260 92 04/29/23 23060 $4.76
FS5 X XXXII 5176700110 02 07/16/20 23238 $3.86
FS5 G VI 23832 $
FS5 P XXI 4871140074 06 05/06/20 75074 $8.40
FS5 P XXVI 4871140074 27 04/25/22 75074 $0.00
FS5 P XXX 4844300667 10/23/23 75657 $9.65
FS5 P XXVII? 48330500?9 04/16/21 75?3? $10.60
FS5 X XXIV 0367710520 02 09/27/22 86301 $4.16
FS5 X XXIV 0367710520 32 09/28/22 86301 $5.50
FS5 P XXX 5406030193 15 06/21/23 98008 $15.60
FS5 P XXX 5406030193 22 12/16/22 98008 $13.55
FS5 P XXX 5406030193 34 12/19/23 98008 $26.55
FS5 P XXX 5406030193 34 06/22/24 98008 $20.90
FS5 P XXX 5406030193 99 10/25/23 98008 $13.70
FS5 P XXX 5406030193 99 02/13/24 98008 $14.00

PO-B10. Stamps.com (digital), late 2013.

Except for textual elements the stamp is similar in appearance to several PC-F and PC-G types, especially PC-C5B.
"US POSTAGE" above "mPOS" at upper left of "PDFD417" style 2D barcode.
ID number with "062S" prefix at upper right above "FROM" and ZIP code.
At right of barcode are the value figures, a 4-digit number, and the date.
This stamp comes from a mobile point-of-sale system used by postal employees roving through customers lined up for service in post offices. The system can handle simple transactions thereby saving some customers the need to stand in line. One of the services offered is the printing of flat rate Priority Mail stamps which is currently the only type of stamp available from the system.
V/F: $(00)0.00

PO-B11.1. stamps/endicia (digital), 2017.

Large “CPU” at left and large 2D "Datamatrix" barcode at center.
At right, “U.S. POSTAGE” above the value figures and other data in descending order as follows:
- mail class abbreviation and 4-digit number
- originating ZIP code
- often but not always, the destination ZIP code
- date
- a large number of unknown purpose
Under the U of U.S. POSTAGE is the identification number, vertical, reading up, and with R2304(letter) or R2305(letter) prefix, letters K, P, and W reported to date.
At far right, also reading up, is 06 2S, indicating "Stamps.com/Endicia".
The stamp is printed on plain white self-adhesive labels.
It is used by contract post offices.
V/F: $(00)0.00
a. Without the Datamatrix barcode and missing both the number below the date and the 06 2S at right. NOTE, this stamp is possibly a test stamp rather than a variety. If proven as such it will be moved to Group TST.

PO-B11.2. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2023.

Large “CPU” at left and large 2D "Datamatrix" barcode at center.
At right, “U.S. POSTAGE IMI” above the value figures and other data in descending order as follows:
- mail class abbreviation
- originating ZIP code
- often but not always, the destination ZIP code
- date
- a large number of unknown purpose
Under the U of U.S. POSTAGE is the identification number, vertical, reading up, and with R2304(letter) or R2305(letter) prefix, letters K, P, and W reported to date.
At far right, also reading up, is 02 8W, indicating "Pitney Bowes".
The stamp is printed on plain white self-adhesive labels.
It is used by contract post offices.
V/F: $(00)0.00

PO-B12. stamps endicia (digital), 2017.

Large label version of Type PO-B11 with large mail class indicator in box at left.
“CPU” is vertical left of identification code 06 2S at lower right of frank.
Used by contract post offices (contract postal units).
V/F: $(00)0.00

PO-B13. Unidentified (digital), 1997.

Plain rectangular label with rounded corners divided into three sections horizontally. The top section is the largest. It contains the value figures at top left, a line showing the date, time, and a third number split by a colon, and below it, the weight. The middle section contains the mail class printed in large letters. The bottom section contains US POSTAL SERVICE.
A. The mail class statement is all capitals.
B. The font is different from that in A, narrower, and the mail class statement is mixed case rather than all capitals.
Very few of these stamps have been reported so far. They all originate in Portland Oregon between 1997 and 2003 and are affixed to incoming short paid mail. The postage value at top is the correct postage for the mail-piece. The number split by a colon on the second line matches the insufficient postage applied by the mailer. The difference would be the postage due, but the stamp does not actually show a postage due amount.
V/F: $0.00    /    0:00

NOTE: It is possible this stamp has nothing to do with USPS and is a private stamp applied by a commercial mail-handling company. The higher amount on the stamp (with the dollar sign) may be what the company charged their customer, and the lower amount (with the colon) was the actual postage necessary and what the company applied to the mailpiece with the meter stamp. This seems likely. Should it be confirmed the catalog status of this stamp will be revised.

PO-B14.1. Toshiba? (digital), 2023.

Wide self-adhesive label, 35mm tall, with square corners (and with fluorescent strip at right invisible in daylight, visible only under UV light). (Must be verified)
USPS logo at left, GS1-128 (UCC/EAN 128) bar code above destination ZIP code in center, point-of-sale data at right, all printed in black.
"U.S. POSTAGE PAID" at top, followed by the mail class, town line with ZIP code, date, AMOUNT (value figures).
At left "RETAIL" above USPS logo, above "RDC99" (Retail Distribution Code)
Identification number below value figures.
V/F: $(00)0.00

A. Short GS1-128 (UC/EAN 128) barcode

B. Tall GS1-128 (UC/EAN 128) barcode, NO "RETAIL" in upper left, shorter type font, lines of text above denomination may or may not be justified.

PO-B14.2. Toshiba? (digital), 2023.

Wide self-adhesive label, 35mm tall, with square corners (and with fluorescent strip at right invisible in daylight, visible only under UV light). (Must be verified)
USPS logo at left, Data Matrix code above destination ZIP code in center and weight, point-of-sale data at right, all printed in black.
"U.S. POSTAGE PAID" at top, followed by the mail class, town line with ZIP code, date, AMOUNT (value figures).
At left "RETAIL" above USPS logo, above "RDC02" (Retail Distribution Code)
Identification number below value figures.
V/F: $(00)0.00

PO-B15. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2024.

FS5 Label
Box B1 with mail Class
Box B2 "US POSTAGE IMI" followed by 12 digit alphanumeric then 10 digits
Charges above CPU
PDF427(8) at middle right
Date, origin zipcode and machine ID beginning with 28W and 7 digits
"For similar items with USPS.com at upper left," see "PC-G"