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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Solomon Islands

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Solomon Islands

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  • The earliest used stamp seen is dated 1967. The country was a British protectorate until it achieved independence in 1978.
  • All stamps seen except Type A3A, were used on government official mail whether or not the town mark contains “O.H.M.S.” (On Her Majesty’s Service).
  • The stamps are grouped by political inscription:
A – British protectorate period, stamps inscribed “BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS”
B – Post independence, stamps inscribed “SOLOMON ISLANDS”

GROUP A: Issues during British protectorate period

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  • Franks inscribed “BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS”

A1. Pitney Bowes “Automax” (MV), 1967.

Upright frank with simulated perforation border.
“POSTAGE” and “PAID” in side panels, and crown over small “EIIR” at bottom.
M# “P.B. 1” only.
A. TM: DC (HONIARA/ B.S.I.P.) [$60]
B. TM: SC (both “O.H.M.S./ GIZO BSIP” and “O.H.M.S./ AUKI BSIP” known) [$30]
C. TM unengraved
V/F: = 0.oo
  • A proof or essay with £sd value figures (=/00/00) is known from 1962.
  • Examples of the two single-circle stamps (A1B) have overlapping dates. This could mean that the machine was moved around, a second meter was assigned the same number, or the dates were applied incorrectly.

A2. Satas “Baby” (MV), 1970. [$25]

As Type A1 but smaller and squarer.
M# with “SA” prefix. M#s SA3 and SA4 seen
V/F: 0.00

A3. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV), 1972. [$15]

Horizontal frank without complete outer frame line.
Crown over “EIIR” between TM and value box.
M# with “P.B.” prefix at bottom center.
M#s 3461D and 5909D seen.
A. M# 3461D with TM “HONIARA/ B.S.I.P.” (Commonwealth Banking Corp.)
B. M# 5909D with TM “O.H.M.S./ HONIARA S.I.”
V/F: 0.00

GROUP B: Post-independence stamps

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  • Frank inscribed “SOLOMON ISLANDS” (without "BRITISH")

B1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV), 1978. [$15]

As Type A3 but with “BRITISH” excised at top.
Crown and “EIIR” remain.
M# “P.B. 21444D” seen.
V/F: 0.00

NOTE: The most recent meter stamp reported from the Solomon Islands is dated 1984. It is probable more recent designs exist.