Lineage 2/The Player Character (PC) Classes & Character Guides/Dwarf Scavenger

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The Dwarven Scavenger

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After level 19 and a class quest, the Dwarven Figther may emerge a Dwarven Scavenger. This class allows the player to continue strengthening their spoil skill and use it against higher and higher level monsters.


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Though the attack skills will begin to lag behind other classes, the additional income potential should get the Scavenger in top gear quickly and keep them there for the remainder of their play.

Expertise D

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The Expertise D skill allows the Artisan to wear D grade equipment without penalties.

Blunt Mastery vs. Polearm Mastery

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As skill points are usually scarce, it is best for a dwarf to decide early on their weapon masteries of choice. Blunts allow the use of the Stun Attack skill, which can shock an opponent. This is helpful for parties and when going after a single higher level monster.

Polearms allow the use of the Wild Sweep skill, which can knock down multiple opponents. This is useful when soloing against lower level (greens or light blue) monsters in small groups. Later in the game, soloing for dwarves becomes very difficult and ineffective, making the polearm lambasted as a weapon.

Boost HP and Vital Force

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Adding to the tank like nature of the dwarven classes is a maximum hit point (HP) boost and a faster HP regeneration rate when sitting.


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The Spoil skill is where the Scavenger and Artisan diverge. Generally, white colored mobs and below can be spoiled consistently, though the chance of an item spoiling decreases the further below your level the mob is.

Spoil Festival

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The Spoil Festival skill allows a Scavenger to spoil multiple enemies in an area with just one move. The cost is about three times the MP, but for groups of four or larger this can be more efficient than individual spoiling.


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The Bandage skill cures lower level bleeding inflicted by either monsters or other players, such as by a cursed weapon.

Party Use

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With the changes in Chronicle 2, spoils can be distributed the same as drops and Scavengers are often welcomed into a party if its members are more concerned about adena than experience. The downside of this is the Scavenger does not get all the spoils as they are used to when soloing, though it is unlikely they will get experience as quickly as if they were partied with a large group in a double or triple experience dungeon such as Cruma Tower.

Clan Use

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Clans don't specifically need to have a Scavenger to get the materials and recipes that their Warsmith(s) might need, but it is much more likely that a clan Scavenger will get items upon request. For that reason, clans or alliances generally have a few Scavengers to get key materials and also for a particularly profitable party. The spoil skill will offset their lacking combat skills.