Sport Innovation/Social Media in Soccer

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Its belief that the advance in the use of social ways of communication will change the way fans communicate with players and event organisers. With the advance in social media spread it is possible to affirm that even stadium’s big screen will be utilised to share followers thoughts and comments worldwide, creating a live atmosphere in every match. Probably the 2014 edition of football (soccer) competition will serve as a showcase for this sport upcoming changes.

Social Media is one of the technological advancements which has increased dramatically in sport/soccer, as the time comes closer to 2014 World Cup, speculations arise in how those communication channels will be used and how this will affect:

Soccer Players

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With the advent of modern technology, even innocent off‐ field incidents can become public, as highlighted by the situation involving Athletes and their off-field life.

Other than the mainstream media indicates that this issue of players having to accept the consequences of their off‐ field behaviour is something that is only likely to increase; [1]

Social Media is an everyday fact that needs to be managed by athletes. During 2010 World Cup, Kaka, one of the world’s premiere football players, was using his Twitter account to connect with fans and do things like share a pair of songs that were written for him.

Traditional media outlets like Sports Illustrated magazine were running profiles of the US national team, but were also including each players Twitter handle (10 of the 23 had accounts. [2]

Despite FIFA’s accessibility of players was so guarded and controlled the idea that players were kind removing filters, connecting with their fans appears really innovative.

Soccer Sponsors

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By 2006, during Germany World Cup social media sites were starting to pick up steam. Facebook had launched but it was still restricted to college and high school students. Similarly, Twitter was still in its beta-stage and hadn’t yet caught on; MySpace was the most popular social networking site in the US. Companies like Adidas, Nike and Puma were early adopters with campaigns that included print ads, television spots and online sites.[2]

Nike in particular teamed up with Google to create “the first social network for football fans worldwide,”, allowing users to create profiles, view video and connect with fellow fans. Other companies joined in, with Adidas launching a MySpace site featuring video and exclusive content, and Coca-Cola launching a blog to track two unofficial World Cup mascots. Users could provide the mascots with suggestions and track their antics. The blog was a predecessor to similar video sites created for MySpace and YouTube. [2]

Soccer Fan Base

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“Social media” as we know it now (complete with Twitter, Foursquare, etc.) did not exist in 2002, but the World Cup still found ways to connect with fans[2]

The soccer fan base is huge worldwide and as FIFA World Cup comes closer supporters start following their teams, athletes and coaches whatever they go.

The Social Media boom permitted fans to have live information from their idols even behind the scenes and this must be the biggest connection between followers and players.

During 2014 World Cup in Brazil, it won’t be any different, once the spread of social media is considerable and new channels of connection will be established until the beginning of the event in 2014.

The benefits of the Internet are extension of reach into target publics across national and cultural boundaries; direct communication; availability 24/7, global reach; speed of information and other [3]

The affirmations above reflect exactly a worthy utilization made by the event organizers as a way to establish connection with fans; maintaining the public relation channels active. However it is important to notate that website’s approach does not offer a two-way communication channel whereas the other social media tools do.

One of the key components of public relations an the use of technologies as connection outfits with fans is “the instigator two-way communication between the organisation and its publics” [3] this tactic permits the fan to feel part of the event where their ideas and opinion can also be listened.

FIFA 2014 website is presenting a great number of interactive tools where the fan bases interface with event organisers. The competitions and general feedback are valuable instruments used by the administrators to keep on raising numbers and restructuring mew concepts. Sport public relation is all about relationships, relationship management and relationship building [3] and social media ideally matching this idea [4]. Social media in this case included on it, here the communicators can establish a diverse range of information and interaction rather than any others available.

Soccer Coaching Materials

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For the development of coaching knowledge and training materials, social media in football has been a major revolution. Coaching staff from professionals to youth coaches are able to exchange ideas and share training sessions. Many coaching sites have blogs or areas where coaches can interact. Online communities of coaches are on both social media and the web now. It leads to awareness of issues in the game and best practices, especially with children. Facebook groups are currently very popular amongst junior level coaches. Coaches are able to ask for advice from other peers and moderators.


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[1].^ Davies, Chris (2011) "The International World of Sport and the Liability for Off-Field Indiscretions," Bond Law Review: Vol. 23: Iss.1, Article 3. Retrieved on 4 December 2011 from:

[2].^ Sniderman, Zachary (2010, June 12). The World Cup’s Social Media Evolution. Retrieved on December 5, 2011 from

[3].^ Hopwood, M., Kitchin, P., & Skinner, J. (2010). Sport Public Relations and Communication. Oxford : Elsevier.

[4].^ Mangolda, W., & Faulds, D. (2009). Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business Horizons , 52 (4), 357-3

Sport Innovation/Technology on- and off-field at the 2014 FIFA World Cup