Ancient History/Mesopotamia/Introduction

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The First Cities

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By roughly 4000 BC, the lower plain of Mesopotamia was filled with city-states much like the ones we find later in Greece and Italy. Each city had a patron god and was ruled by a king. The political side of their history may be summarized by saying that for a period of almost three millennia, the written records of the cities of Euphrates and Tigris valley are annals of wars waged for supremacy by one city and its gods against other cities and their gods.

The First Empires

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Of all the Mesopotamian city-states' kings whose names have been recorded, one stands out above the others: Sargon I, a Semitic king of Agade, whose reign was a great landmark in early Babylonian history. Reigning from 2334 BC to 2279 BC, he built up a powerful state in the area and extended his rule as far as the Mediterranean.

Yet, Sargon is as much remembered as a patron of letters as well as a warrior. He caused to be collected and edited the literature of the period, and deposited books in great libraries which he established or enlarged - the oldest and most valuable libraries of the ancient world.

Law and Conflict

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Trade and Technology

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New tools and techniques are always used to solve problems. As far as farming, animal taming and more. Special workers need and use tools the most so cities would improve the city and worlds technology.