Basics of fine-art photography/Creating stylized retro photo works

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Viktor Pinchuk,
artwork from album "NUances of fantasy"

Retro style photography is an author's work that artificially imitates photographic images created many years ago.

About the genre and methods of implementation

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The genre has no clear temporal boundaries of the displayed theme. Photography can be imitating any period, — from invention of photocamera to, for example, the 1980s; it is much more difficult to recreate a stylized picture of the ancient period or primitive communal system, but theoretically possible

You can achieve the retro effect by artificially wear out the image, but initially you need to photograph a scene "from the past", in which should be present, for example, household items of bygone times, people dressed old-fashioned with once popular hairstyles...

To transform the original photo works, use graphic editors that have ready-made filters, or (if they are not available) use special textures of an old faded paper, scratched metal etc.

Need to be aware

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According to Wikipedia, retro is a style, but “retro photography” is already a genre.

Currently, there are no data on photographers who specialize exclusively in this genre

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A series of photographs taken by author of the textbook in China (April, 2013) during a long expedition that included 9 countries.

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  • "The Free Dictionary (retro- )". thefreedictionary. Retrieved April 23, 2023.