Handbook of Management Scales/Consensus on appropriation

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Consensus on appropriation (alpha = 0.85)[edit | edit source]

Description[edit | edit source]

The research note develops a consensus on appropriation (COA) instrument in the context of electronic meeting systems use. Initial item development, statistical analyses, and validity assessment (convergent, discriminant, and nomological) were conducted.

Definition[edit | edit source]

Consensus on appropriation (COA) is the extent to which group participants perceive that they have agreed on how to adopt and use a technology.

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Our group members were able to reach consensus on how to apply the EMS to our task.
  • Overall, members of our group agreed on how we should use the EMS for our work.
  • There was no conflict in our group regarding how we should incorporate the EMS into our work.
  • Our group reached mutual understanding on how we should use the EMS to perform our task.
  • Our group was able to reach consensus on how we should use the EMS to perform our task.

The items were measured on seven-point Likert scales anchored by the following: strongly disagree, quite, slightly, neither, slightly, quite, strongly agree.

Source[edit | edit source]

  • Salisbury et al. (2002): Research Report: Better Theory Through Measurement - Developing a Scale to Capture Consensus on Appropriation. Information Systems Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 91-103.

Comments[edit | edit source]

Allport and Kerler (2003) have published A Research Note Regarding the Development of the Consensus on Appropriation Scale. They suggest an opportunity to further refine the measurement of this construct.

Related Scales[edit | edit source]