Traditional Chinese Medicine/Qing Fei Tang

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The formula Qing Fei Tang, designed to nourish yin, clear away lung heat, regulate flow of qi and resolve phlegm, consists of the following:

No. Pinyin Simplified Chinese Grams
1 Huang Qin 黄芩 6
2 Jie Geng 桔梗 6
3 Ju Pi 橘皮(陈皮) 6
4 Fu Ling 茯苓 6
5 Xing Ren 杏仁 6
6 Dang Gui 当归 6
7 Gan Cao 甘草 3
8 Bei Mu 贝母 3
9 Sang Bai Pi 桑白皮 6
10 Tian Men Dong 天门冬 9
11 Shan Zhi Zi 山栀子 3
12 Mai Men Dong 麦门冬 9
13 Wu Wei Zi 五味子(北五味子) 6
14 Sheng Jiang 生姜 3
15 Da Zao 大枣 3

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