User:Dnessett/Template/Bref/Clean Back Links.js

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// Helper Javascript code that removes backlinks and upper arrows from <references/> formated data.
// Useful for text that calls the Bref template, since in that case backlinks point to display:none text.

  var brefElementNodeType = 1;
  function BrefHideBackLinks()
  // Create array of all Tags with classname "references" and tagName "ol"
  var brefAllReferencesTags = new Array();
  brefAllReferencesTags = getElementsByClassName(document.body, "ol","references");
  //Loop through list elements, blanking text in all child nodes other than <cite> and <span>
  for (var i in brefAllReferencesTags)
    var brefRefList = brefAllReferencesTags[i].childNodes;
    for (var j in brefRefList)
      // Leave embedded text between citation entries alone
      if (brefRefList[j].nodeType == brefElementNodeType)
        var brefRefListEntry = brefRefList[j].childNodes;
        for (var k = brefRefListEntry.length - 1; k >= 0; --k)
          // Only retain the <cite> and <span> tag text. Handle IE as well as other browsers
          if (brefRefListEntry[k].nodeType != brefElementNodeType || (brefRefListEntry[k].tagName != "CITE" && brefRefListEntry[k].tagName != "SPAN"))
            if (brefRefListEntry[k].innerText) // IE inner node
              brefRefListEntry[k].innerText = "";
            else if( brefRefListEntry[k].nodeName && brefRefListEntry[k].nodeName == "#text")
              { // IE list entry text
                brefRefListEntry[k].nodeValue = "";
            else if (brefRefListEntry[k].textContent)
              { // Others
              brefRefListEntry[k].textContent = "";

// hook BrefHideBackLinks
      function ()