Electronics Handbook/Circuits/RC Series

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Circuit's Configuration[edit | edit source]

Circuit Analysis[edit | edit source]

Circuit's Impedance[edit | edit source]

In Polar coordinate

Z = R /_0 + ( 1 / ωC ) /_ - 90
Z = = |Z|/_θ = /_ Tan-1

In Rectangular coordinate

Z =

Phase Angle Difference Between Voltage and Current[edit | edit source]

There is a difference in angle Between Voltage and Current . Current leads Voltage by an angle θ

The difference in angle between Voltage and Current relates to the value of R , C and the Angular of Frequency ω which also relates to f and t . Therefore when change the value of R or C , the angle difference will be changed and so are ω , f , t

Natural Response[edit | edit source]

ln V =
T = RC

Summary[edit | edit source]

In summary, RL series circuit has a first order differential equation of voltage

Which has one real root