Traditional Chinese Medicine/Sheng Yang Yi Wei Tang

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The formula Sheng Yang Yi Wei Tang, designed to replenish qi and lift yang, remove dampness and strengthen the stomach, consists of the following:

No. Pinyin Simplified Chinese Grams
1 Huang Qi 黄芪(膜荚黄芪) 30
2 Ban Xia 半夏 9
3 Ren Shen 人参 9
4 Gan Cao 甘草 9
5 Du Huo 独活 9
6 Fang Feng 防风 9
7 Bai Shao Yao 白芍药 9
8 Qiang Huo 羌活 9
9 Ju Pi 橘皮(陈皮) 6
10 Fu Ling 茯苓 6
11 Chai Hu 柴胡(北柴胡) 6
12 Ze Xie 泽泻 6
13 Bai Zhu 白术 6
14 Huang Lian 黄连 30
15 Sheng Jiang 生姜 3
16 Da Zao 大枣 3

Source: Liu Gongwang, "Development of Formulas of Chinese Medicine", ISBN: 7-5080-2797-3. Huaxia Publishing House. 2002.

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