History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1923 01 05
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[edit | edit source]scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 04 - August 1936 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1936 08
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Front Cover
[edit | edit source]THE WIRELESS WEEKLY
The Hundred per cent. Australian Radio Journal.
Vol. 2 — No. 1; Jan. 5th, 1923.
Price — Threepence. Registered at the General Post Office Sydney for transmission by post as a newspaper
Cover Graphic: Sketch of house on rocky cliff top overlooking coast, surmounted by massive Marconi T antenna with multiwire flat-top.
Advertisement: Godet for Girls: Face Powders, Colgnes, Perfumes, Soaps. Australasian Representative: NESTOR HERVEIN, 84 Q.V. Buildings, SYDNEY. Phone: City 2813.
Tags: Nil
Inside Front Cover
[edit | edit source]Alexis V. Graham Ad
[edit | edit source]WONDERFUL WIRELESS INVENTION. NO LEVERS NO EXPERIENCE NO FAILURES. WITH THE JUNIOR WIRELESS RECEIVING SET A Wireless Set in Every Home at a Nominal Cost of 22/6 ! THE SMALLEST AND SIMPLEST SET IN THE WORLD—Measuring 3x3xl. Solid Cedar Cabinet, Ebonite Top. Everp Part made in Australia. Lasts a Lifetime, and Brings Wireless Signals to Every Home. , No Experience or Examination Necessary. No Batteries or Upkeep. The First Cost, the Only Cost. Before Ordering a Big Set from your Dealer, Buy a "JUNIOR" Outfit from him for 22/6, and Learn to take Signals Every Night in your Own Home, from Ships and other Operating Stations. Outfit Guaranteed. If you Post your 22/6, plus 1/- postage, YOU will receive your Outfit in due course from the Inventor Alexis V. Graham, Phone City 8821. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 7th Floor, Culwulla Chambers, Castlereagh Street. SYDNEY. RADIO COMPANY, INQUIRIES INVITED FROM THE TRADE. LANG AND GROSVENOR STREETS,
F. B. Cooke Ad
[edit | edit source]RADIO COMPANY, OPENING Monday, Bth January AT 18 ELIZABETH STREET (4 Doors from Hunter Street) See the Prices in our window before buying elsewhere. We Guarantee all our Products. Bring your troubles to us and we will solve them. We specialise in Country Orders. ADVICE GIVEN GRATIS. F. B, COOKE, Manager.
W. Harry Wiles Ad
[edit | edit source]QUALITY RADIO SUPPLIES We have large stocks. of Quality Radio supplies for the Amateur and Experimenter. Complete Sets also parts to build your own including 3000 ohm Head Sets and Loud Speakers. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. Mail Orders please state Licence No. if allotted. W. HARRY WILES, Importer and Supplies of Everything Electrical. 60-62 GOULBURN STREET* One door from Pitt Street. SYDNEY. ESTABLISHED 1904. In answering advertisements mention Wireless Weekly
[edit | edit source]Radio College Ad
[edit | edit source]The Radio College. 23 LANG STREET, Cnr Grosvenor Street (near Wentworth Hotel) Complete Receiving Station available. Will commence on Tuesday, January 2, 1923. Courses in Principles and Practice of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony. (A) ONE MONTH COURSE, 2 days per week Lectures will include Crystal and Valve Reception. 30/- (B) FULL COURSE, 3 months, 2 days per week £5 ss. Leads to complete knowledge required by new Regulations, including Morse Code, Practice and Elements of Radio Telephony. (C) POSTAL COURSE, comprising same subject as (B) Courses may be arranged for either* day or night. Prospectus on application. Enrolment by post or personally. £4 4s. If you require a license inform us, and we will take the necessary steps. Apply to Principal, MR. F. BASIL COOKE, f.r.a.s. Late Wireless Instructor to A.I.F.
Danish High-Power Stations
[edit | edit source]DANISH HIGH-POWER RADIO STATIONS. The commission appointed about two years ago by the Danish Ministry of Public Works to look into the question of a high-power radio telegraph station has now submitted a report recommending that necessary legislation be secured to permit erection ' and operation of a translantic radio station. The majority report favours installation of the Valdemar Poulsen arc, while the minority recommends that selection of type be deferred, pending further investigation . In addition to commercial service to the United States and Canada, it is hoped to establish direct communication with Greenland The report points out that the sooner the station is completed the greater the probability that a considerable portion of the radio traffic between the United States and Eastern Europe will be routed via Denmark, and thus aid greatly in developing commerce between those countries.
AC Supply for Amplifier Tubes
[edit | edit source]ALTERNATING CURRENT SUPPLY FOR AMPLIFIER TUBES. There has been developed at the Bureau of Standards an amplifier which uses 6 0-cycle alternating current to supply power for both the filaments and plates. The necessity of storage batteries and dry batteries is thus eliminated. The final form of amplifier uses five tubes and a crystal detector, there bein£ three radio-frequency stages and two audio-frequency stages. A description of this amplifier is contained in i paper by P. D. Lowell, which appeared in the July, 19 22, issue of the journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, pages 488–490. It is expected that this paper will also be available as a publication of the Bureau of Standards in the near future.
Humours of Wireless
[edit | edit source]HUMORS OF WIRELESS "Listening-in" is not without its moments of humour. There is the classic joke, hoary among pre-war wireless men, of the junior operator, who, muddled about call-letters and mistaking the coast station of Ushant for a ship, signalled, "Where are you bound for?" The operators on dozens of ships hugged themselves on hearing this, but when, after profound thought, the French operator replied, "Mister, I am Ushant. I do not budge," they enshrined the incident in their hearts together with the story of the Japanese operator who gave a general call, and added, "All gentlemans, honourable embarkery affixed muddily and unable to coming out," meaning that his ship had stuck on a mudbank and could not get off.
[edit | edit source]Electricity House Ad
[edit | edit source]Get Your Wireless Gear at ELECTRICITY HOUSE 387 GEORGE STREET (OP. STRAND). TEL- 2961 CITY Condenser Plates, 2/- per doz.; Condenser Spindles, 2/9 per set; Condenser Ends, 1/9 pair; Honeycomb Coils, from 3/6; Honeycomb Mountings, 3/- each; Filament Resistances, 7/6 each; Calibrated Dials, 1/6 each; Knobs, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 each; Contact Studs, 1/9 per doz.; Switcharms, 3/-, 4/6; Terminals, 6d. each; Phone Condensers, 1/6; Grid Condensers, 1/6; Variable Condensers, 25/-, 30/-. Murdocks Phones, 37/6; Myers Valves, 35/-. Catalogues, 9d. each including wiring and other diagrams. All makes of Telephones and Valves. Crystal Cups, 1/-; Detectors, 5/- e&ch; Loose Couplers 45/-; Cabinets, Ebonite, Bakelite and all round materials. INTERVALVE TRANSFORMER, 45/-. Closed Iron Core. Works Manager: RAYMOND McINTOSH. Shop Manager: RAYMOND SHAW. General Manager: J. S. MARKS. All communications to the Firm.
Sale & Exchange
[edit | edit source]SALE& EXCHANGE Three Lines (approximately 15 Words), may be inserted in this Column for 9d. Extra Lines or part thereof, at 6d, per line. FOR SALE.—Valve set, also crystal set, complete, with aerial, ’phones, absolute bargain, £3/10/. Ring Y 1833. FOR SALE.—Drummond, 4in. round bed lathe, in splendid order £3O. In first case, Box 378, G.P.O. FOR SALE. —% h.p. 6 volt Century Dynamo, for £l2. Box 378, G.P.O. Wireless Set, comprising aerial, tuning panel, detector, panel, two stages, audio frequency, sep. panel, pair Brown’ 2000 ohm. adjustable ’phones, batteries, &c., for sale, complete or separately. No reasonable offer refused. Box 378, G.P.O. FOR SALE.—Accumulator, 6 v., 60 amp., £3; valve and rheostat, 27/6; 40 v. B battery (in case), 16/; V. condenser (23 plates), 12/6; Murdoch’s ’phones, 3000 ohm., 30/- (all new). W. Greenland, 60 York Street.
Editorial - A talk with "Wireless Weekly"
[edit | edit source]A TALK WITH "WIRELESS WEEKLY." A calm survey of the state of amateur wireless in Australia cannot be made without the observer becoming pessimistic. At the present moment there is nothing doing, and from all appearances there is very little to look forward to. A bad state of affairs to start the New Year with. The forthcoming Trans-Pacific tests stand out as a shining spot in the gloom. In Australia, of all countries, wireless should be playing a big part. We have tremendous distances that can be bridged by the magic ether waves; communication can be speedily made with remote places, and entertainment provided for the lonely settlers in the "outback." The reader might ask: "Is this anything to do with the amateur ? " Our answer is decidedly in the affirmative. The amateur, in our opinion, should not be content to concentrate on his own particular set and, perhaps, his own club or society. He should take a broad view of things, and, if his heart is really in the science, work to see it put on that plane from which it will benefit the whole community. Who knows better than the amateur the need for the things mentioned ? The people who should be getting the benefit of the wonderful invention do not know, in most cases, what is being denied them. This is because they have had no opportunity to test and study wireless. The clubs would do well to move in the direction of educating the public to the use of wireless; not so much in the city, but the dweller in the country. There are keen experimenters scattered throughout the country districts, and these should be induced to give demonstrations and lectures, and the powerful city clubs and societies could then Busy themselves with the authorities. The first thing that should be done by the Government is to arrange that the nightly weather reports from the coast stations are sent out by radio telephony and also by telegraphy at a rate of not more than twelve words a minute. This would enable the man on the land to obtain speedy information -about .the weather, which is of vital importance to him. Other things, such as entertainment, should also be taken up by the amateurs. Put some "pep" into things, and get Radio into its proper place in the scheme of things.
[edit | edit source]N.S.W. Bookstall Ad
[edit | edit source]Just Received from America. MAKE YOUR OWN SETS. TWENTY RADIO ’PHONE DIAGRAMS and hook ups of Crystal and Audion Receiving Circuits, Amplifying Circuits, Regenerating and Sending Circuits 3/6 How to Make Detector and Amplifier Units 3/6 How to Make a Short Wave Regenerative Receiver 3/6 14 Radio Formulae and Diagrams for the advanced Radio Student 3/6 Obtainable ot The N.S.W. Bookstall Co. Ltd- -476 George Street Sydney.
Burgin Radio College Ad
[edit | edit source]BURGIN RADIO COLLEGE. New Course Commences on MONDAY, Bth JANUARY. Full Course, 3 Months, 3 Nights per week £5 ss. Progressive and other part courses—Terms on Application. Send for Particulars, PRINCIPAL, O. F. MINGAY, C/o BURGIN ELECTRIC CO., 352 KENT ST., SYDNEY.
Do you know your Honeycomb Coils?
[edit | edit source]DO YOU KNOW YOUR HONEYCOMB COILS? Many amateurs have tried honeycomb coils for amateur reception and have found them unsatisfactory. When asked what the matter is with them, they will usually bring up the two following arguments:' First, they will not oscillate well on amateur wave-lengths, and second, they are hard to tune with, and one cannot tune quickly enough, says G. Robson in an American Magazine. In all probability these same amateurs did not keep their coils long enough to really - know them. Although one must ~ really know his set in order to keep it working efficiently; this is particularly true in the case of honeycomb coils. Once you know all the peculiarities and know how to tune with the-*., you can run a honeycomb coil set with as much ease as a regenerative set. Going back to the first argument of oscillating, this is something I never had much trouble with except when I first had the coils and did not know much about them. There are several things to look for if the set does not oscillate properly. Try grid condensers of various capacities; see that the leads from the coils do not cross each other; have the grid condenser as near to the grid connection as possible. Tn dam '’ weather the straps may become wet and thereby short circuit the coils; this will make oscillating difficult. I dried and shellacked the straps, thereby overcoming this trouble. .Examine the wires on the honeycomb coil holder which connect the holder to the binding posts in back, as they might be broken. I had this trouble once as the wire had become broken inside the insulation and it was quite a while before I found the cause of the set not working. Sometimes, but very rarely, the coils do not make perfect contact with the holder; make sure the coils are not "upside down" so to speak. For instance, if you have the bottom connection of the primary going to the ground, make sure that the lower connection on the second goes to the "A" battery, and that the lower connection on the tm lor goes to the plate. Another amateur and myself had a peculiar occurrence with our sets. Neither of our sets would oscillate unless the "A" battery was reversed so that the minus terminal went to the secondary instead of the plus. This being contrary to theory, we could never see through it. One bulb that 1 had was so critical that it would not oscillate properly unless I had a grid lead of a certain size in the grid circuit. A different hook-up will often make all the difference in the world. All these things can be easily remedied, so, take a good look a your set, and, noticing the va* i°us "causes of trouble" that I have mentioned, fix it up. Them may be others, but these are the chief things that I have looked for during my experience with honeycomb coils. In my hook-up the primary condenser shunting the primary is not necessary, but it works a little better with it. On my set, I rarely used it, as I just set it where amateurs came in best and left it there. A .001 mfd. condenser is better than a .0005 mfd. one across the secondary; the larger capacity gives a greater range. The second argument, that honeycomb coils are hard to tune with and that one cannot tune quickly, is all wrong. I have used both honeycomb coils and regenerative sets and I will say that I can tune just as quickly with my honeycomb coils as with the regenerative set. It may because I am more familiar with the coils, but that is just what I am trying to bring out. If one knows his honeycomb coils and knows how to tune with them, they will work all right. The secondary condenser is the only one that needs to be varied to tune in the various stations. The tickler coil, of course, has to be moved frequently to vary the oscillations. I was always able to quickly change when a station was fading, but always had trouble with the "ones" swinging, although I could keep on reading them by changing to a different wave-length. As to what coils to use, I a, r. not say. The only way to try a* see which coils work best on the wave-lengths desired. It all depends on the bulb and the size of the aerial. With one bulb on amateur wave-lengths I used L 2 5 primary, L 35 secondary, and L5O tickler. With another bulb, I used L 75 tickler. One amateur whom I knew had to use a LI00 for tickler on amateur waves, while another used only an L 3 - tickler. This is one point which cannot be specified, and must be determined by the amateur in experimenting until the right coils are found.
[edit | edit source]O. Burnaby Bolton Ad
[edit | edit source]MODELS. Horizontal Steam Engine in parts. All lathe work finished and material supplied 46/- LISTS 6D. O. BURNABY BOLTON, Daily Telegraph Building, KING STREET, SYDNEY.
Magnavox Australia Ad
[edit | edit source]MAGNAVOX RADIO. The Rolls-Royce of Reproducers. The one loud speaker which will reproduce music and signals in any volume without distortion and without injury to the apparatus. Dispense with the Head- Phones, AND LET EVERYONE IN THE ROOM HEAR. A BIG DEMAND HAS BEEN CREATED. BE SURE OF GETTING ONE. Call, write, or ’phone, MAGNAVOX, AUSTRALIA, 17, THE BANKING HOUSE, 228 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. Phone: City 3710,
The Tests
[edit | edit source]THE TESTS. Official Reply to Mr. Stowe. The Editor, "Wireless Weekly,"— Dear Sir, — ~ The Trans Pacific Radio Tests Organisation Committee, N.S.W. Section has considered the letter from Mr. H. A. Stowe, published in your last iysl |e and, would be pleased if you would give prominence to our reply. The Organisation is of such huge dimensions that it could not be iun without sufficient funds and the balance of money remaining over alter all expenses have been paid will be devoted to prizes. The entrance fee of 10/ was not fixed by this committee but was unanimously agreed upon by delegates representing every radio club in Sydney and suburbs. . This committee is only carrying out the resolutions carried by the delegates at the meeting held on the bth December, 1922. . As most stations will be probably operated by at least five experimenters on account of the long duration of the tests, the cost would only work out at 2/ each experimenter. American amateurs are spending a lot of monev erecting special stations, for these tests and it is our obligation to do our best to receive them. Serious workers have no objection to paying the 10/ in order to secure efficient organisation. A considerable amount of money will have to be spent on cablegrams to America for checking purposes. How could the experimenters taking part be informed of the time and nature of the tests if it were not through some organisation? If the clubs were to stand the cost of organisation, what organisation would give the necessary information to the clubs, and why should clubs not taking part be called upon to share the expenses. The only persons paying, are those taking part and this is more equitable. If the clubs were to share the expenses, who would decide as to which clubs were to pay, and at what rate? When the number of entrants is known, the various clubs will be notified, and they will be asked to make the necessary arrangements in them own districts in regard to interference . In order to bring about the grouping system, which it is proposed to adopt." it is essential that applications be called in order to divide the congested wireless areas into groups. This, of itself, justifies a central organisation . Mr. Kingsley Love of Melbourne, and his committee are the organisation with whom the American Amateurs are in consultation, and it is their special desire that they communicate only with one central organisation. The Waverley Radio Club does not derive any benefits from the funds of the organisation and all papers and accounts are being kept distinctly apart. What chance would the experimenters have of receiving .the. signals if every experimental station in the congested wireless areas were operating simultaneously? In closing I would like to state that the committee sincerely trust that every experimenter in New South Wales will fill in either Form No. 1 or Form No. 2 at the earliest possible moment since if it is known what stations are taking part in the tests, and their geographical location, it will be possible to make arrangements favorable to all experimenters taking- part in the tests. Tours faithfully, F. H. HARVEY, Hon. Sec., Trans Pacific Radio Tests Organisation Committee, N.S.W. Section. "Lourdes," Bronte.
Care of Telephones
[edit | edit source]CAKE OF TELEPHONES Do not forget that the telephone is one of the most delicate and sensitive of all inventions. It will respond to currents which are far too small to actuate other common apparatus. With a crystal detector you cannot get results from a 75-ohm telephone, such as is used by the telephone companies. Your telephones should have a resistance of at least 1000 ohms. But remember that the resistance of a telephone is no guide to its sensitiveness. In radio, telephones are rated by the direct current resistance of their coils for the sake of convenience only. In these telephones it is necessary to have a large number of turns in the coils about the magnets, in order that the feeble currents that pass through them may actuate the magnets sufficiently to vibrate the diaphragms, and consequently it is essentially the number of turns and efficiency of the winding that determine the telephone's efficiency. Sometimes when adjusting the knobs and dials of sensitive, closely regulated outfits the signals will die down as soon as the hand is removed. This is due to the capacity effect of the body. To get around it, cover the back side of the panel with tin foil or sheet copper, using care to see that the metal does not touch contacts, rods or wires. This is called a shield. At the point nearest the ground, connect the shield with the ground.
Wireless Broadcasting in New Zealand
[edit | edit source]WIRELESS BROADCASTING IN NEW ZEALANID... 800 PERMITS ISSUED. NOT YET A SUCCESS. About 800 permits for listening in have been issued to amateurs of wireless, and another 300 or 400 are under consideration. Some 20 licenses for sending have been issued, but the regulation under the Act have not yet been gazetted. One official expressed the opinion that broadcasting would have a very short run, as a knowledge of the Morse system is required to pick up news, and people would soon get tired of hearing gramaphone records by wireless. It may be mentioned that a recent attempt to give a public concert was a dismal and hopeless failure.
[edit | edit source]Homecrafts Ad
[edit | edit source]INTERVAI.VE TRANSFORMER. fsdf sdf CLOSED CORE—FOR .AUDIO FREQUENCY AMPLIFICATION. This Transformer, which is scientifically constructed, is of the shell type. It is simple, reliable and compact. Maximum results are assured. The complete measurements of this Transformer are 2J4 x x 1% in. It is provided with feet in order that it may be mounted in any desired position. df 7 w J P. H.M c ELROY. STREET 211 SWANS TON
Mr. Stowe Again
[edit | edit source]MR. STOWE AGAIN. TO THE EDITOR. Sir —Will you allow me to briefly 'reply to Mr. Cooke in connection with my letter re Trans-Pacific Tests. Mr. Cooke says there are many reasons why 10/- fee should be charged, but does not put any forward. He says that if the clubs bore the expense they would want to control arrangements to suit all its members. Well, why not, I think that would save a lot of time and trouble, as each club would be in touch with the needs of its district. It would also be an opportunity of testing the club as to their ability to handle such local organisation. The fact that sporting interest will be taken in the test should have no place at all. It is a scientific step, and the experience and honour of the thing should amply repay. Mr. Cooke says that I advocated that "all and sundry should go for it." That was not my words or expression at all. I said that we should encourage as many as possible to take part. I say "as possible" because everyone cannot even if they wished to; but what I want is for all who are capable, to take part. Mr. Cooke says that he considers that it would be unjust for an amateur to start his set when he had gone to the trouble to arrange his set for the test. We have got to realise that this applies the other way round also; that is, it would be unfair to that amateur also if he had gone to the trouble to prepare his set. In this matter, I do not wish it to be taken that I am in any way trying to discourage the arrangements, on the contrary, I am very much interested, but I want to see the thing done in a fair way, also that all may have a fair chance as much as possible, and also to try and avoid any friction, which must occur if every aspect is not taken into account. And I still think that the best way is to allow the district clubs to manage its own district, thus saving expense and trouble. There are many other points which need consideration which I am sure the committee is aware of. In conclusion, I would like to ask: Why prizes ? And, suppose all who compete obtain the same degree of success, or even, say, 50% of them ? —I am, sir, H. A. STOWE. Chatswood, Jan. 2, 1923.
Band without Instruments
[edit | edit source]BAND WITHOUT INSTRUMENTS IN STUDENT PARADE. Mystifying the onlookers, a recent student parade at the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, furnished excellent band music in spite of a "conspicuous absence" of any instruments. The answer to the puzzling phenomenon was radio. The drum major carried, instead of the usual baton, a pole with antenna wires which extended over the heads of the marchers to a similar pole borne at the rear. The receiving set and batteries were placed on a litter and carried along under the antenna by several students, with two amplifiers or loud- speaking horns, completing the outfit, which certainly presented an unusual appearance.
"Shielding" your Set
[edit | edit source]"SHIELDING" YOUR RADIO SET. Sometimes when adjusting the knobs and dials of sensitive, closely regulated outfits the signals will die down as soon as the hand is removed. This is due to the capacity effect of the body. To get around it, cover the back side of the panel with tin foil or sheet copper, using care to see that the metal does not touch contacts, rods or wires. This is called a shield. At the point nearest the ground, connect the shield with the ground.—W.J.T.
Dutch East Indies Radio Station
[edit | edit source]DUTCH EAST INDIES RADIO STATION. The installation of vacuum tube transmitters of 1200-kilowatt power and a Telefunken spark set for ship-to-shore work are nearing completion at Malabar. The bigh-power station is designed for direct communication with Holland. The corresponding station at Kootkijk will not be completed for several months. Radio telephone stations are being constructed in the Dutch East Indies at Soerabaja and Macassar. The radio telephone stations are not designed for broad-casting in the same way that this work is being carried on in the United States, since the stations are primarily intended for government use, and not for amateur experiment purposes.
How to Apply for a Licence
[edit | edit source]TO CORRESPONDENTS ASKING HOW TO APPLY FOR A LICENSE. The Radio Colleges advertised in "Wireless Weekly" inform us that applicants may write to them, and they will do the rest.
[edit | edit source]Make Your Own - Electrolytic Rectifiers
[edit | edit source]MAKE YOUR OWN. MAKING ELECTRO-LYTIC RECTIFIERS. Most experiments feel the lack of direct current for recharging small storage batteries, such as are now widely used with radio apparatus; and for running small direct-current motors, electroplating, and such other purposes for which alternating current cannot be used. The residence zones of nearly all cities are, with but few exceptions, served only with alternating current. It is a very simple matter to transform the alternating current voltage to almost any other voltage, up or down, by using suitable transformers, but this does not change the character of the current. Rectification of alternating current into direct current is an entirely different matter, and is accomplished by various forms of rectifiers, or by a motor generator, all of which are rather expensive, says a writer in "Popular Mechanics." For the ordinary requirements of the small-shop man, experimenter, or radio-set owner, a three or four-cell electrolytic rectifier provides the cheapest and most satisfactory method of rectifying the alternating current. Such a rectifier is not all that might be desired from the standpoint of efficiency, but the power demand for experimental work is not usually very heavy and therefore the technical efficiency becomes of minor importance when compared with considerations of low cost and convenience. The rectifier here described utilises both sides of the alternating-current wave, which makes it just twice as efficient as the single-cell type sometimes used. The latter gives a strictly pulsating current, as only one-half of the alternating-current wave is used, and as a result current flows on the direct-current side only one-half the time. The three and four-cell rectifiers utilise both sides of the alternating-current wave, and, while the direct current from this type of rectifier is also pulsating in character the current is flowing through the output side practically all the time, and these pulsations may be greatly damped or smoothed by described by means of an inductance as will be described later on. Direct current produced by rectification cannot be used in plr of a storage battery for radio receiving on account of its pulsating character, but may be used for recharging the storage battery if it is of small size. Either the single of multiple- cell type electrolytic rectifier may be readily constructed from materials usually at hand in the shop or laboratory, or which can be easily bought at very small cost. From my own experience I prefer the three-cell type of rectifier, but the four-cell combination gives a direct current that is slightly" steadier. The instructions given apply to the construction of the three-cell type for use on 110-volt alternating circuits, but they may be readily adapted to either "the single of four-cell rectifiers. This rectifier will give as much as 5 amperes for very short periods, but heats up under continuous service, at even much lighter loads. However, by increas- creasing the surface area of the plates, using larger jars, or by water-cooling the outside of the jars, the current capacity of the rectifier may be increased as desired. For the three-cell rectifier the following materials will be required:— 2 pieces of sheet lead, 6| by 2 by 1-16 in. 1 piece of sheet lead, 61 by 2| by 1-16 in. 4 pieces pure sheet aluminium,. 6J by 2 by 1-16 in. 3 pint fruit jars Bakelite or fiber board, about § or 3-16 in. thick, sufficient to-make three disks, 2 3-16 in. in. diameter, and three, 3 in. in diameter. A good grade of sheet iron, or carbon rods or plates, may be substituted for the lead plates. The! four aluminium and two of the-lead sheets are cut into plates of the same shape and dimensions as. indicated by the detail drawing; marked "aluminium plate." The larger lead plate is formed to the measurements shown in the other plate-detail drawing. Three disks are cut to fit neatly inside the. mouth of the jars, and three larger ones are provided to form covers. Ordinary wood may be used, instead of the bakelite or fibreboard, but it must first be boiled] in paraffin, to prevent warping,! and to increase its dielectric properties. One each of the large and small disks are fastened together] to form single covers, and slots,] about l-4in. apart, are cut in them; these slots should be just large enough to make a tight fit] on the plate lugs. Two of the! cells are arranged with one lead and one aluminium plate in eacb.S while the third cell has two aluminium plates, one on each shown in the drawing, in order, of the larger lead plate. The plate lugs are offset slightly, as to hold them securely in place. If I desired, holes can be drilled i through the plate lugs and the] lugs fitted with binding screws or| posts to facilitate connecting. The mouths of the jars should be dipped into melted paraffin for about 1 in.; this will prevent the- electrolyte solution from "creep-! ing." The jars are then filled to within about Sin. of the top with a 5 or 10 per cent solution ofj sodium bicarbonate (ordinary baking soda). The covers are then placed on the jars with the plates extending down into the electrolyte. Make certain that no two of the plates touch each other, and connect them with No. 14 insulated copper wire. Suitable fuses and a switch should be provided on the alternating- current side, between the line and the rectifier, as a protection again accident. This switch should always be open when the rectifier is not in use. To start the rectifier, switch on the alternating-current and close the direct-current circuit for a few minutes through about 10 'J ohms’ resistance, such as a 100- watt lamp; this is only necessary when starting a new rectifier for the first time, but must be done in all cases, or else the device will not work. In case a smoother current wave is desired than that furnished by the rectifier alone, an inductance may be introduced into the circuit in the manner shown. A suitable inductance is made by- winding 200 or more turns of No. 16, or larger, insulated cop- per wire around a 1 by 1 by 6-in. laminated-iron core. Of course these inductance specifications can be changed, and the larger the core and the more turns of wire upon it, the smoother the ; direct current wave will be, but this will cut down the power j available.
[edit | edit source]Colville Moore Wireless Supplies Ad
[edit | edit source]THE COLVILLE-MOORE WIRELESS SUPPLIES, ' Make your Own COMPLETE PARTS FOR Spark Transmitters C. W. Transmitters Valve Receivers Crystal Receivers Loose Couplers Valves QX Myers Expanse B. Radiohorn, 200, 201, 202. SMALL SHIPMENT—. MURDOCH PHONES 35/ - Each. c^n) 10 ROWE STREET
Noiseless Mica Condensers
[edit | edit source]NOISELESS MICA CONDENSERS. Many of the troublesome noises in elaborate radio receiving ci- cuits are due to imperfect condensers. To this end attention is now directed to the. mica condensers which can be obtained in various sizes and capacities, and which eliminate the usual disturbances[check spelling]. The latest type of mica condenser represents a novel departure in condenser design. The outer casing is of seamless brass or copper tubing. The interior is built up after the best practice of alternate layers of clear ruby India mica and brass or copper sheets. The tubing is partially flattened and the condenser is inserted, after which powerful presses complete the operation by flattening the condenser into its final form. This process is claimed to produce constant and equal pressure over the entire plate area and does away with the troublesome noises. The metal case protects the plates and reduces hysteresis losses to a minimum. These condensers are sa’ to withstand a potential of several thousands volts, if desired.
A Super Amplifier
[edit | edit source]A SUPER AMPLIFIER. Photo kindly lent by Mr. W. Veitch
[edit | edit source]The Spark of Fate
[edit | edit source]THE SPARK OF FATE. BY F.T.S. The lack-lustre eyes of the sick woman roamed round the little room following the movements of her husband as he endeavored to prepare a meal. With a wan, pathetic, little smile she guided his clumsy movements, and from time to time the man looked over to her for directions. "Don’t worry, Betty, old girl," he said, "I’ll get through some- how." Accustomed though he was to the life of the bush he was un- used to the methods on which his wife insisted and which her illness demanded, and he found things extremely hard. He glanced over at the frail little figure on the bed. Poor Bettjx How she had suffered all these long, weary months, with no other companions than himself and the black tribes round the station. Mentally he cursed for bring- ing her to such a place, where the drab monotonous existence is but one day after another, in a long, weary procession of months and years. Nothing to listen to but the clamour of the none too friendly blacks, the singing of the cicadas, the soughing of the wind through the tree-tops, and the dull roar of the surf outside the bay. The plantation was situated on the shores of a little river which emptied into the bay. At night they would sit out on the ver- andah and listen to the murmur of the sea, and know that not so very far away were ships, and life, and movement. Jack Thompson had brought his young wife to the plantation immediately after their marriage, and the next year had been such a prosperous one that he had re- solved to sell the station and re- turn to civilisation. But his wife's illness had prevented him from doing so, and as day succeeded day the girl grew weaker and weaker and her husband knew that only with medical attention could he hope to save her. She had assured him that her illness was trifling and he had be- lived until he realised that she was very sick. Man is very ig- norant at times. The steamer called every three months and it was not due for a month yet, and he knew that it would be impossible to leave her. The thought was maddening. He could have sent a blackfellow, but all the tribes in the neighbor- hood had gone off on one of their periodical hunting trips and the workers on the plantations flat- ly refused. Jack suspected that a black man, whom he had punish- ed some time previously was be- hind the mutiny, and neither threats nor promises could induce them to help him. For the past few days they had seemed rest- less and he was vaguely uneasy. The terrible inaction was be- coming unbearable and he decid- ed at last, to leave his wife for the time that would be necessary before he could return with a doc- tor, when the calamity happened. The blacks had risen in open re- volt, and joined by a tribe which had returned from hunting, they surrounded the homestead. The inherent hate of the white man which had been born with them gained the ascendency over their naturally timid natures and the siege of the homestead offer- ed no loophole of escape to the defenders. All day long Jack pa- trolled the house and from time to time his rifle cracked thunder- ously in the narrow confines of the room. Far away, on the fringe of the forest, would come an answering scream that caused a grim smile t o settle for an in- stant on the man's lips. One less! He laughed mirthless- ly. What difference would one be to the hundred who surrounded the house. Betty bore it all in good spirit and her husband could see that it was now but a matter of time before her final collapse. Bitter- ly he reflected that the bush would soon claim another victim. He had formulated numerous plans of getting a message through, but one after another he dismissed as impracticable. The only one that offered any hope of success was that of sending the dog with a message telling of their plight. Early next morning he looked across into the bush. Everything was very quiet, but he knew that somewhere near the trees the blacks were there, wait- ing .... waiting .... Cautiously opening the door he stroked the dog's head. "You’re our last chance, old fel- low," he said, and released his hold on the collar. The dog bounded straight towards the trees. Jack watched him reach to within 20 feet of the bush, pull up short in his tracks and fall, transfixed by a spear. "We’re done for, Betty," he told his wife. His spirits had been so low that he felt that nothing really mattered now. "If only we had a wireless set, Jack," she said, and immediate- ly laughed at the improbability of the idea. Her husband started. Sudden- ly his face became eager and he rushed to a trunk which stood at the far corner of the room, and lifted the lid. It was filled to the top with books and papers. Al- most madly, he searched among the magazines until he found one that bore an American name. Fev- erishly he turned over the pages, found what he wanted and smiled brightly. Turning to his wife, he said, "There’s still, a chance, old girl, and he held the book before her. In big black headlines, printed across two pages was: "How to make a Wireless Transmitter." From numerous drawers and boxes he emptied a remarkable collection. Coils of wire, pieces of grass, scraps of metal and a number of dry cells. These last he tested. They were in good con-
uition despite their years of dis- use. At the end of a couple of days his spark coil began to take shape and after a week of untiring work it was at last finished. During the last couple of days it had dawned upon him that their food supply was dangerously low and unless help arrived with- in a week their position was hope- less. He knew that it would be im- possible for him to make the re- ceiving unit of the station, be- cause of the difficulty of the ’phones. Eesides, he reflected it was not necessary. The transmitter, he mounted on a rough unplaned board, and al- most reverently connected the terminals to the batteries. Such a set had surely never been seen even in the earliest days of the science, and he had a sickening dred that it would not work. When night fell he climbed out on to the roof and fixing one end of his aerial to the chimney he tied the other to a tree some hun- dred feet away. Under cover of the intense darkness he worm- ed his way through the grass back to the comparative safety of the house. Everything was in readiness for the attempt. Betty, propper up in bed was infected with her hus- band’s humor, though she had little faith in the apparatus. Jack laid his hand in the send- ing key. Their fates hung in the balance. Should his instru- ment fail they were faced with a terrible death. His forehead was clammy and his hand trembled violently. Pulling himself together he looked at his wife. "Here goes," he said, "This is our last hope." The muscles of his hand tensed and very slowTy he depressed the key. A fate violet spark crackled across the gap ... He sighed with relief, and slowly, for his knowledge was not good he sent the message of fate across space. He was unable to tell whether he was being answered, and all night long he spelt out the mes- sage telling of their predicament, beginning and ending each with the well-known S.O.S. call. An hour before dawn the bat- teries gave out, and he was forced to stop. Just at the point of dawn he
looked through the window and saw hundreds of blacks creeping on the house. Grabbing his rifle he fired rapidly at the ap- proaching men. A spear came in through the window, grazing his shoulder in its passage and im- mediately afterwards another struck him in the chest. He felt his strength ebbing from him and fired despairingly at the blacks. This was the end, then. Curious- ly he wondered whether his aerial had been pulled down. Another spear lodged in his arm and he sank out of sight. Consciousness was leaving him, when suddenly he heard a sound that sent a thrill of hope through him. From somewhere amongst the trees came the cracking of rifle fire, and the dreadful rattling monotone of a machine gun. The clearing was dotted with heaps of motionless forms and with a last effort he waved to the party of bluejackets who came at the double towards the house. Jack Thompson numbers among his dearest possessions a freak wireless transmitter which he would not have parted with for all the money in Australia, even had he been offered it which he wasn't for the primitive apparatus had been the means of calling up the warship which had saved both his wife and himself from certain death.
[edit | edit source]Wireless Weekly Guarantee
[edit | edit source]d s "Wireless Weekly" begs to notify its readers that it guarantees the goods offered for sale by Advertisers in its Columns, and has always re- served the right to accept or reject Advertisements.
Election Results
[edit | edit source]ELECTION RESULTS. Broadcasted in New Zealand. Success in Auckland . Election returns were "broad- casted" by wireless telephony on Thursday evening from the Scots Hall, where a half-kwt. trans- mitter was employed. The full power of the instrument could not
be used, owing to the aerial being merely a temporary one. Using approximately a quarter of the power, it was possible to send out the results quite satisfactorily, and, according to reports received, the details were picked up at such distant points as Hamilton and Port Albert. Had it been possible to use the full power, with a per- manent aerial, the news, with suitable apparatus, could, it is stated, have been received any- where within a radius of up to about 1000 miles. At Milford special arrange- ments were made for the receiving and publishing of the various re- sults, and these were made known at Milford as quickly as in Queen Street. Milford people knew how matters were shaping half an hour in advance of those living in Ta- kapuna. The receiving set used at Milford was in charge of Mr. E. S. Ralls. It was a two-stage am- plifier, with magnovox loud speaker. In the early part of the evening some trouble was caused by the atmospheric conditions, but this passed off and the results then came through very clearly. At first the names and figures were received through the head phones, and were then announced to those waiting. Later, however, it was possible to use the magno- vox to increase the volume, and with the apparatus instaled on the porch of Mildford Hall the people in the street heard quite clearly the results as they came through, Several people standing at a dis- tance of two chains from the ap- paratus heard names and figures quite clearly.
A simple Radiophone
[edit | edit source]Western Electric Co Ad
[edit | edit source]S. o. s. means "Sure of Success" if you equip your Set with Western Electric Wireless Receivers The Western Electric "Head Set" is quickly adjusted, fits comfortably and faithfully re- produces the faintest long dis- tance signals. In order to be sure of the success of your outfit, order Western Electric Radio apparatus through your regular Radio dealer, and don't forget—insist on Western Elec- tric for the best results. WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY (ACST.) LTD. 192 Castlereagh St., Sydney. Also at 262 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. ST / v fty aaiaig -,■ ;>, aW.vJ;-.. uM ■■ ?- pi».«
Electrical Utilities Supply Co Ad
[edit | edit source]RADIO SETS and Parts to make your own Send for Price List. ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY CO RADIO HOUSE 605 QEOROE STREET, SYDNEY.
Round the Clubs
[edit | edit source]Round Clubs. LEICHHARDT AND DISTRICT RADIO SOCIETY. The Leichhardt and District Radio Society is at present in recess, and will commence its New Year activities on January 9th, with a meeting at the new Club Room, Victory Hall, rear of Methodist Church, Johnston Street, Annan- dale. All inquiries relative to the Society’s activities are welcomed, and should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. W. J. Zech, 145 Booth Street, Annandale.
NEW CLUB. CAMPSIE AND DIS- TRICT RADIO CLUB. The formation of a local and dis- trict amateur radio club will no doubt be appreciated by all inter- ested in wireless telegraphy. I take the liberty of informing all those who would like to become members both ladies and gentlemen, to at- tend the meeting to be held at "Loch Vennachar,’’ Evaline Street, Campsie (opp. Loch Street), on Monday, Bth January, at 7.30 p.m.
MARRICKVILLE AND DISTRICT RADIO CLUB At the last general meeting of this club .held on 16 December, the rules governing, and re-election of office-bearers for the ensuing year, were finalised. The office- bearers are : —President, Mr. F. F. Scott; vice-presidents, Mr. All- worth, Mr. Walton; secretary, Mr. R. G. Ellis; assistant secretary, Mr. G. Round; treasurer, Mr. Edwards; committee, Miss C. O’Brien, Mr. G. Round, Mr. McQuoid, Mr. Farrell, Mr. Hemming. The next general meeting is ar- ranged for Monday next, Bth Janu- ary, at rear of 14 Park Road, Mar- rickville, at 8 p.m. A large roll-up is expected. All communications may be addressed to R. G. Ellis, hon. sec., 40 Park Road, Marrickville.
ILLAWARRA RADIO CLUB. At the last meeting the ques- tion of getting to work on a set for the club was discussed, and de- tails as to the probable cost of main items gone into. It is pro- posed to start with a single valve reveiving set, the design and con- struction of which have been left to the Technical Committee. The matter of the application for a Club License (to cover both transmitting and receiving) has been left in the hands of Mr. Gor- man, who will apply for and hold the License on behalf of the club. The next meeting of the club will be held at the Club Room, 75 Montgomery Street, Kogarah, on Thursday, 4 January next, at 8 p.m. All interested are invited to attend.
KURING-GAI DISTRICT RADIO SOCIETY. The next meeting of the Kuring- gai District Radio Society is to be held on January 9, 1923, in the Chats- wood Memorial Hall, at 7.45 p.m. Mr. P. Kershaw will give a lecture on a subject of interest to experi- menters. A key and buzzer will be available for the use of members wishing to practice Morse. If pos- sible Mr. O. S. Mingay will have some receiving apparatus in opera- tion.
[edit | edit source]Burgin Electric Coy Ad
Radio Direction Finder Conference
[edit | edit source]RADIO DIRECTION FINDER CONFERENCE. In response to invitations sent hy the Bureau of Standards, rep- resentatives of nine companies in- terested in the manufacture of radio direction finders recently met to confer with the Assistant Secretary of Commerce, the Bur- eau of Lighthouses, and the Bur- ’ eau of Standards, regarding the production, cost, installation, cali- bration, and maintenance of rad- io direction finders on shipboard. It was announced that the Depart- ment of Commerce has decided to instal additional beacon stations as follows: Boston, Nantucket, Cape Charles, Columbia River, - Puget Sound, and, if funds are . still available, Delaware Bay, Los Angeles and Blunt Reef. These are in addition to the two new radio beacons at Diamond Shoal (off Hatteras) and San Francisco light vessel. Three other radio beacons have been in operation in the vicinity of New York harbor for over a year at Ambrose, Fire Island, and Sea Girt. A considerable number of foreign ships have been equipped with radio direction finders and are calling for radio service as they approach American shores. American shipping companies ap- preciate the importance of using the radii direction finder on ship- board in order to determine their locations in time of fog and in order to aid in various ways in time of distress at sea. As a Jesuit of the conference arrange- ments will be made through the Bureau of Lighthouses, between the manufacturers of radio direc- tion finders, and the operators of steamships for the trial and dem- onstration of radio direction find- ing equipment under conditions of practice. It is anticipated that with the installation of the addi- tional radio beacon stations, and the activity of the manufacturers in the production of direction finders for use on shipboard, this method will be adopted very gen- erally as an aid to navigation.
Amateur Calls - New South Wales
[edit | edit source]AMATEUR CALLS NEW SOUTH WALES. The following is a list of Licences issued to amateurs in the State or New South Wales to the end of October, 1922: — Call Nature of Signal. Name. Address. •• Licence. 2 I I C. P. M. Dixon H. M. Gaol, Cootamundra R 2 I J A. H. Gray Florence St., Killara R 2 I K J. Kellen South Singleton R 2 I L A. J. Meagher West Wyalong R 2 I M W. J. Pay Adam St., Wentworth R 2 I N J. Payne 143 Avoca St., Randwick R 2 10 G. Ritcher Kyleston, Bombala R 2 I P R. W. J. Guthrie 281 Bridge Street, Drummoyne R 2 I Q J. F. Morrison 1 Annesley St., Leichhardt R 2 I R A. M. PolkinghorneFarm 728, Leeton R 2 I S A. Hinks Mount View, Mulgoa R 2 I T L. Solomon 1 Mamhead Flats, New St., Bondi R 2 I U R. T. Simpson 12 Teakle St., Summer Hill R 2 I V E. Mate Brompton, Turramurra R 2 I W L. R. Stephens 2 6 Carmray Avenue, North Sydney R 2 I X Burwood Radio Club2o3 Burwood Road, Burwood T 2 I Y C. V. Stephenson 605 George Street, Sydney R 2 I Z D. C. McMaster "Dalkeith," Cassilis R 2 J A F. W. R. Shelton Beamish St., Campsie R 2 J B F. L. Holmes Strathsaye, Roseville Avenue Roseville R 2 J C H. Fraser Roderick St., Tamworth R 2 J D R. J. Sharpe Fisher St., Bell Bird R 2 J E G. W. Tatham 58 Adelaide St., Woollahra R 2" J F R. C. Harivel 194 View Street, Annandale R 2 J C W. R. Mallam Beardy St., Armidale R 2 J H J. E. Nolan Bellevue Road, Double Bay R 2 J I W. E. Wilson Archibald Road, Roseville R 2 J J R. V. Stewart Murri St., Katoomba R 2 J K F. B. Smith 10 Waratah St., Rushcutters Bay R 2 J L H. S. Mellor 232 Burwood Road, Burwood R 2 J M R. C. Marsden Victoria Road, Edgecliffe R (Continued next Page)
2J N Wireless Electric Aquarium Buildings, Coogee Co. (A. J. Con- nolly) fm T Amalgamated 97 Clarence St., Sydney T Wireless .... . T 2MB (A/Asia) Ltd. T n vicinity or T 2 M C » Sydney 2 M D
[edit | edit source]Amateur Calls - Victoria
[edit | edit source]VICTORIA. 3 A A Controller of Wire-146 Flinders Lane, Melbourne T
- t~> Rroadbent 15 Richardson St., Essendon R
l f ® ? ' E J ’Cummins 5 St. James Avenue Mont Albert R IiSA. U. Alcock 14 Tintern Avenue, Toorak R r* a t tt Dawson Jumbunna o i S W*o D Brown Post Office, Oakliegh P f a" r M D Fitzgibbons Toorak Road, South Yarra o i S w qizmont 375 Kooyong Road, Elsternwick R I f f Curtis 148 Orrong Road, Elsternwick R o 7 t E Salamy Timor St., Warrnambool £ l f i H S Watson 158 High St., Kew P J ? A ' F ‘ Ney "Glenelg," Edward St., E. Kew P 3 t M G. S. Dohrmann 2 Hopetoun Avenue, Canterbury R 3 _ T t F Votherspoon "Ben' Lomond, Beaufort „ ts s Kss. 1 It § O- f L R ai Sw Avenue. Middle
- A ‘ Bridgton 5,
oa q W F Thurling 6 Poolman St., Port Melbourne *- o 7 t J Ellis 64 Vine St., Bendigo £ o *. tt s. H. Milligan 117 Autumn St., Geelong West o 7 v A. W. Relph "Verulas," Mont Albert Road, Canterbury 3AWR. R. Garran "Orphir," St. George's Road, Toorak R 3A X L. G. W. Petty Wilson's Road, Doncaster £ 3 a Y W W. Jenvey 12 Lord St., E. Caulfield p 3 A Z D. A. Grant 13 Scott St., St. Kilda P o-r a C Brown Church of England Grammar School Doman Road, South Yarra L 3 B B A. A. Gray "Claremont," Noble St., Geelong R 3B C MA. Mustard "Surrey," Taylor St., Oakleigh 3 B D E. R. Cox 28 Clarence St., Elsternwick P 3 B E W. L. Wood 125 Barry St., Carlton J; 3 B F A. E. Cornell Murrayville Post Office p 3 B G L. Osborne Terang
Station Calls - Ships Stations - Great Britain
[edit | edit source]STATION CALLS. SHIPS STATIONS. GREAT BRITAIN. Wabana YNL; Waddon ZWY; Wahebe GBKJ; Wahine GFYN; Waibemo GDBQ; Waibora GFYP; Waikawa GCNY; Waimana GNE; Waimarino YUS; Waimate MOS; Waipara GNK; Wairuna ENL; Waitemate GBNM; Waitomo GFYQ; Waiwera MRY; Wallace MQX; Waltham YBA; Walmer Castle MQH; Waltham Abbey GBZR; Walton Hall MTH; Wan- derer ZBO; Wangaratta GBQP; War Afridi GCVR; Warawala YBM; War Bbarata GCVD; War- cuta ZJH; War Brahmin GCYS; War Diwan XMM; Warepa YBU; Warfield EKT; War Fig GFJL; War Gaekwar XMN; W!ar Hindoo GCZK; Warialda YZJ; . Warina XLP; War Jandoli ZRP; War Jemadar OFI; War Krishma GCTD; Warkworth EIO; Warla XXD; War Mebtar BTC; War Nawab; XML; War Nicola XXQ; War Nizam OFN; Waroonga GCX; Warora BUL; Warri YMI; War Pathan GBCM; War Pindari GDMQ; War Ranee OFL; War Sepoy OCP; Warrior ZPQ; War Shikari OFJ; War Sirdar GCVW; War Spray XJX; War Sudra GCVF; Warszawa GZG; Warturm ELY; Warwickshire MYO; Water- ford YZY; Watsness YLE; Way- farer GCI; Wearbridge EKI; Wear- pool ERU; Wearwod BUD; Wedgewood LUD; Weehawken YZL; Weimar GFCQ; Weessen- felde GBQK; Wellpark XEA; Wells City BQY; Welshman GCPD; Weltondale GXK; Wend- land GDWC; Wentworth GBCN; Westborough BDJ; Western OFB; Western Coast GDTF; Western Valleys GCYK; Westhope XKX; Westinead ENK; Westmeath MJQ; Westminster Abbey GBSL; Westmorland ZBM; Westra YDO; Whakatane MRI; Whimbrel YGQ; Whateley Hall EZW; Whinfield BQF; Whitby Abbey GCBK; Whitegate GCXK; Whitemantle GDTB; Whitwood ZFR; Wigmore EQH; Willaston YCP; Willcasino EVP; Willesden EVG; William Balls BTF; William Carberry GDRC; William Middleton XET; Willkeno GRD; Willoropark GFPL; Wilston GTX; Wiltshire GCST; Wimbledon LUK; Wim- borne EWE; Wingate OEJ; Wini- fredian MFL; Winkfield OCV; Winnebago XAP; Winterton ODI; W. J. Radcliffe LSA; Wisley YWX; Wismar GCWS; Wither- ington GDZM; Withington ERR; Woldingham BOV; Wolfsburg GBDM; Wolverton ODQ; Wood- rrra GCFK; Woodburn XMA; Woodcock EJB; Woodcock GDTY; Woodfield, YNA; Woodville XKQ; Wordsworth GBLP; Woron GBLX; Worsley Hall MDW; Wotan GDLW; Wrangler GDXV; Wray Castle GDLK; Wulsty Cas- tle GOZ; Wye Crag EMV; Wye Tempest YOP; Wye Valley ESV; Wyncote ZBI; Wyneric MTB. Yang Tsye ZKO; Yarrow GFJV; Yarborough YLM; Yaroslavl ZOK; Yildum YBR; Yonne ZWV; York Castle ERC; Yorkshire GDKC; Yoseric ZFN.
Publication Note
[edit | edit source]Published by W. J. Maclardy, "Truro," Powell Street, Neutral Bay at the offices of W. M. Maclardy, 249 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Inside Back Cover
[edit | edit source]O'Sullivan's Electric Shop Ad
[edit | edit source]"It takes Experience to push a Wheelbarrow—And do it Right. .‘S\ THERE IS GREAT SATISFACTION IN MAKING A GOOD PURCHASE. WHY NOT GIVE ME A TRIAL For your next Electric Iron, Torch, Fan, Etc. ALL THE BEST MAKES STOCKED, PRICES ARE RIGHT. 296 Pitt St.,Opp.W&S.Board Our Experienced Staff is Always at Your Service Large Stocks Carried of— Wireless Goods. Murdoch’ Phones Radiotron Valves Cunningham Tube* CRYSTALS Terminals, elc. Magentite Sclieon, Celena Winding Wires (all sizes) COUNTRY ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. VALUE PARCEL POST ORDERS'
Electricity House Ad
W. M. Maclardy Ad
[edit | edit source]•Ring City 7385 7336. PRINTER lithographer binder engraver FOR GOOD PRINTING. Box 378 G,P.O. W. M. Maclardy, 249 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY. In answering advertisements mention Wireless Week'y.
Back Cover
[edit | edit source]Universal Electric Company Ad
[edit | edit source]>j D m rrom a Terminal DEPENDABLE WIRELESS APPARATUS. Thousands of Amateur electrical experimenters prefer to build their own Wireless Sets—and it is the Universal policy to offer to the Amateur, the highest grade parts and material for the lowest possible outlay. BUILD TOUR OWN Wireless Receiving Set—but build it RIGHT. By using Universal parts, material and sim- plified instruction—you will build it RlGHT—and it will work RlGHTA^^^^^^^^^^^ Our Universal standardised loose-coupler set, using crystal detector having a wave-length range from zero to 2,000 metres—brings in clearly all Coast and Ship Stations to New Zealand—and also enables the experi- menter to "listen in" on speech, music, broadcasted concerts. Complete Set No. 1. All parts and material necessary to construct the loose coupler receiving set. consisting of inductance sd tubes, wire, contact studs, terminals, base, complete with full instructions and wiring diagrams. Price, 22/6. Postage, 1/-. No. 2 Finished set, with polished maple base 32/6. No. 3. All parts, to construct above set, complete with detector, aerial wire, insulators pair of Murdoch'* Po^ta o^ 111 1 g beSt double headphones—instructions and diagrams— NOTHlNG MORE TO BUY— Price, £3/10/. Separate parts for above set:—Primary and Secondary tubes, sd. each; set of 4 ends, 2/3 per set* maple toase, 2/6; Ebonite tuning sliders complete with 6in. flat brass rod, 2/6 each; contact studs, nickelled with nuts, 1/9 per dozen; large, high grade nickelled Terminals, special value at 6d. each. Other Wireless PARTS and PRICES of special interest to the Experimenter. Standard 3 inch Dial of highly polished genuine black Bakelite, graduated from 0 to 180, exceptional value 5/6. Valve holders, one piece Bakelite; is fitted with contact springs that will not arc under filament cur- rent of Transmitting Tubes. Price, 7/6. AUDION VALVES.—AII standard makes stocked: Radiotron U.V.—200, 201; Cunningham Detector C 300, £2; Amplifier, £2/5/-; 5 Watt Transmitting Tubes, £3/5/-; genuine Audiotrons, double filament, 38/6. Honeycomb and Duo lateral Inductance coil giving selectivity and sharp tuning on wave-lengths from 75 to 23,800 metres. Variable condensers, 23 plates, 18/6; 43 plate, 23/6; all parts to build your own. "B" Batteries, long life, 22V 2 and 45 volts; special "A" Storage Battery, 6 volts 15 amps, £l/5/-. We have Large and Complete Stocks of all necessary Radio parts and material available for the Amateur—at very low prices. Let us know your requirements—you will like dealing with us. PROMPT SERVICE on all Country Orders.
- > •
- fs "\\ here your money goes the furthest/’ THE UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, 58 WENTWORTH AVENUE. SYDNEY. Catalogue in course of preparation. Send in your name for one.