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(Prev) Lesson 2: Com et dius? - What's your name? (Next)
català English
Bon dia! Com et dius?1

bɔn diə! cɔm ət dius?

Good morning! What's your name? (How yourself you-call?)
Em dic2 Joan. I tu, qui ets?

əm dik ʒuan. i tu, ki ɛts?

My name is Juan (myself I-call Joan). And you, who are you?
Sóc el Harry.3 Sóc anglès. No parlo bé català.4

sok əl (h)ari. sok ənglɛs. no parlu be kətəla

I'm (the) Harry. I'm English. I don't speak Catalan well. (no I-speak well Catalan)

1: et dius means you call yourself. This is called a reflexive verb. It's from the verb dir-se, to call oneself. For now, just remember that et dius needs to stay as one whole unit.
2: em dic means I call myself. This is another form of dir-se but when speaking in the first person.
3: Notice the male speaker says el Harry literally, the Harry. Female speakers will use la, as in sóc la Silva, I am (the) Silva.
4: The letter 'o' in parlo and Joan is pronounced as 'u' when it is not in the stressed syllable.

Translation Exercise

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  1. Hola! Sóc la Silva. Qui ets?
  2. Em dic Harry.
  3. Sóc el Joan. Parlo català.
  4. Com et dius? Ets de Barcelona?
  5. No sóc de Barcelona i no parlo bé català.

Exercise Answers
  1. Hi! I'm Silva. Who are you?
  2. My name is Harry.
  3. I'm Joan. I speak Catalan.
  4. What's your name? Are you from Barcelona?
  5. I'm not from Barcelona and I don't speak Catalan well.