Sport Innovation/Active Network/Volunteers

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Volunteers are an essential component of charity runs and walks as they contribute to fundraising efforts and in making the event safe and successful. Volunteers support everything from setting up routes, to hanging banners, to joining local organising committees, to providing overall leadership as volunteer Run Directors [1].

Putting together a running event is a large task, especially for smaller organisations or charities. Initially, organisations need to effectively market their event and secure volunteers in order for the event to go ahead. Having customised registration forms online where the organisation can gather the necessary information from the volunteer will streamline this process and make it attractive for people to register [2]. Once they have acquired volunteers, the process of job duty assignments and roles needs to be implemented. Automated emails to keep volunteers updated and informed is an important resource to have.

Active Network's volunteer management solutions helps non-profit organisations effectively recruit and mobilize volunteers in a united effort [2]. From registration to reporting, Active Network allows organisations to recruit, train and organise volunteers in a smooth, efficient and worry-free process. The Komen Race for the Cure organisation heavily relies on volunteers in order to run their series of running and walking events which raise awareness and money for breast cancer research. Komen Race for the Cure are customers of and utilise the Active Network's volunteer management software enabling them to gain and manage adequate numbers of volunteers for their events.

People choose to volunteer for many different reasons. Volunteering can give people the satisfaction of helping others, provide opportunities to develop their skills, develop friendships and experience with community organisations. Volunteers find helping with charity events very rewarding, especially when it is to help raise money to find a cure for breast cancer [3].


  1. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (2011). Volunteer Opportunities. Retrieved from
  2. The Active Network (2011). Volunteer Management. Retrieved from
  3. Walk the Walk (2010). Volunteer. Retrieved from