Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Liberation Mission 4

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This part of the walkthrough covers the fourth liberation mission against Dark MegaMan in End Area 2, again with emphasis on the first playthrough. The first time through, Colonel will ask if you want to enter the area.

Again, the first time through there will be another cutscene.

The new teammate is the point man in cutting paths wide open. TomahawkMan can cut a two-by-three area while NapalMan will cut in the shape of a Latin cross (four panels ahead with the two panels to each side of the third one). However, both attacks will destroy items other than barrier keys, and both attacks will not benefit from one-turn liberations (ie. the panels around them will not be liberated if they one-turn). The different attacks mean that the strategies for each team will be different, but the lack of a one-turn bonus means that you can take your time.

Colonel, of course, will have 400 HP, while KnightMan will have 550HP and the other two with only 300HP. ShadowMan's SneakAttack will deal 200 damage. ShadowMan's SplitUp S will have a rating of 80, while the other three navis' chips will have a rating of 100.

From bonus panels in this area you can get either Yo-Yo E, WindRack E, or CactBall2 Q.

Phase 1

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Have ShadowMan take the upper left item panel in the upper right square, which contains Barrier Key 1. Then, have TomahawkMan do the TomahawkSwing in the third column (so he will be in a pincer battle). Then have KnightMan one-turn to the left of the BigBrute (so that the BigBrute is to his right, and Colonel destroy the Dark Hole. As for the Darkloids...

The BigBrute near ShadowMan will move over the Dark Hole towards ShadowMan, the two BigBrutes near Colonel will take two steps forward, while the TinHawk will move closer (so that either way Colonel or KnightMan will face a Guardian next phase), and the Dark Hole near ShadowMan will span a BigBrute.

Phase 2

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The lower-right item panel in ShadowMan's area will have the other barrier key, which you will need either two phases or a one-turn liberation. Get the key with ShadowMan. Meanwhile, have KnightMan attack either Guardian, which should open the way for TomahawkMan to get the Bonus Panel. Then, have TomahawkMan TomahawkSwing so that two Dark Holes are exposed. Then have Colonel destroy one of them.

In the Darkloid phase, one BigBrute in ShadowMan's corner will hop over the Dark Hole, while the other will move two spaces forward. The Guardians in the main pack will attack TomahawkMan (for 70-80 damage).

Phase 3

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ShadowMan should either liberate the item panel containing order points in his area (right corner), or go for the Dark Hole (which will take two phases if you one-turn from the top corner). With the main pack, use either Colonel or KnightMan to kill the Dark Hole, then TomahawkSwing to the left (the item panel to the right of the Dark Hole contains order points), then have the last Navi either take out the Bladia or clear the way to the Dark Hole (if you do the latter, then use KnightMan, of course).

Darkloid action goes like this: the Bladia (either a new or respawned one) will attack the closest Navi to it (it is KnightMan, right?), while the two BigBrutes will try to harass ShadowMan once more (they won't be able to attack ShadowMan if you one-turned in its attempt to get to the Dark Hole). The TinHawk (if it's still there) will move towards the navi which eliminated the Dark Hole.

Phase 4

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Since at least the last phase ShadowMan should be able to reach two Bonus Panels in the main pack square. It is possible to reach Dark MegaMan on this phase, contingent on there being order points (so that TomahawkMan can use the TomahawkSwing). If you come up empty, you should have ShadowMan get the item panel rather than going for the Dark Hole (if you went for the Dark Hole last turn). Anyways, if you can, clear out the two remaining Dark Holes with ShadowMan and Colonel. Then have TomahawkMan TomahawkSwing so that KnightMan can face Dark MegaMan.

Alternatively, if you are out of order points, and you really didn't want ShadowMan to get the order point panel, just have TomahawkMan and then KnightMan do normal (one-turn) liberations so that Dark MegaMan will attack KnightMan. Then, at least you will still have five phases to kill Dark MegaMan...

Congratulations, you have succeeded. Your reward:

Turns completed Reward
8 or less FullCustom *
9-10 AntiNavi M
11 or more 4000 zenny