Lineage 2/The Player Character (PC) Classes & Character Guides/Warcryer

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Warcryer (WC) are spellcasters, with party buffs and a number of debuffs and lesser attack spells, of the orcs. They can use any armor and any weapon, but get a stun skill for blunts.


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Format: Name (Max. Level) - Description (Level[+Updates]/Next Level ...)

Group Buffs

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  • Chant of Battle (3) - Increases P.Atk. of party. (14/25/44)
  • Chant of Eagle (3) - Increases Accuracy of party. (48/58/64)
  • Chant of Evasion (3) - Increases Evasion of party. (40/48/56)
  • Chant of Flame (3) - Increases Cast.Speed of party. (30/44/56)
  • Chant of Fire (3) - Increases M.Def. of party. (20/40/52)
  • Chant of Fury (2) - Increases Atkspeed of party. (48/56)
  • Chant of Predator (3) - Increases Critical of party. (48/60/68)
  • Chant of Life (18) - Greatly increases HP Regen of party for a short time. (20/25/30/35/40/44/48/52/56/58/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74)
  • Chant of Rage (3) - Increases Critical Damage of party. (44/52/56)
  • Chant of Revenge (3) - Reflects Damage for party. (62/68/74)
  • Chant of Shielding (3) - Increases P.Def. of party. (20/30/40)
  • Chant of Vampire (4) - A part of the damage dealt becomes healing, for whole party. (44/58/66/74)

Other Buffs

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  • Soul Cry (10) - Increases P.Atk of caster. Consumes MP continuously. (1/14/25/35/40/48/56/60/66/70)
  • Soul Shield (3) - Increases P.Def. of target. (7/25/35)


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  • Aura Sink (6) - Drains enemies mp. (25/35/44/52/64/70)
  • Dreaming Spirit (20) - Sleep on target. (7/14/20/25/30/35/40/44/48/52/56/58/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74)
  • Fear (19) - Fear on target. (14/20/25/30/35/40/44/48/52/56/58/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74)
  • Madness (18) - Confuses target to randomly attack allies or foes. (20/25/30/35/40/44/48/52/56/58/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74)


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  • Freezing Flame (4) - Ranged cold damage attack. (40/52/64/72)
  • Steal Essence (14) - Absorb health from target. (40/44/48/52/56/58/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74)
  • Venom (5) - Ranged poison attack. (7/14/20/40/52)

Weapon Skills

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  • Stun Attack (12) - Melee stun attack. Over-hit available. Blunt only. (20+3/25+3/30+3/35+3)
  • Hammer Crush (35) - Melee stun attack. Over-hit available. Blunt only. (40+3/44+3/48+3/52+3/56+3/58+3/60+3/62+2/64+2/66+2/68+2/70+2/72+2/74+2)


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  • Anti Magic (45) - Increases M.Def. (7+2/14+2/20+2/25+2/30+2/35+2/40+3/44+3/48+3/52+3/56+3/58+2/60+2/62+2/64+2/66+2/68+2/70+2/72+2/74+2)
  • Boost HP (7) - Increases HP Max. (40/44/48/52/56/62/70)
  • Boost Mana (8) - Increases MP Max. (20/30/40/48/56/60/66/72)
  • Fast HP Recovery (5) - Increases HP regen. (35/44/52/58/64)
  • Fast Mana Recovery (6) - Increases MP regen. (25/35/44/52/60/68)
  • Fast Spell Casting (3) - Increases Cast.Speed. (25/40/56)
  • Heavy Armor Mastery (43) - Increases P.Def, Casting Speed and Atk.Speed. Heavy Armor only. (14+2/20+2/25+2/30+2/35+2/40+3/44+3/48+3/52+3/56+3/58+2/60+2/62+2/64+2/66+2/68+2/70+2/72+2/74+2)
  • Light Armor Mastery (45) - Increases P.Def, Casting Speed, Atk.Speed and MP regen. Light Armor only. (7+2/14+2/20+2/25+2/30+2/35+2/40+3/44+3/48+3/52+3/56+3/58+2/60+2/62+2/64+2/66+2/68+2/70+2/72+2/74+2)
  • Quick Recovery (3) - Time between magic reuse shortens. (20/30/48)
  • Robe Mastery (45) - Increases P.Def. Robe only. (7+2/14+2/20+2/25+2/30+2/35+2/40+3/44+3/48+3/52+3/56+3/58+2/60+2/62+2/64+2/66+2/68+2/70+2/72+2/74+2)
  • Toughness (1) - Tolerance against various irregularities. (1)
  • Weapon Mastery (42) - Increases P.Atk. and M.Atk. (7/14/20/25+2/30+2/35+2/40+3/44+3/48+3/52+3/56+3/58+2/60+2/62+2/64+2/66+2/68+2/70+2/72+2/74+2)


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  • Blaze Quake (2) - Drains hp of surrounding enemies. (25/35)
  • Blessing of Paagrio (1) - Increases P.Def. of clan. (35)
  • Chill Flame (2) - Ranged cold damage attack. (7/14)
  • Frost Flame (2) - Ranged cold damage attack. (20/30)
  • Power of Paagrio (1) - Increases P.Atk of clan. (30)
  • Life Drain (5) - Absorb health from target. (7/14/20/25/30)
  • Seal of Binding (3) - Hold nearby enemies. (25/30/35)
  • Seal of Chaos (2) - Reduces Accurrancy of nearby enemies. (30/35)
  • Seal of Poison (2) - Poisons nearby enemies. (20/30)
  • Seal of Slow (1) - Reduces Speed of nearby enemies. (35)


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Buffers should always spend their skillpoints first on the newest buffs to make sure they always give maximum effectivity to others. Soul Cry and Weapon Specialization come next to deal a bit of own damage as well.

After that, it depends much upon personal preferences. Fear and Dreaming Spirit might become handy in tough situations. As Orc Mystics have insane Men anyway, plus get a buff for it, Magic Resistance is not an absolute priority.


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It is hard to find another class with so many options for equipment, so we should only give some general tipps.

Its a bit hard to understand why shamans get a stun skill, as they get no weapon specialization for blunt, which is therefore otherwise a rather stupid choice for this class. The most effective weapon combination would be some twohanded magic Staff with Acumen for faster buffing and harder to resist curses and stronger attacks, which can also be used for a stun once in a while, and a dual or twohanded weapon for dealing as much damage as possible, to get the highest effect out of Chant of Vampire. Fists give good accuracy, while dual swords give good criticals, and twohanded swords give good criticals and use less shots, but do their single attack very late. Because of his Chant of Vampire, the warcryer is also a surprisingly good user of polearms.

All armor types have their advantages. Heavy Armor is of course best for the lonely orc. Robe is best if you are in party, protected either by tanks, or by high damage dealers such as Tyrants that deal far too much damage that the mobs ever get interested in the Warcryer. Light Armor is a good compromise. If you do not use Robes, beware that you need full mp to rebuff the party.


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More like the other clerical classes, Warcryers need a full party to have their maximum effectivity. On the other hand, a single Warcryer is already enough to satisfy most needs when buffing a whole party, of all really good buffs only Berzerker Spirit, Empower, and maybe also Concentration, Resist Shock and Windwalk are missing. This means specifically that a Warcryer is really a bad buffer for wizards, because ALL the missing buffs are of real interest to those.

One of the main disadvantages of the Warcryer is that he normally only buffs every twenty minutes, and needs full mp for buffing - unless in Robe. Also, the party has to stay together to get the buffs, while a Prophet or Elder might move a bit around to buff party members, or might even freely buff people not in party.

Compared to all other mystics, shamans are very tough melee warriors, still they cant compete in any way with real warriors. In a party, if both Warcryer and Tyrant are of same level and use the same weapon, the Warcryer deals something like the half or one third of the damage of the Tyrant. The Soul Cry of course helps a lot with that.