Application Development with Harbour/Object Oriented Programming

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What is object oriented programming?

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To understand what object oriented programming is, we need to understand what classes and objects are, and what the differences between them are. You could say that a class is a blueprint to make objects. A metaphor for this is: A map for building a car is the class. The map is not the car itself, but a way to describe how the car should be made. The car with a specific implementation is the object. For example the map for building a car describes characteristics like color, shape/size, weight, and behaviour like steering, switch on/off light.

Here is a class template:

   [CREATE] CLASS <cClassName> [ FROM | INHERIT <cSuperClass1> [, ... ,<cSuperClassN>] ]
             [ MODULE FRIENDLY ] [ STATIC ] [ FUNCTION <cFuncName> ]

      [ CLASSDATA | CLASSVAR  | CLASS VAR <DataName1>]
      [ DATA | VAR  <DataName1> [,<DataNameN>] [ AS <type> ] [ INIT <uValue> ]
      [ METHOD <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) [CONSTRUCTOR] ]
      [ METHOD <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) INLINE <Code,...> ]
      [ METHOD <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) BLOCK  <CodeBlock> ]
      [ METHOD <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) EXTERN <funcName>([<args,...>]) ]
      [ METHOD <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) SETGET ]
      [ METHOD <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) VIRTUAL ]
      [ METHOD <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) OPERATOR <op> ]
      [ ERROR HANDLER <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) ]
      [ ON ERROR <MethodName>( [<params,...>] ) ]

   [FRIEND CLASS <ClassName,...>]
   [FRIEND FUNCTION <FuncName,...>]

   [SYNC METHOD <cSyncMethod>]