Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Liberation Mission 8

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This part of the walkthrough deals with Liberation Mission 8, where Nebula Area 3 is liberated.

Again, the first time you go through with this, MegaMan will warn you. Enter, and there will be another cutscene.

ShadowMan and TomahawkMan will have 600 HP, while NumberMan has 550 and ToadMan has 500. The SplitUp S will have a rating of 100, the TomahawkSwing T will have a rating of 120, the NumberTrap will have a rating of 140, while the S-Melody T will have a rating of 80.

Phase 1

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This is a mission where order points will come at a premium, so we should try to conserve them. In any case, we will have to take out the first Dark Hole before proceeding. Have ShadowMan one-turn on the clean panel ahead, then use two navis to clear a path to the Dark Hole. The fourth navi should clear it, and then use NumberMan to clear the stun trap between the barrier panels.

  • Hurry back, ha ha! I'll welcome you with thunderclouds!

The two TonHawks will move towards you, while the Bladia will attack NumberMan for a whopping 120 damage.

Phase 2

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Have one navi immediately clear out the Bladia, then use the LifeMelody liberation on ShadowMan so that he can clear a path towards the second Dark Hole from the bottom side (this is not as much for reaching the Dark Hole, but really for getting the first key, which is in the large item panel area nearby). Now, to conserve order points, just have NumberMan and TomahawkMan do normal liberations.

TinHawks will again move closer to your position, and the closer one will attack either NumberMan or TomahawkMan (whichever liberated second) for 70 damage.

Phase 3

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Now we only have one order point left, which is fine as last turn we exposed an item panel containing three order points. To make it easier, though, use the order point on ToadMan so ShadowMan can get the first key (he will also get a heart if you liberated on the column with two item panels last turn and one-turned this one, but will set off a damage trap, which do 100 damage - the heart is retrieved before the trap is set off, which kinda sucks). Have your three remaining navis take out the second Dark Hole using normal liberations (the first navi, if he one-turned, should get the order points.

The remaining TinHawk should get closer, but not attack.

Phase 4

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This one is tricky, but the next Dark Hole is surrounded on seven sides by stun traps, and the eighth is occupied by the Bladia. Use the LifeMelody liberation on the column leading to the Bladia, then two-turn the Bladia and clear the Dark Hole. Then, NumberCheck to clear the traps to your left.

Darkloid phase will actually see the TinHawk attack anyone other than ToadMan (unless you moved ToadMan up).

Phase 5

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Use your last order point to TomahawkSwing the panels cleared by NumberMan (it's a good thing that you don't trip the traps behind you this time), and then use three of the navis to clear the Dark Hole (make sure the first navi avoids the stun trap, while the second navi will trip two damage traps unless he two-turns). From clearing the Dark Hole you should get one BugFrag and three order points. With the last navi, go through to the next area and one-turn liberate the bottom row (we will have to go around the barrier panels).

More harassment by the TinHawk this turn, either at TomahawkMan or whoever cleared the path to the Dark Hole.

Phase 6

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Use LifeMelody on ShadowMan again, and have him clear the turnoff from where the Bladia is so that he can get the second key next phase (he will get a heart and 2000 zennys). Then, use your remaining navis to make your way to and clear the last Dark Hole with normal liberations (you will also get order points, but it's not important, as you will have all you need).

The Bladia will claim a panel and attack ShadowMan.

Phase 7

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Get ShadowMan to claim the key, then use another navi to clear the way to a group of clean panels (avoid the item panel, it's a stun trap). Then, use the LifeMelody liberation to clear the path leading to CloudMan, and use your last navi to destroy the Bladia (rather than lose him due to CloudMan's attack - you will also prevent ShadowMan from getting cut off).

Phase 8

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TomahawkSwing so you get the four-column advantage, and deal with CloudMan. You still have a good six phases, so take your time.

Congratulations, the mission was a success. Here's your reward:

Turns completed Reward
12 or less Muramasa M
13-14 CloudMan DS C
15 or more 5000 zenny