Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Scenario 4

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This part of the walkthrough covers the scenario involving the offensive member of your team - TomahawkMan for Team Colonel and NapalmMan for Team ProtoMan, up to the start of the fourth liberation mission.

MegaMan's replacement

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Life sucks doesn't it, Lan? You'll notice that you don't have access to the Navi Customizer, and the fact that a generic voice replaces MegaMan in every PET screen (except Comm). Anyways, head out to the dock, and talk to Baryl/Chaud.

With a hardened heart, meet Baryl/Chaud in the MissionControl.

Like the liberation missions, neither Colonel nor ProtoMan will benefit from MegaMan's add-ons (DoubleSoul, DarkChips, Navi Customizer, etc). Colonel and ProtoMan are also unable to pick up HPMemories (saying "I don't need this data."), thus in many cases you will have to wait until you have MegaMan back at the end of Liberation Mission 4. Colonel and ProtoMan will have 400 HP, but is otherwise identical to how he was in Liberation Mission 3. Colonel and ProtoMan will also replace the generic voice in the PET (except again for the Comm menu).

With that in mind, head to Oran Area 2 and check the door.

Head to SciLab 4, where you will have to navigate the maze in order to find an official navi, in front of the Nebula gate.

With the key, make your way to End Area 1, where we will get another cutscene...

The Queen Bohemia

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Hmmm... businesspeople or royals. Must be referring to Pride, a royal, or Tesla, a businessperson. Head to Oran Isle, and the person who you seek should be there.

Having the invite, go back home and rest, or do your thing before resting... Colonel will say "Big day tomorrow. Sleep well..." before finally getting some shuteye. Anyways, onto the next day...

Head to the ship, where a scientist will be asking for an invite (why a scientist...?) before you board.

Well, go ahead, get on board. Once you get on board, you won't be able to leave the ship for a while...

Walk forward, and there will be another cutscene.

Lan doesn't understand metaphors. Gotta make a note of that. Anyways, on board the ship there will be a 10-chip trader. Also note that the big picture is different in each version, showing a night sky in Team Colonel and a day scene in Team ProtoMan...

Fun on the Ship

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On the Deck, there will be a crew member. Go talk to him for an interesting time.

OK. In order, the three stamps are located at:

  1. Wheel Stamp: the steering wheel at the Bridge (Spins right and left?! Could this be it? ...There! A stamp behind the ship's wheel!!! (applies the stamp) Cool! I got a stamp!)
  2. Maiden Stamp: the front of the ship on the Deck (Wow! You can see for miles and miles. ...Hang on! You can see where the ship's sailing... Ah-ha! There's a stamp on top of the maiden's head! Good kids aren't supposed to mess around... ...What would happen if I fell over...?! (applies the stamp) Cool! I got a stamp!)
  3. Sofa Stamp": the sofa in the Hall (It repels all light and always reflects this... A mirror repels all light... And that mirror over there is reflecting... Under the sofa! (applies the stamp) Cool! I got a stamp!!!)

Return to the crew member to collect your prize.

A note to the businessman: 10 million zennys is wasted on customizing a navi, but it is plenty of money to buy BattleChips... Anyways, head to the locked Engine Room door. It will say "Code Red. Switched to Manual Mode. Please enter security code.", and will ask for an eight-digit code. The crew member will have a hint for you, but the code is 11922911.

Enter the room and head down the stairs. There will be another cutscene.

The place to jack in is the last engine. Head there, and there will be another scene...

Jack Colonel in, and Colonel/ProtoMan will run up and confront a HeelNavi.

You are now in RadarComp. Head through AirConComp, then ScrewComp, and finally EngineComp. Japanese version users will have to fight a virus battle between areas. Once you get to the EngineComp, Colonel will confront the HeelNavi.

Getting the Party Started

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Head back to the main hall, and enter the Fiesta Room. While in the party room, talk to everyone there. No one will say anything of importance. Afterwards, there will be a cutscene.

Inspect the three sets of mirrors in the room, and Lan will begin to deduce the mystery. At various points, Lan will be given three options. Choose the wrong one, and Lan will deduce the choice to be incorrect, allowing you to choose again from the remaining choices. Choose correctly to move on. The correct answer will be in bold.

  • It's the table!
  • It's the buffet!
  • It's the mirror!
    • A magic mirror!
    • The reflection!
    • When you break it...

Tracing the signal, you should end up in the main hall, where the mirrors would lead you in the direction of the engine room. Head to the end where there is a ladder in the wall.

You will end up on the deck, where a crew member will be lying unconscious.

So head there, already! There you will find a most unexpected enemy...


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As a side note, note that there are only three areas to the ShipComp in the English version and four areas in the Japanese (the first area having been cut out). There will be a Mr. Prog right at the beginning who will explain what's going on.

Needless to say, grab the bubbles and avoid the eddies (which you can often time yourself anyways). In any case, the idea is to find ShipKeys, which are inside Blue Mystery Datas, which are typically located near a teleporter that leads to the surface. These ShipKeys will allow you to unlock the doors that lead to the next area.

For the first area, head down and against the current, then grab the bubble, and back up the area (conserve oxygen and take the first turnoff so that you will be carried by the current). At the next square, grab the bubbles and take the right fork to ge the first ship key. Head through the teleporter and onto the next one.

The next hatch has one key. Head to the right, and take the first turnoff (so you avoid an eddy and more currents). Head down (there are bubbles there), and through the currents. Let the current take you down the next part. Take the long way around for some bubbles, and head to the left for the ship key. Head out, and on to ShipComp 2.

Here, there is one area but three keys. Head to the left and then down the path (through two eddies), and the first turnoff will have the first key. Continue (not through the teleporter), and let the current take you to another area. Grab the bubbles, and head forward through the area (the currents will make you overshoot your target), past the square with the two eddies, and straight to the second key. Head to the teleporter to resurface, then head down and take a right. Head past the squares with eddies and down the eddie-lined path. Just before the teleporter, you will find a place to resurface. That's where the third key is located. Take the teleporter to the third and final area.

Fortunately, ShipComp 3 has only one area. However, it's a current island maze. Go down, take a left, down the current, and left again. Head down, left (take the long way around the eddie), then down around the eddies, through two more currents to get the ship key. Resurface, and go on through for a cutscene.

Road to the Fourth Liberation

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Head back to End Area 1, where you were previously blocked.

Head on through for your next mission... Afterwards, there will be another cutscene