The Devonshire Manuscript/Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /

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The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies / Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent /
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 37v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 37r

f. [37r] 
f. [37v] 

1    Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /
2    for my good wyll to favor me Agayne /
3    thowe my trewe and faythfull love /
4    haue no power yowr hart to move /
5    yett rewe Apon my payne /

6    Tho I yowr thrall must euer{u'}more remayne /
7    And for yowr sake my liberte restrayne /1
8    the grettest grace that{{th}+t+} I do crave /
9    ys that ye wuld wytsave /
10    to rewe Apon my payne /

11    Tho I haue not deseruyd to optayne2
12    so ^ hey reward but thus to ser{{s}8}ve in vayne /
13    tho I shall haue no redresse /
14    yet of ryght ye can no lesse /
15    but rewe Apon my payne /

16    For I se wele that{{th}+t+} yowr hey dysdayne /
17    wull no wyse graunt that{{th}+t+} I shall more Attayne /
18    yett ye must graunt At the leste
19    thys my power And small request
20    to rewe apon my pame payne


Notes & Glosses[edit | edit source]

     1. This phrase is resonant.
     2. This phrase is resonant.
     3. It is uncertain that the same hand creates the flourish and the character.

Commentary[edit | edit source]

Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt based on internal evidence,[1] this poem was entered by H4 who uses large capitals in order to indicate stanzaic divisions. The speaker asks that his beloved feel sorrow for his pain in love: "thys my power And small request / to rewe apon my pame payne" (19-20).

Works Cited[edit | edit source]

Textual Notes[edit | edit source]

Texts Collated[edit | edit source]

AAH18, LEge40

Collation[edit | edit source]

1 Tho] Thoughe AAH18 can not] cannot AAH18 LEge40 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 cruelte] crueltie AAH18 LEge40 constrayne /] constrayne AAH18 constrain LEge40
2 for] ffor AAH18 my] mye AAH18 wyll] will AAH18 LEge40 favor] favour AAH18 LEge40 Agayne] agayne AAH18 again LEge40
3 thowe] thoughe AAH18 tho LEge40 trewe] trew AAH18 true LEge40 and] & LEge40 faythfull] faithfull AAH18 LEge40 love /] love AAH18 LEge40
4 haue] Have AAH18 have LEge40 power] powre AAH18 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 hart] hert LEge40 move /] move AAH18 LEge40
5 yett] Yet AAH18 yet LEge40 rewe] rew AAH18 LEge40 Apon] vppon AAH18 vpon LEge40 payne /] payne AAH18 pain LEge40
6 Tho] though AAH18 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 euermore] evermore AAH18 LEge40 remayne /] remayne AAH18 remain LEge40
7 And] and AAH18 LEge40 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 liberte] lybertie AAH18 libertie LEge40 restrayne] restrain LEge40
8 grettest] greattest AAH18 greatest LEge40 crave /] crave AAH18 LEge40
9 ys] is LEge40 ye] you AAH18 wuld] wold AAH18 would LEge40 wytsave /] vouchesave AAH18 LEge40
10 rewe] rew AAH18 LEge40 Apon] vppon AAH18 vpon LEge40 payne /] payne AAH18 pain LEge40
11 Tho] Though AAH18 haue] have AAH18 LEge40 deseruyd] deservid AAH18 deserued LEge40 optayne] obtayne AAH18 obtain LEge40
12 hey] highe AAH18 high LEge40 reward] rewarde AAH18 Reward LEge40 serve] serue LEge40 vayne /] vayne AAH18 vain LEge40
13 tho] thowghe AAH18 haue] have AAH18 LEge40 redresse /] redresse AAH18 LEge40
14 yet] Yet AAH18 ryght] right AAH18 LEge40 lesse /] lesse AAH18 LEge40
15 rewe] rew AAH18 LEge40 Apon] vppon AAH18 vpon LEge40 my] mye AAH18 payne /] payne AAH18 pain LEge40
16 For] But AAH18 but LEge40 wele] well AAH18 LEge40 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 hey] highe AAH18 high LEge40 dysdayne /] disdayne AAH18 disdain LEge40
17 wull] Will AAH18 wyse] wise LEge40 Attayne /] attayne AAH18 attain LEge40
18 yett] yet LEge40 yett ye must graunt At the leste] AAH18 At] at LEge40 leste] lest LEge40
19 thys] this LEge40 thys my power And small request] AAH18 power And] poure and LEge40
20 to rewe apon] to rew vponreioyse not at LEge40 to rewe apon my pame payne] AAH18 my pame payne] my pain LEge40