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Spermatozoons are the reproductive cells of men or other male animals. When spermatozoons and ovum combined, zygote is formed, which then develop into embryo.

Jīngzǐ shì nánxìng huò qítā xióngxìng shēngwù de shēngzhí xìbāo. Jīngzǐ yǔ luǎnzǐ jiéhé cóng'ér xíngchéng shòujīngluǎn, jìn'ér fāyù wéi pēitāi.

For offsprings, each cell have two pairs of chromosomes, which is known as a diploid. Spermatozoon provide approximately half of the genetic material. In mammals, the sex of the offsprings is determined by spermatazoons. Spermatozoons with Y copy of chromosome developed into male offsprings (XY chromosome type) when inseminated. Spermatozoons with X copy of chromosome developed into female offsprings (XX chromosome type) when inseminated. Ovum only provide X copy of chromosome. Spermatozoons are first observed by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1677.

Duì hòudài (èrbèitǐ) éryán, jīngzǐ xìbāo tígōng dàyuē yībàn de yíchuán wùzhì. Zài bǔrǔdòngwù zhòng, hòudài de xìngbié yóu jīngzǐ juédìng: Hányǒu Y rǎnsètǐ de jīngzǐ shòujīng hòu fāyù wéi nánxìng/xióngxìng hòudài (XY xíng), hányǒu X rǎnsètǐ de jīngzǐ shòujīng hòu fāyù wéi nǚxìng/cíxìng hòudài (XX xíng), luǎnzǐ zhǐ tígōng X rǎnsètǐ. Jīngzǐ zuìchū yóu Antonie van Leeuwenhoek yú 1677 nián guānchá dào.