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Refugee Phrasebook/Phrases for Helpers Italy

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What do you need? Was brauchen Sie? Что вам нужно? De quoi avez-vous besoin ? ንኽንሕግዘኩም ኢና ኣብዚ ዘለና።

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Phrases for Helpers

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Italian English French Fusha Arabic Arabic phonetics Tigrinya Tigrinya phonetics
Salve/ Ciao Hello bonjour / salut مرحبا / اهلا Marhaba/Saalam ሰላም፣ሰላማት selam/selamat
Buongiorno Good day bonjour صباح الخیر Sabáh alchayr ደሓንዶ ውዒልኩም deHando we´ilkum
Buonasera Good evening bonsoir مساء الخیر Masaa alchayr ከመይ አምሲም። dehan dom sichum
Arrivederci Goodbye au revoir مع السلامة Bye/ma‘a 's-saláma ደሓን ኵን deHan kun
Di dove sei? Where do you come from? D'où venez-vous? من أي بلد أنت؟ Min Ouin inta? / min ay balad anta? ካበይ መጺእካ፧ ፨ መጺእኪ፧ kabey metsieka? / Metsieki?
Non ho capito. I don’t understand Je ne comprends pas. لم أفهم Ma Fhimt / Lam Afham ኣይተረደኣንን ayterdeanin
Puoi trovare quello, che vuoi dire qui[=in questo frasario]? Ci sono alcune lingue. Possiamo cercare di comunicare in questo modo. Can you find what you want to say here [=in this phrasebook]? It has several languages. We can try to communicate this way. Regardez si vous pouvez trouver ce que vous voulez me dire ici [dans ce guide]. C'est en plusieurs langues. Nous pouvons essayer de communiquer comme ça. هل يمكنك أن تجد في قاموس المصطلحات هذا ما تريد أن تقوله؟ القاموس يتتضمن عدد من اللغات. ربما يمكننا أن نتواصل بهذه الطريقة Am tlaki bi Qamus El-Kalimat had El-Shi eli bdak tkulu,houn fi Ligat Ktira, momken nitwasah haik/Hal yumkinuka an tajida fi Al-kamus hatha ma turid an takulahu? Al-kamus yatadaman aded men Al-Lughat, rubama yumkinuna an natauasal bi hathihi Al-Tarika / እንታይ ክትብል ከም ዝደለኻ ካብዚ መጵሓፍ ክትረክቦ ምከኣልካዶ፧ ብዙሕ ቋንቋ ኣለዎ፥ በዚ ጌርና ክንረዳዳእ ኒፈቲን፥ Entay kitibil kemzideleka kabzi metshaft kitrekibo mikealka do? Buzuh quanqua alewo. Bezi gerna kinredadae niftin.
Come sta? How are you? Comment allez-vous ? كيفكم Schlounkon/Kifkoun ከመይ ኣለኺ/ኻ፧ kemey al-leKhi/a?
Come stai? How are you? Comment vas-tu? كيفك Schlounak(m)Schlounik (f(/Kifak ከመይ ኣለኺ/ኻ፧ kemey al-leKhi/a?
Vado a trovare qualcuno che può essere d'aiuto. I'm getting somebody who can help. Je vais chercher quelqu'un qui peut aider. سأحضر أحدا للمساعدة Rah jib hada biye'der yisa'ed ክሕግዘኒ ዚክእል ሰብ ረኪበ ኣለኩ፥ Kihigizeni zikiel seb rekibe aleku.
aspettate qui per favore Please wait here. Attendez ici s'il vous plaît. الرجاء الإنتظار Esstanou Laou Samahtou / Alraga´a Alintithar Lau Samahtom ብክብረትካ ኣብዚ ተጸበይ B'kbretka abzi tetsebe
tornerò I'll come back. Je vais revenir. سوف اعود لاحقا Ra-je'ae Ba'aed Shouai / saouf a´aoud laheqan ክምለስ እየ Kimiles eye
(fml)Voglio aiutarLa/Voglio aiutarti. I want to help you. Je veux vous aider. اريد مساعدتكم Biddi sa'adak ኣነ ክሕግዘካ ደልየ፥ ane Kihigizeka delye.
(fml) Può fidarsi di me / Puoi fidarti di me. You can trust me. Vous pouvez me faire confiance. يمكنكم أن تثقوا بي Bte'dar tusaq fiyyi ንዓይ እመነኒ፥ Ni'ay emeneni.
(fml)Aspetterò qui con Lei, Non si preoccupi./Aspetterò qui con te, non preoccuparti. I will wait here with you, don't worry. Je vais attendre ici avec vous, pas de soucis. سأنتظر معك. لا تقلق Rah estanna hon ma'ak, la teqlaq ኣብዚ ምሳካ ክጽበ አየ። ቡዙሕ ኣይሸገር፥ Abzi misaka kitsibey eye. Buzuh aytisheger.
(fml)Qualcuno verrà ad aiutarLa./Qualcuno verrà ad aiutarti. Somebody will come and help you. Quelqu'un va venir vous aider. سيأتي احد للمساعدة Fi hada rah yiji ysa'dak ካልእ ሰብ ክመጸካ ክሕግዘካ እዩ፥ Kalie seb kmetseka kihigizeka eyu.
(fml)Questa persona può aiutarLa./Questa persona può aiutarti. This person can help you. cette personne peut vous aider هاد الشخص يستطسع مساعدتك. Hadal El-shak'hes bye'dar ysa'dak እዚ ሰብ ክሕግዘካ እዩ፥ Ezi Seb kihigizega eyu.
Dobbiamo solo aspettare un po'. We just have to wait a little. il faut juste que vous attendiez un moment / nous devons juste attendre un moment / il faut juste attendre un peu علينا الإنتظار قليلا Bas lazem nestanna shuay. ቑሩብ ክንጽበ ኣለና፥ Kurub kintsibe alena.
(fml) E' molto coraggioso/coraggiosa./Sei molto coraggioso/coraggiosa. You're very brave. Vous êtes très courageux / courageuse. انت شجاع/ انتِ شجاعة (m.) Inta shuja'a / (f.) Inti shuja'a-a ብጣዕሚ ንፉዕ ኢካ፥ Bitaemi Nifue eka.
Sei fantastico / fantastica. You're great. Vous êtes super. أنت ممتاز/ انتِ ممتازة (m.) Inta Mumtaz (f.) Inti mumtaze ኣዚኻ ክኢላ ኢኻ፥ Azicha kiela icha.
Questo guarirà presto. It will heal quickly. Ça va guérir rapidement. سوف يشىفى بسرعة Rah ytib bi sura'a/saufa yasha bisur'a ቐልቲፉ ክሓዊ እዩ፥ Keltifu kihawi eyu.
She will be OK / He will be OK Ça va aller. هو/ هي بخير Hoa (m) / Hiya(f) bi-kher ደሓን ክከዉን/ክትከውን እዩ/እያ፥ Dehan kikewin/kitkewn eyu/eya.
(fml)Sono lieto di vederLa./Sono lieto di vederti. I'm happy to see you. Je suis content(e) de vous voir. سعيد برؤيتك Mabsout bi shoftak/Saaid bi rou'yatika ንዓኻ ምርኣየይ ሕጉስ እየ፥ niacha me´rayey H´gus eyu.
(fml)Distinti saluti, Le auguro il meglio./Cari saluti. ti auguro il meglio. Take care and all the best Prenez bien soin de vous انتبه إلى نفسك ,بالنجاح Intebeh/(f.) Intebhi ala halek, Binajah /(m.) Intabeh/(f.) Intahehi ala nafsak! Bina"jah ጽቡቕ ዕድል፥ Tsibuk edil.
(fml) Scrivimi appena possibile, ecco il mio indirizzo./Mi scrivi appena possibile, ecco il mio indirizzo. Write me when you can, here is my address Écrivez-moi quand vous pouvez, voici mon adresse اكتب لي عندما تستطيع. هذا هو عنواني (m.) Ektebli wa't t'dar, Had unouani / (f.)Ektebili wa't t'dari, Had unouan//(m.) Uktub li / (f.) Uktubi li indama (m.) tastati''a/ (f.) tastatee'n/ Hatha Unouani/ ኣብ ዝጠዓመካ ጸሓፈለይ፥ ኣድራሻይ እንሀልካ፥ Ab ziteameka Tsehafely. Adrashay enehalka.
Cos’è successo? What happened? Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? ماذا حصل؟ Schou saar / Ma-tha hassal እንታይ ደኣ ተረኺቡ፧ Entay dea Terechibu?
Non lo so I don’t know Je ne sais pas لا اعرف Ma Baáref / La Aáref ኣይፈለጥኩን Ayfeletkun
La distribuzione di cibo food distribution distribution de nourriture توزيع الطعام Taou-si" Alakel / Taou-si Altaam ምዕዳል መግቢ MiEdal megbi
prima i bambini children first les enfants d'abord الأطفال أولاً Li-wlad bel Aoual/ Alatffal aoua-lan ቐዳምነት ንቖልዑት Kedaminet Nikolu'ut
le donne dopo/poi le donne then the women ensuite les femmes بعدهم النساء Ua-rahon alnissuan/ Baádhom alnessaa ብድሕሪኡ ንደቂ ኣንስትዮ B'diriu Nideki anstiyo
fare una fila qui per favore Please queue / line up here. Faites la queue ici s'il vous plaît الرجاء التزام الدور Bi-dour Laou Samahtou ብኽብረትኩም ኣብዚ ተሰርዑ፥ Bikbretkum abzi teser'U፥
solo uno/una a testa Only one piece/item each Juste un par personne. لكل واحد واحدة li-kil sha-ches wahdi / Likol wahed Wahide ሓንቲ ሓንቲ ኩሉ ዓይነት hanti hanti kab kulu aynet
Non c'è distribuzione qui There is no distribution here Il n'y a pas de distribution ici. لايوجد توزيع هنا Ma fi taou-si hoon / La ju-jad taou-si Huna ኣብዚ ምዕዳል የሎን Abzi Miedal yelon
Mi dispiace, non è rimasto più niente Sorry, there is nothing left. Désolé, il ne reste plus rien. اسف، لم يبق شي Assef, Ma Dal Schi / Assef lam Yabka shi ይቕረታ። ዝተረፈ የለን Yikreta. Ziterefe yelen
la mela apple la pomme تفاحة Tifaha/Toufaha ቱፋሕ Tufah
la banana banana une banane موزة Mouzeh ሙዝ ፨ ባናና muz / banana
l'acqua water de l'eau ماء \مياه Mai/ Ma'a ማይ mai
il cibo food la nourriture طعام Akel /Ta-am ምግቢ megbi
documenti documents les documents أوراق رسمية Aourak Rassm-ia ሰነድ Sened
(la) residenza registration Enregistrement تسجيل Tass-jill ምዝገባ Mizgeba
(la) cittadinanza nationality la nationalité الجنسية Alj'enssia ዘግነት zegnet
lì/là here ici هنا Hoon/Hunna ኣብዚ abzi
lì/là there là / là-bas هناك Hnik/Hunnak ኣብቲ abti
c'è un medico lí There's a doctor over there. Il y a un médecin là-bas. هناك يوجد طبيب Hnak fi Daktor/Honak You-jad Tabib ሓኪም ኣብቲ ቦታ ኣሎ Hakim abti bota alo
l'area per bambini è li The children's area is over there. L'espace pour les enfants est là-bas هناك في ساحة ألعاب Hnik Fi Alaáb/Honak Fi Sahat Alaáb ቦታ ቖልዑት ኣብቲ እዩ Nay kolu'ut bota abti eyu
(il) passaporto passport le passeport جواز سفر Ja-uas Safar ፓስፖርት pasport