Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Outreach/Peace Maker - Advanced

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Peace Maker - Advanced
North American Division
Skill Level 2
Year of Introduction: 2009

Instructor Required

1. Complete the Peace Maker honor

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Instructions and tips for earning the Peace Maker honor can be found in the Outreach chapter.

2. Define mediation and arbitration and discuss the similarities and differences between them.

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3. Identify and demonstrate the role and responsibilities of an effective mediator and arbitrator.

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4. Discuss the difference between litigation (an adversarial relationship) and Christian conciliation.

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5. Identify what types of conflicts should be

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a) Mediated

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b) Arbitrated

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c) Litigated

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d) Negotiated

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6. Participate in mediating a conflict (i.e. role play) between two people or groups and discuss the process, identifying what worked. What didn't work, and why.

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7. Participate in arbitrating a conflict (i.e. role play) between two people or groups and discuss the process, identifying what worked. What didn't work, and why.

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