Deutschkurs für Anfänger/Lektion 004a

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Lektion 004 ← Lektion 004a → Lektion 005

153 - 154

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die Zahl (7; 124; 9435; 1 ... 100 ... 1000 ... )
die Zahlen (Plural)
die Ziffer
die Ziffern (0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9)
Zahl: 124 (Ziffern; 1; 2 und 4)
die Nummer (zur Kennzeichnung und Ordnung von Objekten - Kapitel, Ausweise, Häuser, Fußballspieler ...)
die Nummern (Plural)
Nr. 5
29 58 17 92
73 91 19 63
91 41 88 62
26 4 63 10
70 37 21 96
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


87 99 61 21
58 63 31 35
49 57 5 16
30 35 98 95
33 61 94 39
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


18 3 100 55
6 90 35 15
70 56 45 61
62 9 26 62
40 41 18 57
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


29 90 99 34
37 83 27 97
29 94 43 56
47 34 14 45
69 29 43 86
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


47 92 34 18
37 85 3 77
87 30 13 66
91 36 32 35
16 11 44 19
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


60 27 43 62
43 48 76 85
45 12 1 47
100 14 56 26
83 98 81 24
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio

155 - 156

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77 78 87 68
52 13 56 51
16 50 10 16
19 55 23 97
87 98 29 34
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


17 8 57 75
60 19 51 39
57 62 90 85
32 39 59 48
15 72 39 20
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


20 40 95 10
76 61 72 67
42 53 20 62
85 31 40 17
8 87 38 5
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


97 24 93 49
22 96 59 25
8 4 70 10
86 65 79 31
76 25 71 38
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


3 6 9 12
15 18 21 24
27 30 33 36
39 42 45 48
51 54 57 60
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


4 8 12 16
20 24 28 32
36 40 44 48
52 56 60 64
68 72 76 80
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio

157 - 159

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5 10 15 20
25 30 35 40
45 50 55 60
65 70 75 80
85 90 95 100
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


110 - einhundertzehn (hundertzehn, einhundertundzehn)
163 - einhundertdreiundsechzig (hundertdreiundsechzig, einhundertunddreiundsechzig)


6 12 16 24
30 36 42 48
54 60 66 72
78 84 90 96
102 108 114 120
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


7 14 21 27
34 41 49 56
63 70 77 84
91 98 105 112
119 126 133 140
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


8 16 24 32
40 48 56 64
72 80 88 96
104 112 120 128
136 144 152 160
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


9 18 27 36
45 54 63 72
81 90 99 108
117 126 135 144
153 162 171 180
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.

??? Audio


10 20 30 40
50 60 70 80
90 100 110 120
130 140 150 160
170 180 190 200
Diktat: EN: Dictate. Listen and write - without reading the numbers in the table.
??? Audio

Vokabular: Lektion 004a

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die Nummer - en: number ( № )
Lektion 004 ← Lektion 004a → Lektion 005