Dungeons & Dragons/Learning the game/Player races

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The publish materials describe various races starting with the Player's Handbook describing the basic fantasy races; Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Goblin, and Dragonborn, with additional publish materials expanding the selection. In addition Dungeon Master (DM) can create their own character races based on the game scenario, known as Homebrew. Example of an Homebrew races in an aquatic scenario could include races inspire from Mermaid, Shark, Crab, Eels, Lobster, etc.

Selecting a character race for a game

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When creating a character it is best to consult with the Dungeon Master. They may suggest options based on the plan game scenario for the game. They may indicate to select from Player's Handbook races if plan for a publish adventure; or present with their own homebrew races if the player is interested.