Vegan and vegetarian phrases/Chinese

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Vegan and vegetarian phrases in Chinese
English Mandarin Chinese Cantonese Chinese
I am vegan 我吃全素(不吃蛋,奶) 我食全素(唔食蛋,奶)
I am vegetarian 我吃素  我食素
I eat only products of plant origin 我只吃植物性食品 我剩係食植物性食物
I do not eat meat 我不吃肉 我唔食肉
I do not eat fish 我不吃魚 我唔食魚
I do not consume dairy products 我不吃乳製品 我唔食乳製品

Words[edit | edit source]

Food items that are suitable for vegetarians and vegans
English Mandarin Chinese
vegetables 蔬菜
tofu 豆腐