FCC Technician Class Exam Study Guide - 2014-2018/Subelement T1 Group D

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"Authorized and prohibited transmission: communications with other countries; music; exchange of information with other services; indecent language; compensation for use of station; retransmission of other amateur signals; codes and ciphers; sale of equipment; unidentified transmissions; broadcasting"

The Question Pool

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Question 1

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With which countries are FCC-licensed amateur stations prohibited from exchanging communications?
A. Any country whose administration has notified the ITU that it objects to such communications
B. Any country whose administration has notified the ARRL that it objects to such communications
C. Any country engaged in hostilities with another country
D. Any country in violation of the War Powers Act of 1934

Reference to 97.111(a)(1). The correct answer is A.

Question 2

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On which of the following occasions may an FCC-licensed amateur station exchange messages with a U.S. military station?
A. During an Armed Forces Day Communications Test
B. During a Memorial Day Celebration
C. During an Independence Day celebration
D. During a propagation test

Reference to 97.111(a)(5). The correct answer is A.

Question 3

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When is the transmission of codes or ciphers that hide the meaning of a message allowed by an amateur station?
A. Only during contests
B. Only when operating mobile
C. Only when transmitting control commands to space stations or radio control craft
D. Only when frequencies above 1280 MHz are used

Reference to 97.211(b) and 97.215(b). Amateur radio is an open community where communications are clean and publicly accessible. But these communications can be spoofed by malicious parties that aren't necessarily licensed. To protect expensive, difficult to access equipment, there are allowances for encrypted communications. For example, an unauthorized signal to change the telemetry of a satellite could be irreversible or destructive. The correct answer is C.

Question 4

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What is the only time an amateur station is authorized to transmit music?
A. When incidental to an authorized retransmission of manned spacecraft communications
B. When the music produces no spurious emissions
C. When the purpose is to interfere with an illegal transmission
D. When the music is transmitted above 1280 MHz

Reference to 97.114(a)(4) and 97.113(c). The correct answer is A.

Question 5

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When may amateur radio operators use their stations to notify other amateurs of the availability of equipment for sale or trade?
A. When the equipment is normally used in an amateur station and such activity is not conducted on a regular basis
B. When the asking price is $100.00 or less
C. When the asking price is less than its appraised value
D. When the equipment is not the personal property of either the station licensee or the control operator or their close relatives

Reference to 97.113(a)(3)(ii). Sometimes, 'nets' will have a segment reserved for buy or trade promotion. These are limited to equipment typically used in a amateur station and should not be habitual (as it may resemble a commercial venture in reselling equipment over the air). The correct answer is A.

Question 6

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What, if any, are the restrictions concerning transmission of language that may be considered indecent or obscene?
A. The FCC maintains a list of words that are not permitted to be used on amateur frequencies
B. Any such language is prohibited
C. The ITU maintains a list of words that are not permitted to be used on amateur frequencies
D. There is no such prohibition

Reference to 97.113(a)(4). Polite and friendly communication is the rule and good manner in amateur radio communication. The correct answer is B.

Question 7

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What types of amateur stations can automatically retransmit the signals of other amateur stations?
A. Auxiliary, beacon, or Earth stations
B. Auxiliary, repeater, or space stations
C. Beacon, repeater, or space stations
D. Earth, repeater, or space stations

Reference to 97.113(d). Beacons are not interactive devices, but transmitters that transmit a signal continuously for the sake of helping the radio operator predict propogation and band 'openness'. With that, A and C are excluded. There is no such thing as an Earth station, so D is also excluded. A space station is basically a repeater that is elevated to a high orbit. The correct answer is B.

Question 8

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In which of the following circumstances may the control operator of an amateur station receive compensation for operating the station?
A. When engaging in communications on behalf of their employer
B. When the communication is incidental to classroom instruction at an educational institution
C. When re-broadcasting weather alerts during a RACES net
D. When notifying other amateur operators of the availability for sale or trade of apparatus

Reference to 97.113(a)(3)(iii). If you are transmitting to demonstrate amateur radio while employed and 'on the clock' at an educational institution, you are allowed to transmit as part of an expectation from your workplace, for pay. The correct answer is B.

Question 9

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Under which of the following circumstances are amateur stations authorized to transmit signals related to broadcasting, program production, or news gathering, assuming no other means is available?
A. Only where such communications directly relate to the immediate safety of human life or protection of property
B. Only when broadcasting communications to or from the space shuttle
C. Only where noncommercial programming is gathered and supplied exclusively to the National Public Radio network
D. Only when using amateur repeaters linked to the Internet

Reference to 97.113(5)(b). The correct answer is A.

Question 10

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What is the meaning of the term “broadcasting” in the FCC rules for the amateur services?
A. Two-way transmissions by amateur stations
B. Transmission of music
C. Transmission of messages directed only to amateur operators
D. Transmissions intended for reception by the general public

Reference to 97.3(a)(10). The correct answer is D.

Question 11

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When may an amateur station transmit without identifying?
A. When the transmissions are of a brief nature to make station adjustments
B. When the transmissions are unmodulated
C. When the transmitted power level is below 1 watt
D. When transmitting signals to control a model craft

Reference to 97.119(a). The correct answer is D.

Question 12

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Under which of the following circumstances may an amateur radio station engage in broadcasting?
A. Under no circumstances
B. When transmitting code practice, information bulletins, or transmissions necessary to provide emergency communications
C. At any time as long as no music is transmitted
D. At any time as long as the material being transmitted did not originate from a commercial broadcast station

Reference to 97.111(b)(4,5 and 6). The correct answer is B