Lineage 2/The Player Character (PC) Classes & Character Guides/Mystic Comparison

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Humans, Elvens, Darkelves and Orcs have mystics. They can be categorized as nukers, summoners, buffers and healers. A special case is the human Necromancer as this class has some nuker and summoner abilities, but mainly a big palette of debuffs. Another special case is the orcish Overlord, as this class can buff whole clans and alliances at once. These two classes are therefore not examined further in the following text.

Human, elven and darkelven mystics have balanced mental stats. Still there is an important difference: clerical classes cant change their Int with Dyes (which makes sense, as they don't need Int for anything). This means that Elven Elders have a whooping +7 more on their important stats than Shillien Elders, while Humans are in between (4 less than Elven Elders). This difference has to be fixed through better skills for Darkelves (and worse for Elves).


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There are three nuker classes: human Sorcerer, elven Spellsinger and darkelven Spellhowler.

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The discussion which class is the best nuker is an old one and will probably never be resolved; it is clear that the Sorcerer is the most balanced one and that all three classes are very strong.


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There are three summoner classes: human Warlock, elven Elemental Summoner and darkelven Phantom Summoner.

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There are two buffer classes: human Prophet and orcish Warcryer.

The elvish Elven Elder and the darkelven Shillien Elder also have a palette of standard buffs as well as some special buffs.

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With C3, Warcryer gets all good buffs in the game except the Prophets Berzerker Spirit.


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The specialized healer is the Bishop. The buffer/healer combos Elven Elder and Shillien Elder are also often mainly seen as healers.

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It is of very little doubt that the Bishop is the best healer, as it is the only specialized healer class and gets all the best stuff.