Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Liberation Mission 2

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This part of the walkthrough covers the second Liberation Mission in Oran Area 3, and the first playthrough in particular.

The first time through, you are asked if you want to enter Oran Area 3.

Again, there will be a cutscene the first time through not found in subsequent playthroughs:

ShadeMan's ability is that it can attack anyone next to a DarkPanel, while KnightMan will not take any out-of-battle damage and protect anyone next to them (as long as both are not attacked with the same attack. This is a slightly easier mission compared to the first, as you have three navis and more turns. KnightMan will be at 400HP while Colonel has 300HP, while their special chips (KingdomCrusher for KnightMan and ColonelCannon for Colonel) will both be at 80 in the first playthrough. The chips that you can get through Bonus Panels in this mission are TimeBomb1 T, Navi+20 *, and Quake B. Anyways, on with the mission!

The key to the mission is to try and one-turn liberate, as this will liberate the panels around you, and thus keeping ShadeMan from attacking you.

Phase 1

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First, use KnightMan and Colonel on the right-hand side to open a way for MegaMan to use the LongSword. (One-turn/ScreenDivide with your second navi will net you 2 order points). With MegaMan, LongSword so that next phase, you can send two navis to clear the Dark Hole. In the Darkloid phase (ShadeMan will say Heh heh... Let's party if he does not attack), the nearby TinHawk will attack MegaMan with its HawkAttack for 20 damage.

Phase 2

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KnightMan, of course, is a specialist in pincer battles due to the Royal Wrecking Ball as his charged shot (which can hit enemies behind him). Have him take out the BigBrute blocking the DarkHole. A one-turn liberation would open up a BonusPanel. Liberate the Dark Hole with one remaining navi, and use the last to get the item panel (a heart). During the Darkloid's phase, a TinHawk should have attacked Colonel or KnightMan (unless you uncovered the Bonus Panel and it resulted in a Major Hit), but neither should take damage. Meanwhile, a second TinHawk should have made your way to one of the panels in front of you.

Phase 3

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The next section of DarkPanels can be cleared with Colonel and KnightMan. Have one navi destroy the TinHawk, which should be on the singular panel, and the second to attack the other singular panel (one-turn would get you 3 Order Points). Finally, for MegaMan, have him LongSword the column on the right (ie. the one not containing the BigBrute). During the Darkloid phase, a new TinHawk would respawn from the DarkHole to the right, and the BigBrute may move.

Phase 4

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Get KnightMan to one-turn in the space freed by MegaMan with the LongSword the last phase. If you are successful, you will be able to clear both Dark Holes with MegaMan and Colonel (if you didn't, then you would need an extra phase to clear the DarkHoles, during which both navis would be protected from getting hit by KnightMan). Beyond the left hole lies a BonusPanel. ShadeMan, of course, will do nothing.

Phase 5

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Here, your three Navis will be able to clear your way to ShadeMan, although you will have to wait until next phase in order to challenge him. If you one-turn with your second Navi, you will get a heart (if you don't, then ShadeMan will attack that Navi). Proper one-turn liberations will make ShadeMan do nothing.

Phase 6

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Three turns under par, and three turns to wail on him with three Navis. How great is that? If you get invincibility or Major Hit from any unclaimed Bonus Panels, the fight against ShadeMan (who has 600HP and will take 120HP from getting a Major Hit from a Bonus Panel) will be easy. Remember to have KnightMan stand on the same panel as your attacking Navi to avoid damaging your team during the Darkloid phase should you fail.

With that, it's mission accomplished. Congratulations! Your reward for this mission:

Turns completed Reward
less than 8 ShadeMan SP S
8-9 ShadeMan S
more than 9 2000 zenny