Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Simple Vehicle: Another Shooting Machine – Supp.

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Subdivide Face

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Fig. 08: Extrude Handle Proper - Face Subdivide

Start by returning to Front Ortho  NUM1  and Subdivide the face with 2 Cuts (Fig. 07-C)

Switch to Vertex Select mode to convert the resulting 9 faces into the 2 needed to proceed with extrusion.  The vertices V02/V03/V06/V07/V10/V11/V14/V15 (Fig. 07-D) need to be merged into one of the other vertices (which are not numbered or highlighted). Merging of vertices V09 and V12 is optional – see Handle Variations below. Multiple vertices are selected by pressing  SHIFT + LMB ; the last vertex selected is the active vertex.

Press  ALT + M  to bring up the Merge options menu or it can be accessed via the Tools Shelf,  T  toggles the Tools Shelf on/off on the right hand side of the 3D View.

These can done in any sequence and frequently multiple vertices can be merged into a single target vertex.  The only constraints are to (1) keep all edges either horizontal or vertical, and (2) end up creating an upper face 1/3 the height of the original face (Fig. 07-E); the faces must identical in width with the original. 

Note that (1) whether you choose At First or At Last is dependent on the order in which you select vertices, and (2) the vertex numbering schema used is arbitrarily assigned for identification purposes only and has nothing to do with Blender functionality.

Subdivide Edges Sequentially

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Fig. 09: Extrude Handle Proper - Sequential Edges
  1. Start by returning to Front Ortho  NUM1 , deselect all  A  once or twice and select the front face of the handle stem as described above
  2. Rotate the viewpoint vertically towards you ( NUM5 ) until you can clearly see the entire and zoom in until it fills the viewport or press  NUM.  and Blender will do the zooming for you
  3. Switch to Edge Select Mode and select the left edge (Fig. 08-A), then Subdivide the Cuts with 2 Cuts; Fig. 08-B shows change with 1 cut and Fig. 08-C shows change with 2 cuts
  4. Select the right edge (ensuring the left edge is not still selected!!!) (Fig. 08-D) and repeat the Subdivide also with 2 Cuts (Fig. 08-E)

Under the Knife

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Fig. 10: Extrude Handle Proper - Sequential Edges: Knife

Switch to Vertex Select mode if you've changed the selection mode.

  1. Activate the Knife topology tool found on the Tool Shelf (Fig. 10-A)
  2. Use the Knife to create a new edge between vertices V1 and V2 (Fig. 10-B); for a detailed explanation of cursor behavior while the Knife tool is active (and more) read More on Knifing below.
  3. Switch to Face Select mode to show there are now 2 faces instead of one with the upper face being 1/3 of the  original “per spec” (Fig. 10-C).
  4. Lastly, merge the two now unnecessary vertices down into their respective corners (Fig. 10-D).


Fig. KS; Knife Usage Explanation

How the Knife Works

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  • When your mouse pointer hovers over an edge(after the Knife topology tool has been activated) that can be used to initiate the Knife “cut” it will become a green square (Fig. KS-A); when it hovers over a vertex there is a red outline added around the green square (Fig KS-B).
  • After  LMB  the green box will turn dark gold indicating that the Tool has anchored the starting point of the cut and as you move the mouse you will see a line emerging between the anchor point and the mouse position. When the mouse hovers over a vertex eligible to become the end point of the cut another red outlined gold box appears (Fig. KS-C)
  •  LMB ‘ing on the vertex results in the square turning red, informing us the end point of this cut is established (Fig. KS-D); the Knife tool is, however, is still active as indicated by the new green box and connector line.  To exit the tool press  Enter  which creates the new edge (Fig. KS-F).

→Free Form Knifing←

It is possible to make the cuts unconstrained by the existence of existing vertices.  Once the knife tool has been selected click  LMB  anywhere within the mesh to activate the tool and then create your new face with successive  LMB  clicks (Fig. KS-F), clicking on the starting point to close the face.  As above the tool remains active for further cutting (Fig. KS-G) until it is released by pressing  Enter .  The resultant face can then be used as desired (Fig. KS-H).

Subdivide Edges Simultaneously

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Fig. 11: Extrude Handle Proper - Simultaneous Edges

Start by returning to Front Ortho  NUM1 , deselect all  A  once or twice and select the front face of the handle stem as described above

Zoom in until it fills the viewport or press  NUM.  and Blender will do the zooming for you

Switch to Edge Select Mode and select Left then Right edges  SHIFT + LMB  (Fig. 11-A)

With both edges selected click Subdivide on the Tool Shelf ( T  to toggle) and type 2 in Cuts in the Subdivide section appearing at the bottom of the Tool Shelf; this is similar in result to the Face Subdivide used above except it only subdivides perpendicular to the selected edges (Fig. 11-B)

Optionally you can merge the potentially unused vertices into their respective corners (Fig. 11-C)

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