Descriptive Geometry/Axonometric Projection/Axonometric Scales/Scale Factor

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Given: Angles

  1. Draw a view parallel to OC and draw a circle with A and C as the points of the diameter.
  2. Find where O intersects the circumference of the circle.
  3. Draw a circle in first view with O as the center point and a radius of OB. The point where this circle meets OC is B’.
  4. Draw a circle in first view with O as the center point and a radius of OA. The point where this circle meets OC is A’.
  5. Bring prime letters to auxiliary view to meet with the unit circle that has O as its center point.
  6. Bring these points down into the original view and draw an arbitrary line from these lines parallel to the folding line to meet with the transfer line of O. These are the graphic scales.

Axonometric Projection Graphic Scale given directions