Wikijunior:Small Numbers/Print version

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Some examples of the number 0
A circle has zero corners
A snake has zero legs
When it's midnight, the time on a digital clock is twelve (or zero depending on where you live) hours and zero minutes


Some examples of the number 1
Humans have one tongue and one mouth.
Earth has one moon.
Many rulers rule one country with one crown.


Some examples of the number 2
Rabbits have two ears.
Playing cards come in two colors (red and black).
Bikes have two wheels.


Some examples of the number 3
Tripods that hold cameras have three legs.
Sports have three champions most of the time.
There are three primary colors.


Some examples of the number 4
This giraffe has four legs, like many other large animals.
The year has four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Winter is the coldest of them all.
There are four directions on a map: North, South, East, and West.


Some examples of the number 5
A starfish often has five arms.
Each hand has five fingers.
The Olympic flag is made of five circles.


Some examples of the number 6
A classic guitar has six strings.
In the center of the flag of Israel there's a star with six points.
All ants, bees, and flies have six legs. Such creatures are called "insects".


Some examples of the number 7
Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti are the seven musical notes.
The seven colors of the rainbow are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
The Big Dipper is a pattern of seven stars.


Some examples of the number 8
An umbrella often has eight ribs.
The octopus has eight arms.

In the game of chess, each player has eight pawns.


Some examples of the number 9
Human pregnancy lasts for nine months.
One of the most famous compositions of Beethoven is his Ninth Symphony.
In the game of tic-tac-toe, there are nine fields on the board.


Some examples of the number 10
In the game of bowling, the goal is to knock down all ten pins!
It is possible to write any number, no matter how great, with only ten types of digits.
A centimeter is divided into ten equal parts, called millimeters.