International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Timor-Leste (East Timor)
Timor-Leste (East Timor)
[edit | edit source]- A former colony of Portugal, Timor-Leste became an independent nation on 20 May 2002.
- Only one meter design has been reported so far, and it was used prior to fully recognized independence.

1. "Machine C" (MV), 2001.
- Post Office stamp.
- Frank printed on wide, off-white, self-adhesive label with underprint.
- Underpint consists of "CORREIOS / DE TIMOR LESTE" repeated across the top.
- Frameless design with point-of-sale data added in black.
- "FRANQUIA" at top left, value figures at top right.

- a. Printed on label without underprint
NOTE: "Machine C" is from an unidentified manufacturer of several Portuguese Post Office franking machines including the model behind Portugal Type PO-B7 (which corresponds to Timor-Leste Type 1).