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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Israel

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The first meter was installed in 1950. All franks are inscribed “ISRAEL” in Hebrew, English, and Arabic with the Hebrew version (ישראל) largest and usually at the top. Town marks also are usually, but not always, tri-lingual.
For stamps used in the region of Israel before 1950, see “PALESTINE”.
The stamps are grouped according to appearance or use as follows:

  • A - Frank with simulated perforation outer border
  • B - Frank with double straight-line outer border
  • C - Frank with single-line outer border with rounded corners
  • PO - Stamps generated only by meters in Post Offices

For specialized information about the meter stamps of Israel, see Israel Meter Postage Stamps, 1988 Catalog, and 1991 Supplement, by Dr. E. Foa, self-published, Rehovot, Israel.

GROUP A: Frank with simulated perforation outer border and straight-line inner border

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  • Country name in Hebrew at top, English vertical at left and Arabic vertical at right.

Sub-group AA: Hebrew country name at top in a curved banner

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AA1. Neopost. “105” (LV), 1950.

Small upright frank.
Key letter at lower left or right.
Five different key letters used according to town of use: “מ”, “דה”, “ה”, “הפ”, and “פ”.
Twenty-five meters placed into use.
TM: normally DC
Values: 5, 10, 15, 30, 40, 80     [$10]
Values: 20, 25, 50, 60, 75, 90, 100, 110, 250     [$15]
Values: 45, 125, 350     [$25]
a. TM: SC     [Add $10]
b. Printed in black

AA2. Neopost “105” (LV), 1960.

As Type AA1 but tall, narrow values, with decimal, in new currency.
Values:     0.02, 0.05, 0.07, 0.10, 0.15, 0.25     [$25]
Values:     0.30, 0.50     [$40]

AA3. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1950.

As Types AA1 and AA2 but much larger and more nearly square.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
V/F:     00 (A)      000 (A,O)      00 (A,O)      0000 (O)      000 (A,O)      000o (O)      00000 (O)      000.oo (A)

a. Ornaments at left removed. “ISRAEL” and “ש” at left.
b. Ornaments at left broken by insertion of “ש”
c. Hebrew word for “Shekel” or “Shekalim” vertical between TM and frank
d. TM in Hebrew only
e. With text slogan below TM: “Visit Israel!” in Hebrew)
f. With text slogan below TM: “Visit Israel!” in English and Hebrew
g. Town mark reads (in Hebrew) "Beer Sheva is your city. Keep it clean")     [Extremely rare. Only two examples reported]

NOTE: Slogans below the town mark such as described in ‘e’ and ‘f’ are unknown on any other Universal “MultiValue” meter stamps.

AA4. Pitney Bowes “Automax” (MV).     [$5]

These are Type AA3 “MultiValue” dies mounted on the replacement “Automax” machines.
Most easily identified by the value figures which are of uniform thickness rather than variable as with AA3 stamps.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
V/F:      =0oo      =0ooo

AA5. Universal “Simplex” (LV-25), 1951.      [$10]

Medium frank slightly taller than wide.
Date figures small.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
Values seen:      3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 50, 100, 110, 120

AA6. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1955.

Similar to Type AA3 but wider spacing, and the date figures are smaller.
Key letters “מפ” at lower right.
A. With 4-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.      V/F: 00 (A)      [$25]
B. Without impression counter number.      V/F: 000 (G)      [$10]

AA7. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1955.

Large square frank as with Type A5 but much narrower spacing.
Key letter “פ” at lower left.
V/F:      ◆000

AA8. Neopost "Frankmaster" / "305" (MV), 1957.

Upright frank inscribed “ISRAEL” vertical at left of value figures.
Medium spacing.
Most easily identified by centered stops in the value figures.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
V/F:      0•00      0•000

AA9. Lirma (MV), 1957.

Square frank of medium size.
A. Very narrow spacing, key letter “א”
B. Wide spacing, key letter “מ”
TM: DC or SC of variable size
V/F:      0.00      .00      000      00.00
a. Small SC TM with exceptionally small date figures
b. With custom slogan surrounding the frank at left, top, and bottom (shown at right)

AA10. Postalia (MV), 1960.

Upright frank.
Narrow spacing.
Small, narrow value figures and small date figures.
Key letter “א”.
A. Frank 25-26 x 30-31 mm
B. Narrow frank, 22 x 31 mm      [The existence of this stamp has not been verified. It may be an essay.]
V/F:      000      0.00      0000
a. TM with Arabic at top and with phrase in French at bottom: "ELAT-PORT DE LA MER ROUGE"

AA11. Havas (MV), 1959.      [$15]

Very large frank.
Date figures tall.
Key letter “א”.
V/F:      ★000

AA12. Satas, “Baby” (MV), 1961.      [$25]

Small frank.
Medium spacing spacing.
Meter 262 only.
V/F:      ★0.oo

Sub-group AB: Hebrew country name straight at top without banner

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AB1. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1955.

Small frank.
Narrow spacing.
Meter number and prefix within arcs in lower corners.
V/F: ooo 0.oo oooo oo,oo ◇0,oo
a. Government Official stamp, with key letters “מפ” at lower left
b. Image of truck below TM (Mobile Post Office stamp)
c. With impression counter number high left of TM (shown)

GROUP B: Frank with double straight-line outer frame

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B1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1950. [$50]

Upright frank with wide spacing.
Meter number 5 only.
Key letters “מפ” at lower right.
V/F: 000 (G)

GROUP C: Frank with single-line outer frame line with rounded corners

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Sub-group CA: Frank broken at top, continuous at bottom

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CA1. Francotyp “Cc”(MV), 1959.

Hebrew text at bottom within oval.
M# at left of oval.
Medium spacing.
A. Hebrew text at bottom within oval. Key letter “פ” at lower right
B. As A, but key letter “פ” at left rather than right
C. As B, but Hebrew text at bottom center without oval
V/F: 000 ◆00 0.00 0000 00.00 ◆000 ◆0.00 000 o ◆0000 000.oo ◆00.00 000oo 0000.oo ◆000oo ◆000.00 ◆0000.00
a. Government Official stamp, with two characters “מפ” at lower right
b. With image of truck at bottom of TM (Mobile Post Office stamp)
c. TM with French at bottom: “ELAT-PORT DE LA MER ROUGE”
d. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
e. Key letters for Shekel (currency) vertical between TM and frank

CA2. Postalia (MV), 1962.

Frank taller than wide, 25-26 x 30 mm.
Hebrew text at bottom within oval.
Key letter “א” left of oval.
Small, narrow value figures, and small date figures.
V/F: 000

CA3. Postalia "D2/D3" (MV), 1964.

Similar to Type CA2 but larger frank, wider than tall, 32 x 29-30 mm.
Small, narrow value figures, and small date figures.
A. Hebrew text at bottom within oval, key letter “א”
B Hebrew text at bottom center without oval, key letter “א”
C. As B, but key letter “מ”
V/F: 000 0.00 0000 00.00 00000 000oo 000.00 0000.00 0000.oo
a. Government Official stamp, with two characters "אמ” at lower right
b. Government Official stamp, with two characters “מפ” at lower right
c. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
d. Image of truck at bottom of TM (Mobile Post Office stamp)
e. Image of truck at top of TM (Mobile Post Office stamp)
f. Bottom frame line broken below “א” and M# (1224)

CA3.1. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

As Type CA3 but with wider spacing and larger date figures.
Key letter "א" at lower left.
V/F: 0000

CA4. Neopost “2205” (MV).
Value figures tall.
Narrow spacing.
Hebrew text at bottom within oval.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
A. Frank 25 x 23 mm. [$5]
B. Frank 30 x 25 mm. [$20]
V/F: 0.00 0000 00.00 000oo 000oo
a. Arabic text at right large, breaking right frame line
b. M# breaks frame line at lower right

CA5. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV). [$20]

Meter number at left, key letter “א” at right, with Hebrew text between enclosed within oval.
Meter 2136 only seen.
V/F: 0.oo

NOTE: See Type CB3 which is the standard for the Automax stamp at this time. Type CA5 is an anomaly.

CA6. Neopost “Electronic” (MV). [$5]

Wide frank with inner box broken at top around value figures.
Vertical lines separate key letter “א” at left, Hebrew text in center, and M# at right.
V/F: ≋000

CA7. Neopost “IJ40” (digital), 2009.

Frank not as tall as previous CA types.
Hebrew text is small rectangle at bottom above the meter number.
M# with NP12" prefix.
Known printed in red and in blue.
V/F: 0000.00
a. Meter 122617 is known used by the Israeli Ministry of Justice on live mail with "SPECIMEN" in the town mark.

CA8. Neopost “IJ70” (digital), 2009.

Very similar to Type CA7 but the value figures are taller.
M# with "NP22" prefix.
Known printed in red and in blue.
V/F: 0000.00

Sub-group CB: Frank broken at both top and bottom

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CB1. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1959. [$20]

Provisional stamp made from Post Office Type PO1 with stag incompletely removed from bottom leaving lower legs and a gap.
M# at lower left.
Key letter “פ” at lower right.
V/F: ◆000

CB2 Pitney Bowes-GB “Multi-Value” (MV), 1960.

Meter number at right of Hebrew text at bottom.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
Medium spacing.
Value figures of variable thickness.
V/F: 000 (O) [$10]
V/F: 000 (A) [$20]

CB3. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1961.

Very similar to Type CB2 but value figures are of uniform thickness.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
V/F: 0oo 0.oo 0ooo =0.oo =0ooo =00oo =00.oo =0oo 0 =00ooo =000.oo
a. Government Official stamp, with two characters “מפ” at lower right
b. Government Official stamp, with two characters “מא” at lower right
c. Mobile Post Office stamp, image of truck at bottom of TM
d. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
e. M# breaks frame line at bottom right

CB4. Satas “Rotary (RT)” (MV), 1961. [$10]

Small, nearly square frank.
Hebrew text at bottom center.
Key letter “ס” at lower left.
Date figures short.
V/F: ★0.oo

NOTE: A thin, faint line is often present across the top. This is not a frame line but a ghost image of the edge of the die.

CB5. Satas “Rotary Federal (RF)” (MV).

Very similar to Type CB4 but value figures are tall.
Date figures short.
A. Key letter “ס”. [$10]
B. Key letter “פ”. [$20]
C. Hebrew characters at bottom center are unboxed
D. Hebrew characters at bottom center are boxed
V/F: 0.00

CB6. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV), 1969.

Frank wider than tall.
Value figures with Hebrew text above them, all enclosed in a rectangular frame.
Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
Hebrew text above value figures.
A. Key letter “ג” at lower left
B. Key letter “א” at lower left
C. “ISRAEL” vertical at right, Arabic at left
V/F: ≋0.00
a. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
b. Right frame line displaced
c. M# breaks frame line at lower right

CB7. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).

As Type CB6 but wider frank with inner box removed from around value figures.
Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
Hebrew text at above value figures.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
V/F: ≋0.00 ≋000o ≋00oo ≋00.oo
a. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures

CB8. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” series (MV), 1969.

Similar to Type CB7 but date and value figures are on the same level.
Hebrew text at bottom center.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
A. Frank 26-27 mm wide.
B. Frank 30-31 mm wide.
C. As B, but Hebrew text at bottom is within a small frame
D. Frank 34-35 mm wide
V/F: 000 0.00 ≋00o ≋0.00 ≋00.oo ≋0000 ≋000.oo
a. Government Official stamp, with two characters “מא” at lower right
b. Postal Official stamp, with Key letter “ד” at lower left
c. Mobile Post Office stamp, image of truck at bottom of TM
d. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
e. Shekel abbreviation “ש” breaks left frame line
f. Hebrew word for “Shekel” or “Shekalim” vertical between TM and frank
g. Meter number breaks frame line at lower right

CB9. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” series (MV).

Very similar to Type CB8 but frank is wider, and the value figures are larger.
Key letters “מא” or single letter “א” at lower left.
Government Official stamp.
V/F: ≋00.00

CB10 Satas “Baby” (MV).

Tall date and value figures as with Type CB5 (Satas “Rotary”) but frank is much wider.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
V/F: 0000 00.00 00000 000.oo
a. Mobile Post Office stamp, image of truck at bottom of TM

CB11. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Frank similar to Type CB8B and 8C but date figures spread widely apart, and the triad in leftmost value figure position is smaller.
A. Hebrew text in two lines boxed at bottom
B. Hebrew text in one line unboxed at bottom
V/F: ≋000 ≋0.00 ≋000oo
a. Government Official stamp, with two characters “מא” at lower left
b. Mobile Post Office stamp, image of truck at bottom of TM
c. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
d. Meter number breaks frame line at lower right

Sub-group CC: Frank continuous at top, broken at bottom

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CC1. Satas “Baby” (MV), 1961. [$10]

Small frank with corners just slightly rounded.
Tall date figures.
Key letter “ס” at lower left.
V/F: 0.00 0000
a. TM with Hebrew, Arabic and French instead of English text “ELAT PORT DE LA MER ROUGE”

Sub-group CD: Frank continuous without breaks at both top and bottom

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CD1. Frama “M/E” (MV), 1970.

Square frank.
Value figures thick and heavy.
Key letter “מ” at lower left.
Frank 28-30 x 27-30 mm
V/F: 000 0.00 0000 00.00 00000 000.00 000.0o
a. Government Official stamp, with two characters “ממ” at lower left (shown)
b. Government Official stamp, with two characters “אמ” at lower left
c. Postal Official stamp, with Key letter “ד” at lower left
d. Mobile Post Office stamp, image of truck at bottom of TM
e. Image of truck below TM (Mobile Post Office stamp)
f. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
g. M# breaks frame line at lower right

CD1.1 Frama "EPS" (MV).

Very similar to Type CD1 but value figures are not as heavy.
Key letter “מ” at lower left.
V/F: 000000

CD2. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1975.

Frank as Type CD1 but value figures are thinner and of different sizes.
Key letter “מ” at lower left.
A. Key letter at lower left [$5]
B. Key letter at lower right [$20]
V/F: 0,oo 00,oo ◇0,oo
a. Government Official stamp, with two characters “ממ” at lower left
b. Government Official stamp, with two characters “מה” at lower left

CD3. Hasler “Smile” (MV).

Frank slightly wider than tall, variable in width from 27 to 33 mm.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
A. Frank 32mm wide
B. Wide frank, 35mm wide
V/F: 0000 00.00 00000 000.00
a. Mobile Post Office stamp, image of truck at bottom of TM
b. Mobile Post Office stamp, image of truck within TM circles at bottom
c. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures
d. Government Official stamp, with two characters "תה" at lower right.
e. Inscription at bottom center unboxed

CD4. Neopost “2205” (MV).

Frank 24 mm square.
Key letter “א” at lower left.
V/F: 0.00 00.00
a. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at right of value figures

GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by meters in post offices

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Sub-group PO-A: Frank similar to Type CB but with running stag at bottom

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PO-A1. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1955.

As Type CB1 but frame line broken at bottom by running stag.
Large frank, 32-33 x 31-33 mm.
Key letter “ד” at lower right.
V/F: ◆0.00 ◆0000 ◆00,00 ◆0.000 ◆000oo
a. With “registration box” slogan framing a 4-digit registration number

PO-A2. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

As Type PO-A1A but frank is smaller, 29-30 x 28-30 mm.
Key letter at lower right.
A. Key letter “ד”
B. Key letter “פ”
V/F: 0.00 ◆0.00 ◆00.0 000.00 ◆0000 ◆00.00 ◆000oo ◆000.00
a. With “registration box” slogan framing a 4-digit registration number
b. Shekel abbreviation “ש” at left of value figures

PO-A3. Frama “M/E” (MV). [$10]

Frank, 31 x 32 mm.
Value figures thick and heavy.
Key letter “ד” at lower right.
V/F: 000.00

Sub-group PO-B: Stamp without frame, TM and value figures only

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PO-B1. Frama “M/E” (MV), 1975.

Value figures thick and heavy.
A. With slogan of Israel Postal Authority. V/F: 000.00
B. With slogan of University of Haifa. V/F: 0.00

Sub-group PO-C: Digital stamps printed on wide self-adhesive labels

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  • Examples of some PO-C stamps printed on plain white paper exist. Their status is uncertain.

PO-C1. Massad (digital), October 1990. [$10]

White label with outer border of dashes and small inner simulated-perforation frame.
Point of sale data added in purple.
Withdrawn from use in July 1991.
Three machines only, 102030, 102048, and 102056.
V/F: (0)0.00
a. With text at bottom (in Hebrew) “El Com 90 exhibition Tel-Aviv”

PO-C2. Massad (digital), 17 December 1991.

Predominantly red-brown underprint with gray stripe along the bottom.
Inner frame at right with white background for the value figures.
Point of sale data added in purple.
A. Regular mail label
B. Registered mail label, with registration box below frank
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C3. Massad (digital), 21 August 1993.

Special issue for the Telafila stamp show.
Predominantly blue underprint with blue-purple ‘sea’ along the bottom.
Inner frame at right in the shape of a ship containing stamps.
Point of sale data added in purple.
A. Regular mail label
B. Registered mail label, with registration box below frank
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C4. Massad (digital), 16 December 1995.

Special issue for the European Stamp Exhibition held in Jerusalem in December 1995, "Jerusalem 3000".
Predominantly beige underprint with multi-toned stamp-like frame at right with a view of Jerusalam as background.
At left is the point-of-sale data with the value figures inside the frame at right.
Point of sale data added in purple.
A. Regular mail label
B. Registered mail label, with registration box below frank
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C5. Massad (digital), 22 October 1996.

Pale blue underprint fading to near white at bottom.
With three generally circular shapes in white.
No inner frame for the value figures.
Point of sale data added in purple.
A. Regular mail label
B. Registered mail label, with registration box below frank
V/F: (00)0.00
a. Point of sale data added in black

PO-C6. Massad (digital), 13 May 1998.

Special issue for the "Israel '98" stamp show.
Multicolor underprint showing the shore line at Tel Aviv.
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C7. Massad (digital), 18 March 2001.

Special issue for the “Jerusalem 2001” stamp show.
Predominately blue label with multi-colored landscape, walking man and horseman.
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C8. Massad (digital), 15 January 2002.

Predominately gray label with lighter inner areas, round shape at left and rectangle with rounded corners at right.
Point of sale data added in purple.
A. Regular mail label
B. Registered mail label, with registration box below frank
V/F: (00)0.00
a. Label inverted

PO-C9. Massad (digital), 3 May 2004.

Special issue for the "Telabul" stamp show.
Underprint shows bird's eye view of a city.
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C10. Massad (digital), 1 March 2008.

Similar to Type PO-C8 but label in pink.
Point of sale data added in purple.
A. Regular mail label
B. Registered mail label, with registration box below frank
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C11. Massad (digital), 8 May 2006.

Special issue for the "Jerusalem 2006" stamp show.
Underprint design shows a multi-color view of Jerusalem.
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C12. Maor (digital), 14 May 2008.

Special issue for the "Israel 2008" stamp show.
Underprint design of two skyscrapers in shades of blue and gray.
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C13. Maor (digital), 17 March 2009.

Special issue for the "TELAVIVYAFO 2009" stamp show.
Blue label with waving flag background design.
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C14. Maor (digital), 1 July 2010.

Special issue for the "TELAVIVYAFO 2010" stamp show.
Similar to Type PO-C13 but with candelabra added at left.
Point of sale data added in purple.
A. Date figures with dashes, as DD-MM-YYYY
B. Date figures with slashes, as DD/MM/YYYY (shown)
V/F: (00)0.00

NOTE. This stamp design was still in use in November 2017.

PO-C15. Maor (digital), 21 November 2010.

Special issue for the "Jerusalem 2010" stamp show.
Five related designs with main background image showing the old Jerusalem city wall.
At left are one of five different images as follows:
A. Montefiore windmill
B. Chapel of the Ascension?
C. Absalom's tomb
D. Western Wall
E. Temple
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

PO-C16. Maor (digital), 16 August 2011.

Special issue for a stamp show in Eilat.
Five related designs with main background image showing the shoreline at Eilat.
At left are one of five different images as follows:
A. Green and yellow fish
B. Lion fish
C. Mollusks
D. Seahorse
E. Spotted yellow fish
Point of sale data added in purple.
V/F: (00)0.00

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