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Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 3: The Inherited Turnabout/Middle, Part 2

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File:AAIME Prosecutors Badge.png

Debeste returns several minutes later with Delicia. She says she came to the museum to visit Kate, who she has been friends with for the last 18 years. She made the antidote that was used to treat Gustavia. Gustavia recently won an award for designing desserts - his design skills have apparently improved remarkably since the contest 18 years earlier. Delicia recognises the "Megatoxin X" used in the poison gas, and says that because it is so powerful, it is not available to the general public. She also knows exactly what happens when Normallium is mixed with Fatallium. She describes Normallium as having a red colour and minty aroma, and Fatallium as a white liquid. The company she works for produces Megatoxin X, but not just anyone there has access to it.

File:GK2 Little Thief.png

Gumshoe now describes the glass cases holding the statues. They're opened by a special mechanism in the lid. The temperature inside the cases can go all the way down to 0°F (-17.78°C) - the Pisces case was set to 27°F (-2.78°C). The lid of the Pisces case had traces of Normallium on it, that had been frozen. Kay offers to help by using Little Thief, but Courtney won't allow it, unless you can tell her who set off the poison gas. Present Dane Gustavia's profile (風見 豊). Courtney gives her approval, and Kay starts up the re-creation.

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The Normallium is visible on the underside of the Pisces case's lid, frozen on so thick that the lid can't be opened. Gumshoe points out that on the actual case, the lid was cracked. This suggests that the case was heated from outside, resulting in thermal fracturing. What could have been used to heat the case? Present the Used Gas Burner (使用済みガスバーナー). Kay updates the re-creation to show Gustavia in the act of opening the case. The heat from the burner would have melted the Normallium, causing it to mix with the Fatallium, creating the poison gas, which he inhaled the moment he opened the lid. This just leaves the question of why he wanted to open the case. Ray suggests that Gustavia also confused the Autumn and Winter Palaces, since the Autumn Palace looks identical to Isaac Dover's room from 18 years ago, right down to the plants outside the door.

File:GK2 3-4 Delicia's Licence.png
File:AJAA Investigation Report.png

Debeste now formally accuses Delicia of the crime, on the basis of her pharmacist's licence, which would have allowed her to obtain and use Megatoxin X. He also reveals that a bottle of Megatoxin X was found on Gustavia's person, which had Delicia's fingerprints on it. Delicia claims that her bottle was stolen, and searches through her bag (which also contains some chocolates and fluorescent cloth) for the proof - a theft report acceptance certificate. The report has yesterday's date, meaning Delicia didn't have any Megatoxin X on her today. This means she couldn't have been responsible. Ray wants to know who you think did it. Given the amount of planning and access needed, there's only one possibility left - present Katherine Hall's profile (緒屋敷 司). You don't have any proof yet, though. Debeste sends Gumshoe off to investigate the Winter Palace, while he and Courtney leave to speak to Kate.

Outside, Kay notices something in the fountain - a dead body!? Gumshoe returns from the Winter Palace with bad news as well: the ice sculptures have melted, once again! Yet another connection to the case from 18 years ago appears... Ray decides to tell you the rest of the story behind the IS-7 incident.

File:GK2 3-4 Body in fountain.png