OERlabs Openbook/Lessons lOERned (Weblog)

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Weblog as basis for a project

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To keep a project blog is part of the basic setup in the university context. Although many different materials have been created in our project (see: Link Content-Buffet, see Podcast), the upkeep of a "project homepage" in the form of a weblog is of central importance, because basic information about the project or the "day-to-day" events is easier to present and find in this form.

Weblog as development possibility?

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No blog statistics were collected for the OERlabs blog and in terms of interaction we were able to provide a function to comment (see OERLabs Podcast Episode 5). In the beginning we also experimented with an inquiry or contact option in the form of a "doorbell". We also mentioned and discussed this OERlabs doorbell in some podcast episodes, because we considered it a good possibility to offer interested people a contact point, especially for questions about OER. It has to be mentioned that interest was more often expressed (be it information or questions about OER) "offline", no remedy can be created by the provision of an "online" system.

Due to the work processes during the project, it is not easy to regularly upload to the blog. On the one hand we could offer a lot of other content in the OERlabs, but on the other hand the flow of information on the blog was sometimes too little. This raises the question of the format in which project information is displayed and what kind of project information is requested by interested parties, cooperation partners and the public. In the future, one consideration might be to offer a kind of landing page, from which certain target groups can be directly addressed and forwarded, so that participation opportunities are made more present.

Interactivity and privacy policy

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Finally, a word about GDPR, which has also affected the project and the blog since the beginning of 2018. If a certain interaction is desired, demanded or wanted, there will be additional work in some cases. Because as soon as forms or entries by visitors are necessary, you have to communicate in detail what happens with these entries.

Ultimately, the question of how to handle products - be it student products or materials from teachers - may remain unanswered for some time. Should they be made available on your own weblog? Should there be possibilities for this from the side of the own university? And how do you communicate such publications (especially in the field of teaching, trainee teachers and young teachers)?