PostgreSQL/Visibility Map and Free Space Map

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Every table is stored in a separate disk file. The names of such files consist of numbers which are the internal Object Identifiers (OID) of the table used in the System Catalog. Each such file is accompanied by a file for its Visibility Map and another one for its Free Space Map. They have the same names expanded by the suffix '_vm' respectively '_fsm'. An example for such a triplet of filenames is: 3083, 3083_vm, and 3083_fsm.

The two additional files contain metainformation to optimize I/O activities to the original file - especially for vacuuming and freezing, but also for other write activities. Because I/O works per physical page, the metainformation addresses complete physical pages, not any part of pages like rows or versions.

Visibility Map

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The Visibility Map contains two flags — stored as two bits — for each page of the original file. The first bit indicates that the associated page contains only valid row versions, i.e. there is no bloat to be vacuumed. The second bit indicates that the page only contains already frozen row versions.

Please consider two details. First, in most cases a page contains many rows or row versions. However, both flags are associated with the page, not with an individual row or row version. The flags are set only under the condition that they are valid for ALL row versions stored on the page. Second, since there are only two bits per page (2 bits correlate to 8 kiloBytes, which is a relation of about 1 : 32.000), the Visibility Map is considerably smaller than the original file.

VACUUM and Autovacuum set the flags. Every write operation on any row version of the page clears the flags.

The Visibility Map helps VACUUM and Autovacuum to save unnecessary I/O. When the first bit is set, it's unnecessary to read the original page and check its content for removing bloat. It's clear that there is no bloat. Correspondingly, if VACUUM or Autovacuum have to perform freezing of rows, they can skip pages where the second bit signals that the page only contains already frozen row versions - no freeze is necessary.

Free Space Map

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The Free Space Map tracks the amount of free, unused space per page. It is organized as a highly condensed B-tree of (rounded) free space size per page.

VACUUM and Autovacuum change the Free Space Map according to their write operations (marking of row versions as 'obsolete' and rearranging the physical layout of pages). Other write operations consult the Free Space Map to locate pages with enough free space for the intended write operations and change the Free Space Map afterward.