International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Slovenia

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  • The first meter stamps appeared in 1991 when Slovenia became an independent state as Yugoslavia disintegrated into its constituent parts.
  • For issues before independence see YUGOSLAVIA.
  • All stamps inscribed “SLOVENIJA” or “SLOVENIJE” or are without country name but have a Slovenian town mark.
  • The stamps are grouped according to usage:
A - For general commercial or private use
PO - For use only by meters and machines in Post Offices

GROUP A: Stamps for commercial or private use

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A1.1. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

Horizontal frank with “SLOVENIJA” in both top and bottom panels.
Central area split with value figures in left two-thirds and postal logo in right third.
The postal logo is a negative flying “ptt” in a solid circle.
V/F: 0000 00.00 00.00 000.00

A1.2. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

Frank with dashed or dotted outer frame.
“POSTA SLOVENIJE” in top panel.
Central area split with value figures in left two-thirds and post horn in right third.
A. Frank 42 mm wide
B. Much smaller frank with wider space between TM and frank
V/F: 00.00 000.00 0000.00

A1.3. Postalia "EFS3000"? (MV).

Similar to Type A1.2B but the post horn is on the left side.
TM: SC with widely spaced date figures
V/F: 0000.00

A2.1. Pitney Bowes-GB "5000" series (MV).

Similar to Type A1.3 but slightly larger frank with date figures raised in relation to the value figures.
V/F: 00 oo

A2.2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).

Horizontal frank with straight outer border and inner panels at top and at right.
Large, thick-lettered "SLOVENIJA" in top panel.
Horizontal hash marks at left, round "ptt" logo in panel at right.
Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
V/F: 0.00

A2.3. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).

Similar to Type A2.2 but the panel containing the round "ptt" logo is at left and the hash marks are at right.
V/F: 00.oo

A2.4. Pitney Bowes-GB "6300" series (MV).

Frank similar to Type A2.1 with dashed outer frame line and post horn at left, but the date and value figures are level with each other.
V/F: 00.00

A2.5. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).

As Type A2.4 but “POSTA SLOVENIJE” is at the bottom of the frank rather than the top.
Date and value figures on same level.
V/F: 00.oo

A2.6. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” series (MV).

Similar to Type A2.2 with straight outer frame line but "SLOVENIJA" is in panels at both top and bottom.
V/F: 0.00

A2.7. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” series (MV).

Very similar to Type A2.5 but the value figures are larger and more widely spaced.
V/F: 00.00

A2.8. Pitney Bowes-GB "6300" series (MV).

Similar to Type A2.3 but the date and value figures are level with each other and the country name appears at both the top and bottom.
V/F: 00.oo

A3. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” series (digital).

Small frank very similar to Type A1.2B but the value figures are printed digitally.
The spacing between the town mark and the frank is narrower than with A1.2B.
V/F: 0000.00

GROUP PO: Special stamps generated only by meters and franking machines used in Post Offices

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PO1. Unidentified (digital).

Provisional stamp.
Frank frame and square town mark preprinted in red.
The frank has a ‘flying’ “ptt” logo at bottom.
Point of sale data added digitally in black.
The top of the frank is solid where the Yugoslavia country name was obliterated.
Identified as Slovenia by the town name ("Ajdovśċina", others may exist).
Printed on self-adhesive labels.
V/F: 0,00
a. With registration data added at left

PO1.1. Unidentified (digital).

Provisional stamp as Type PO1 but with SLOVENIA inside the red field covering the obsolete Yugoslavia country name underneath.
V/F: 0,00

PO2. Unidentified (digital).

As Type PO1 with "SLOVENIJA" at top of frank.
V/F: 0,00
a. With registration data added at left

PO3. Unidentified (digital).

As Type PO2 but with small post horn at bottom of frank.
A. Post horn is black
B. Post horn is red
V/F: 0,00

PO4. Unidentified (digital).

As Type PO2 but the point-of-sale data is applied by a different process which leaves characters with smooth diagonals and rounds.
The town name is much larger than with PO3.
Smaller flying “ptt” logo, 3 mm tall, at bottom.
Point of sale data added digitally in black.
A. Value figures black
B. Value figures negative on black field
V/F: *****0,00 0,00
a. With registration data added at left
b. As A, town name in smaller letters

PO4.1. Unidentified (digital).

As Type PO4A but instead of the red postal logo at bottom a large PTT is added with the point-of-sale data.
V/F: 0,00

PO5. Unidentified (digital).

As Type PO4 but with post horn at bottom of frank.
A. Post horn in red
B. Post horn in black
C. As B, value figures negative on black field
V/F: ****0,00 0,00
a. With registration data added at left

PO6. Unidentified (digital).

Printed in black on plain white self-adhesive labels with rounded corners.
Two closely spaced rectangles, wide at right and square at left.
The right rectangle contains the post code at top left, post horn at center, and “SLOVENIJA” at right.
The town name is below the post code, and beneath that are the value figures.
The left rectangle contains the date, time and weight.
A. Stamp for regular mail
B. Stamp for registered mail, with large barcode below the frank
V/F: ******0,00 SIT (SIT = Slovenian tolar, replaced by the Euro on 1 January 2007)
V/F: ***0,0000 EUR
a. With a surcharge added at right of the value figures, as "DDV20%" plus the amount (shown at left)
b. With "Pogodba" (domestic mail) or "Postage paid" (international mail) replacing the postage value line (shown at right). Used by Post Office customers who have a contracted price.
c. Without post horn logo next to "SLOVENIJA" (see below)