Complex Analysis/Complex differentiability

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Definition (complex differentiability):

Let , and let be a function. Let . We say that is complex differentiable in if and only if there exists a -linear function such that


In the case , this condition is equivalent to the existence of the limit


Indeed, if this limit is , then the -linear map in the above definition is just multiplication by , and vice-versa, any linear map is simply multiplicaton by an element of , which is then the limit.

Proposition (Osgood's lemma):

Let be a continuous function.

The Cauchy–Riemann equations

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Suppose that is a function which is complex differentiable in a ball , where is an element of and is a small constant (to which we shall refer as a radius).

A complex function can be uniquely written as , where and are functions . The function corresponds to the real part of , whereas the function corresponds to the imaginary part of , so that for all

, .

Now since was supposed to be complex differentiable, it was supposed not to matter from which direction approaches . In particular, may approach along the -axis of the complex plane

or the -axis (which is defined in a similar way).

Definition (Cauchy–Riemann equations):

Theorem (Cauchy–Riemann equations):

Let be a continuously differentiable function and . Then is holomorphic if and only if it satisfies the Cauchy–Riemann equations.

Proposition (differential equations satisfied by components of holomorphic functions):

Let be holomorphic, and write , where are real-valued. Then we have



Proof: We have, by the Cauchy–Riemann equations and Clairaut's theorem,



Note that this means that is a harmonic function.

Computation rules

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In the case of real differentiable functions, we have computation rules such as the chain rule, the product rule or even the inverse rule. In the case of complex functions, we have, in fact, precisely the same rules.

Theorem 2.2:

Let be complex functions.

  1. If and are complex differentiable in and , the function is complex differentiable in and (linearity of the derivative)
  2. If and are complex differentiable in , then so is (pointwise product with respect to complex multiplication!) and we have the product rule
  3. If is complex differentiable at and is complex differentiable at , then is complex differentiable at and we have the chain rule
  4. If is bijective, complex differentiable in a neighbourhood of and , then is differentiable at (inverse rule)
  5. If are differentiable at and , then (quotient rule)


First note that the maps of addition and multiplication


are continuous; indeed, let for instance be an open ball. Take such that . Now suppose that we have


where is to be determined later. Then we have


where . Upon choosing


we obtain by the triangle inequality


whence is open. If then is an open set, then will also be open, since is the union of open balls and inverse images under a function commute with unions.

The proof for addition is quite similar.

But from these two it follows that if are functions such that

and ,




indeed, this follows from the continuity of and at the respective points. In particular, if is constant (say where is a fixed complex number), we get things like


1. Now suppose indeed that ( open, so that we have a neighbourhood around and the derivative is defined in the sense that the direction in which goes to zero doesn't matter) are differentiable at . We will have


4. Let indeed be a bijection between and which is differentiable in a neighbourhood of . By the inverse function theorem, is real-differentiable at , and we have, by the chain rule for real numbers,

( denoting the identity matrix in and the primes (e.g. ) denoting the Jacobian matrices of the functions seen as functions , "" denoting matrix multiplication),

since we may just differentiate the function . However, regarding and as -algebras (or as rings; it doesn't matter for our purposes), we have a morphism of algebras (or rings)


Moreover, due to the Cauchy

Holomorphic (and meromorphic) functions

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Let be an open subset of the complex plane, and let be a function which is complex differentiable in (that means, in every point of ). Then we call holomorphic in .

If happens to be, in fact, equal to , so that is complex differentiable at every complex number, is called an entire function. We will see examples of entire functions in the chapter on trigonometry, where the exponential, sine and cosine function play central roles. Another important class of entire functions are polynomials.

Polynomials are entire functions

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In algebra, one studies polynomial rings such as , or, more generally, , where is a ring (one then has theorems that "lift" properties of to , eg. if is an integral domain, a UFD or noetherian, then so is ).

Now all elements of are entire functions. This is seen as follows:

Analogous to real analysis (with exactly the same proof), the function is complex differentiable. Thus, any polynomial

( complex coefficients, ie. constants)

is complex differentiable by linearity.

We may also define , an extension of in . This extension turns out to be equal to


From this, there arises a polynomial ring . Let now be any compact subset of the complex plane, or even a bounded subset. Then it is easy to see from direct arguments that with respect to the topology of uniform convergence, is dense in . Alternatively, one finds that


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  1. Prove that whenever are holomorphic, then