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BNetEx is a network module made by Vertex. It's Open Source, object-oriented and supports both TCP and UDP.

New versions are announced in this thread: [1]

Data Structures[edit | edit source]

TNetwork[edit | edit source]

Functions[edit | edit source]

GetHostIP[edit | edit source]

Signature GetHostIP:Int(HostName:String)

Returns the IP address of the given host


int_ip:Int = TNetwork.GetHostIP("")
Print TNetwork.StringIP(int_ip)

GetHostIPs[edit | edit source]

Signature GetHostIPs:Int[](HostName:String)

A host may have several addresses at once which can be found out by this function


Local int_ip:Int[] = TNetwork.GetHostIPs("")
For Local i:Int = EachIn int_ip
   Print TNetwork.StringIP(i)

GetHostName[edit | edit source]

Signature GetHostName:String(HostIp:Int)

Returns a given host's name


Print "The local PC's name is: " + TNetwork.getHostName(TNetwork.IntIP(""))

StringIP[edit | edit source]

Signature StringIP:String(IP:Int)

Converts an integer IP into a string IP (also known as "dotted IP")


int_ip:Int = TNetwork.GetHostIP("")
Print TNetwork.StringIP(int_ip)

IntIP[edit | edit source]

Signature IntIP:Int(IP:String)

Converts a string IP into an integer IP


Print "The local PC's name is: " + TNetwork.getHostName(TNetwork.IntIP(""))

TNetStream[edit | edit source]

TNetStream extends TStream, therefore the usual write/read operations may be used on it. It contains all methods that can be used regardless of the protocol being used (TCP/UDP)