Alphabet/Step by step/Vowels 2

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2.1 Vowels 2

The ninth letter in the alphabet. The sound of which is in Sanskrit = ṛi in English, which sound is retained in some Sanskrit words, naturalized in the Sinhalese language, while in others it is = ru. It is only used at the beginning of a word as well as all the other vowels. Let's see some example words begin with this letter. There aren't many words begin with this letter.

ඍතුව (ṛtuva) - season
ඍණ (ṛṇa) - negative
ඍජු (ṛju) - straight
ඍෂි (ṛṣi) - a saint or holy person (in Hindu mythology)

The 13th letter in the alphabet. It sounds as a in 'hay', e in 'men' or e in 'engage'. It is only used at the beginning of a word as well as all the other vowels. Let's see some example words begin with this letter.

එක (eka) - one
එකම (ekama) - only
එන්න (enna) - come
එල්ලනවා (ellanava) - hang
එළුවා (eḷuvā) - goat
එළදෙන (eḷadena) - cow
එඬේරා (en̆ḍērā) - shepherd
එලිය (eliya) - light
එදා (edā) - that other day
එකතුව (ekatuva) - sum

The 14th letter in the alphabet. It sounds as a in 'made'. It takes the sound of the vowel held long. It is only used at the beginning of a word as well as all the other vowels. Let's see some example words begin with this letter.

ඒකාන්ත (ēkānta) - verily/truly
ඒක (ēka) - that/alone/solitary/that thing
ඒවා (ēvā) - those
ඒනිසා (ēnisā) - therefor/so
ඒකා (ēkā) - that fellow

The 15th letter of the alphabet. It is a diphthong. It sounds like i in 'while'. On other hand We can say it sounds like the name of the letter "I" in English. It is only used at the beginning of a word as well as all the other vowels. Let's see some example words begin with this letter. There aren't many words begin with this letter.

ඓතිහාසික (aitihāsika) - historical
ඓශ්වර්යය (aiśvaryaya) - splendor/omnipotence

The 16th letter of the alphabet. It has the sound of o in 'olive'. It is only used at the beginning of a word as well as all the other vowels. Let's see some example words begin with this letter.

ඔටුන්න (oṭunna) - diadem/crown
ඔටුවා (oṭuvā)- camel
ඔත්තුකාරයා (ottukārayā) - spy
ඔක්කොම (okkoma) - all/everyone
ඔට්ටුව (oṭṭuva) - wager/bet/stake
ඔතනවා (otanavā) - wrap
ඔවුන් (ovun)- they
ඔරුව (oruva) - canoe
ඔරවනවා (oravanavā) - stare
ඔලුව (oluva) - head

The 17th letter of the alphabet. It takes the sound of the vowel held long as o in 'stone'. This letter is also can be seen only at the beginning of a word. Let's see some example words begin with this letter.

ඕපාදූප (ōpādūpa) - gossip/insinuation
ඕලු (ōlu) - Lotus

The 18th letter and the last vowel in the alphabet. It sounds like ou in 'our'. This letter is also can be seen only at the beginning of a word. Let's see some example words begin with this letter. There isn't many words begin with this letter.

ඖෂධ (auṣadha) - drugs/medicine
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