Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular modernized/Notes—Medical

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Lesson 29. Notes—Medical.

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Pêng'im TL Teochew characters Characters English
ua2 gian2rig4 nang5 m7mon2. uá kiánn-zít nâng m̄-mónn 我 囝日 儂 孬 我今日人不好 I am unwell to-day.
le2 nêng5go3 ke3do2. lúr nêng-kò khùr-tó 汝 能可 去倒 爾能可去睡 You had better go and lie down.
le2 gai5 nang5 zo3ni5? lúr kâi nâng tsò-nînn? 汝個 儂 做呢? 爾個人如何 What is the matter with you?
nang5 ruah8. nâng zuâh 儂 熱 人𤍠 I have got fever.
ain3 cian2 sing1sên1 mê7? âinn-tshiánn sin-senn mē? 愛 請 先生 ~? 要請先生否 Do you wish to engage a doctor?
le2 gai5 mêhn8 mên2. lúr kâi méhnn ménn 汝個 脉 猛 爾個脉猛 Your pulse is fast.
ua2 lang5lo2 guan5iêh8 bung1 le2 ziah8. uá lân-ló kûann-iêh pun lúr tsiâh 我 ~~ 寒藥 分 汝 食 我零些寒藥與爾食 I will give you some quinine to take.
zo3nin5 ziah8? tsò-nînn-tsiâh? 做呢 食? 如何食 How am I to take it?
tou7 diam2gian2 cîng3zui2. thōu tiám-kiánn tshìn-tsúi X 點囝 清水 配零㸃冷水 Take it with a little cold water.
san1bao1 do6-ziê2. sann-pau tŏ-tsié 三包 在照 三包在此 Here's three packets.
zêg8rig8 ziah8 san1dng3. tsêk-zít tsiâh sann-tǹg 一日 食 三頓 壹日食三餐 Take one packet three times a day.
zêg8dng3 ziah8 zêg8bao1. tsêk-tǹg tsiâh tsêk-pau 一頓 食 一包 壹餮食壹包 Take a packet each time.
zi2ki2 bên7 ui1 oh4ho2. tsí-khí pēnn ui oh-hó 只起 病 醫 厄好 此樣病醫難好 This kind of sickness is difficult to cure.
diêh8cian2 sai1gog4 sing1sên1 lai5 ui1 zian3 oi6ho2. tiêh-tshiánn Sai-kok sin-senn lâi ui tsiànn-ŏi-hó 着請 西國 先生 來 醫 正 會好 着請西國先生來醫正能好 You must get a European doctor to cure you, otherwise you will not be cured.
sing1sên1, cian2le2 kui1 diên1 iêh8hng1. sin-senn, tshiánn-lúr khui-tienn iêh-hng 先生,請汝 開張 藥方 先生。請爾開張藥方 Doctor, please make out a prescription.
ua2 lai5ke3 ui1guang2 kiêh8 iêh8. uá lâi-khùr ui-kuán khiêh-iêh 我 來去 醫館 挈藥 我來去醫館携藥 I will go to the hospital and get the medicine.
êng7 goi1mon5 bhuah4. ēng koi-mônn buah 用 雞毛 抹 用雞毛抹 Apply it with a fowl's feather.
ciu2 main3 tang6-diêh8. tshiú màinn-thăng--tiêh 手 勿 動着 手勿摸着 Don't touch it with the fingers.
le2 u6 si6mih8 maon5bên7? lúr ŭ sĭ-mîh mâunn-pēnn? 汝 有 是乜 冒病? 爾有何冒病 What sickness have you?
min1ka1. mînn-kha X腳 縻脚 A bad leg.
min1gao3 dan1 u6 riêh8gu2-lo7? mînn-kàu-tann ŭ ziêh-kú--lō? ~到 旦 有 若久~? 縻至今有巳久了 How long has it been ulcerated.
u6 zian5 nin5. ŭ tsiânn-nînn 有 成年 有成年 About a year.
oi6 ziên6 a1bhoi6? ōi-tsiĕnn a-bŏi? 會 癢 啊𠁞? 會癢或袂 Does it itch?
nan7si6 oi6 ziên6 m7mon2 bê5. nănn-sĩ ŏi-tsiĕnn m̄-mónn pê 哪是 會 癢 孬扒 若是會癢不可搔 If it itches, you mustn't scratch it.
gui1ke3, diêh8 kah4kou2 nain6. kui-khùr, tiêh khah-khóu năinn 歸去,着 XX 奈 歸去。着尅苦奈 Let it be, you must do your best to bear it.
zêg8mêng5ki2 ki2lai5-gao3 êng7 zia2 iêh8zui2 soi2. tsêk-mêng-khí khí-lâi-kâu ēng tsiá iêh-tsúi sói 一明起 起來 用 者 藥水 洗 每明早。起來。用此藥水洗 When you get up in the morning, wash it with this lotion.
i1gai5 bên7 dang6. i-kâi pēnn tăng 伊個 病 重 伊個病重 His illness is serious.
dih4lag8zai6, ain3si2. tih-lât-tsăi, àinn-sí ~力~,愛死 甚着力。要死 Very serious, almost dying.
bho5giu3-lo7. bô-kiù--lō 無救 ~ 無救了 There is no hope, (lit. there is no salvation.)
main3 dêng3ziah8. màinn-thèng-tsiâh 勿 ~食 不可亂食 Don't be eating what you shouldn't eat.
ziah8muên5 puê3 giam6bhuê5 ziu6 ho2. tsiâh-mûenn phùe kiâm-bûe tsiŭ-hó 食糜 配 鹹梅 就好 食粥配鹹梅則可 Take congee with salted plums.